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Geneforge Wiki Poll, Part 2

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Since some new ideas have appeared with seeming consensus since the first poll, here's a new iteration of the poll.


Note that you do NOT have to choose the "like" or "dislike" option for every possible title. If you're neutral, just don't pick it for either.


There appears to be a general consensus that "Sucia" is the best theme for the wiki title. No one has posted otherwise, anyway. The lack of a Sucia option on the poll probably explains most of the Terrestia votes. If anyone *is* really attached to a Terrestia title or domain, feel free to post your affection in the thread.

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From what I have gathered, there is already an 'Encyclopedia Ermaria' for the Exile/Avernum works of the community, yes? If so, I would advise against a similar name for the Geneforge-site.


Both 'The Sucia Island Archives' and 'The Library of Sucia' don't convince me either, for a couple of reasons. A name for a project like this needs to be a catchy one. One that leaves a good, professional-ish first impression. Neither of the two suggestions mentioned before did this to me, so I'm forced to vote against them.


So I'm left with 'Sucia Archives', which to me doesn't have any of the filler the other titles have, but yet gives the end-user the same information of the site, and thus results in a name that not only sounds nicer, but is catchy and easily memorable.


But I am, of course, biased, since it was me who suggested the particular name in the first place. smile

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Originally written by Love Parallelogram:
'Encyclopedia Ermarian'.
I always thought it was 'Ermariana.'

I'm happy to see that people like Sucia Archives. Even though the word 'archives' somehow doesn't appear in the games, I think everyone can admit that the word is still somehow more Genforgesque than Encyclopedia. I'm a little disappointed more people don't think barred.ermarian is clever, but the address isn't really that important to me anyway.

Edit: I will be contributing a lot. You really are privileged to have me around.
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14 votes is what the last poll got, I believe. So it looks like the winner is


Sucia Archives






I voted against Sucia Archives, but I'm slowly being sold on it, and I think it'll be a good name. The barred subdomain is clever and gives the site some character, even if it's more obscure than geneforge would be.


Aran, make it so.

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We haven't specified an end for this poll, but we can probably close the deal on the site name today. Sucia Archives appears to be the most popular by far, with all other options receiving negative votes.


Since the relative majority in the domain name question is a closer call I move for a run-off regarding the domain name, offering the choice between barred, geneforge and sucia.


Also, can we hold the final poll in public? This issue seems trivial enough that voter protection need not trump ballot-stuffing prevention...

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Celtic Minstrel:
Why do you have DNA flag?
What is this DNA you speak of? Clearly those are essence scrolls. And it's the flag of the Tullegolites, naturally.
Encyclopedia Ermariana. smile
Emperor Tullegolar:
I always thought it was 'Ermariana.'
I win, again. I always win. I am the Emperor.
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I move for no run-off. I deliberately structured this poll to avoid the need for a run-off, as the poll isn't about choosing your favorite, but gathering information on the appeal of different choices. barred received 11 positive votes and 4 negatives. geneforge received 9 positive votes and 6 negatives. sucia received 6 and 4. Clearly, barred elicited the most positive reaction overall, while sucia elicited the most subdued reaction.


Aran, I know that _you_ dislike barred. It is after all your domain, and your generosity that is providing the site, so if you simply don't want barred I don't think anyone will object to your vetoing it. But let's not drag this on forever.

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