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Which Geneforge game(s) should I get?


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I'm thinking of buying at least one at some point in the near future. I cleaned out the GF1 demo twice awhile ago, and I've played parts of the demo for 2 and 4. I recall 1 being fun, but I also recall 2 making a lot of interface improvements. I understand that 4 has been pretty well received. How connected are the games storywise?


EDIT: I should probably mention that I'm also considering getting Avernum 4 or Nethergate Resurrection.

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Buying in bulk offers some savings. You can get the entire Geneforge 1-3 for less than individually. Geneforge 1 and 4 have the best plots, but the interface improves as the series progresses. It's a continuing storyline, but you can start anywhere.


Nethergate: Resurrection is an update to modern computers of the original with 2 new dungeons added and some more features.


Avernum 4 is a new game engine but a mostly recycled plot from Avernum 3 and graphics from Geneforge. Avernum 2 is better.


Avernum 5 is in developement and looks to be somewhat better than Avernum 4. Haven't seen enough to compare to Avernum 2. Jeff is moving away from letting people wander whereever they want.

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If you can put up with fewer features (or intend to buy and play the entire series as time goes on), then I highly reccommend G1. It has the best atmosphere and most intriguing plot.


My next recommendation is G4. Better interface, better combat, and the most PC builds and shapable creations of any game. My one complaint is that, in my opinion, the game bogs down in the fourth chapter (five chapters in total).


G2 isn't bad. Four factions to choose from, or you can choose none at all. The engine is a step up from G1 and has fun features like the ability to create artifacts and numerous creations that can join you. The world you explore feels big.


G3 I don't know much about, since I didn't like the demo enough to buy it; it's the same old story as the first two, but with fewer factions and less freedom to do whatever. However, it was well recieved by people who hadn't played the first two games, so it's not bad as a stand-alone game.


Each game builds upon the previous ones but is designed to be played by a newcomer to the series. You'll get the condensed version of previous games in the current game, but miss out on the exact details and reoccuring characters. If you hate ruined surprises, play them in order. G1-G3 are played as a Shaper, while G4 is played as a rebel.



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if you've got the money, go for all of the geneforge sereis. They're all worth it. I see a lot of knocks on any of them, but personall, i don't have complaints. there i things i wish thye could better, but they are all fanastic games well worth your time and money. I'd go for the trilogy if you're indecided between some oof them, the trilogy is a great deal and are all great games. Despite the kncks on GF3, it's a good game and the storyline is a set-up for #4, which is stupendously awesome.

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G3 also introduced zones-inside-zones, which added some surprise to the zone layout. It let you build your own artifacts, which were mostly pretty good. It was the first Geneforge game with cutscenes, and with NPCs whom you met repeatedly throughout the game in different places. It introduced powerful 'creator' enemies, as opposed to mere spawners. In Alwan and Greta it gave you NPC allies with whom you could interact throughout the game. It introduced you to advanced Shaper (and Rebel) magic, including long-term mind control, powerful defensive regeneration, and teleportation — none of which the player gets to use, but still, you see them. And it had this six island structure (counting the Monastery of Tears) that was annoying in some ways, but that gave you radically different climate, terrain and atmosphere in different chapters of the game.


People dissed G3 because these were all technical advances, and the plot of G3 was simple and comparatively constrained. In other games the actual number of things you could reasonably do at any point might not be that many either, but in G3 the limitations were more obvious: small islands and short-term missions. It was a sort of stepping-stone game, a chain of islands in plot as well as setting.


I still liked it a lot, and felt that it was the right game for its spot in the overall Geneforge story arc. The war had been joined in earnest, the battle lines were drawn, the number of options had shrunk. That's how it had to be. But that also means that if you have to skip one of the four games, G3 is the one whose plot is most easily summarized. So I'd agree with the priority ranking 4-1-2-3, or maybe 1-4-2-3.


Yes, perhaps 1-4-2-3 is best, as the priority list if you are going to play only one, two, or three of the four games. Because if you really love 1 when you try it, you'll still be able to switch over to the truly optimal 1-2-3-4 sequence.

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G1 had the best and most original setting, but its plot wasn't very immersive. After completing the original Awakened quests, the game basically fell apart. Joining the Awakened yielded no answers or direction except for "just travel around and report back." G2 has been a blast so far. I don't think I've ever played an RPG as open ended as G2 (all the Geneforge's are open ended), in fact, no other RPG I've played has ever been open ended. G2 is open ended, but the plot is immersive no matter which faction you join.


I'd just buy every game and play them in order.

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I think if you were to decide between the 2, you should decide if you prefeer the open-endness of avernum or the slightly more structureed geneforge. Geneforge, while more-openended then most games, is more structured than avernum, averrnum allows for much more freedom but has a skightly less-developed storyline. That's my opinion

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I agree with Lifecrafterandnoobeditor. All of the geneforge games are open-ended turned based rpg's with immersive plots and addictive gameplay. gf1 is definitely the best.closely followed by gf4. gf2 gave us new creations, while three seemed to be fine tuning and introducing alwan and greata ( important charcters in gf4) and giving us the enchanted anvil we all love and know so well. If you have the money, purchasing all four is something I reccomend.

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  • 2 months later...

I highly, highly recommend playing the whole series in order. They each stand alone, yet if you play them all you get to see the whole history, to watch the power of the Geneforge spread like a virus.


Some folks have their favorites...I personally like GF4 the best, but that's coming from a guy who played and enjoyed them all. GF4 may be the culmination, but I recommend playing them all in order to get maximum enjoyment.


So, really, begin with GF1.

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My recommendation would be to play G1, G2, and G4.


G1 - The main reason for its charm is that it introduces a completely new setting and game mechanics. However, the engine is not as polished as the later ones. So if you are going to play it, make sure you play it first.


G2 - The best game in the style of G1. There are enough factions for anybody to find one you like, and supporting any of them can lead to a satisfying victory.


G3 - It might be a technological improvement over G2, but was so boring that I didn't finish it. However, part of the reason for my disappointment was that the only choise presented to the player was which of the two evils was the lesser, and I was too spoiled by G2's multitude of options.


G4 - Is supposedly the best game in the series. It's not as open-ended as G2, but makes up for it by engrossing atmosphere and much better engine.

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