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What's the best avernum?

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The first (and last) BoA scenario I downloaded was Bahssikava. My parents, who are stout Quakers, reluctantly allowed me to download it after seeing the mature label. However, after seeing the slaughtered soldiers around every corner, they made me delete BoA and Bahssikava. I only got far enough into it to tell it was good.

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A1 barely has any plot. It has the strongest atmosphere, which makes it my second favorite. A2 wins.


I agree with Ducky that BoA doesn't really belong in an Avernum comparison, but I gave it a vote anyway because it's worth having, worth playing, and worth designing for if your talents run in that direction.


—Alorael, whose talents have never actually run anywhere. Maybe he needs more enthusiastic talents. His usually saunter, dawdle, or amble lethargically.

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Hey, how are y'all doin' today? This is my first post in months. I just want to ask Thlis Avatar why you don't think Avernum 1 has no plot. I do agree it's not as thick as 2 @ 3 or even 4 (which I haven't played yet but just ordered today!), but that doesn't mean it has no plot whatsoever. Any game that has missions and wingame finalies has to have some sort of plot somewhere. Oh and by the way, I voted for Avernum 1 and BoA! cool

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I didn't say it has no plot whatsoever. I said it has barely any plot.


You're in a cave and would really like to get out. There are these nephils and sliths and you must kill them for the good of Avernum. There's a demon! Kill it too! Oh, there is actually a more important demon you should probably kill. And then you can kill the guy who got you sent down in the first place. Fin.


—Alorael, who considers A1 his second favorite Avernum. The atmosphere and dialogue are excellent. They don't make a plot, but that's really okay. A3 is the game that suffers from having an uninteresting plot and much less atmosphere.

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Apples and oranges. A1 is an open-ended CRPG big on atmosphere. The interweaving three quest threads are nice, but don't provide enough driving force to the game (personally, I found the Grah-Hoth quest gave the most drive to the game, even though it seemed underdeveloped).


A2, on the other hand, is highly linear. It even works under the chapter system, though it shifts to open-ended in the last chapter, with the same theme of three quest threads. The focus of this game is more on scripted encounters than on the ability to go anywhere at anytime, so the plot is stronger at the expense of choice.


A3 breaks the mold set by the previous two games. It features five mostly sequential quests, with one driving purpose behind the game, all taking place in an all-new open-ended world. Thus, a compromise of sorts. Of course, there is the plague ennui... maybe if there was more moral ambiguity as with the Troglodytes, and more 'side options' like the Anama...


BoA: All breadth, no depth.


So, yeah, a bit difficult to rank. By the way, is that Solberg the BoE designer?




If I am escaping in a large truck and the hero is pursuing me in a small Italian sports car, I will not wait for the hero to pull up along side of me and try to force him off the road as he attempts to climb aboard. Instead I will slam on the brakes when he's directly behind me. (A rudimentary knowledge of physics can prove quite useful.)

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Originally by Dintiradan:


A2, on the other hand, is highly linear. It even works under the chapter system, though it shifts to open-ended in the last chapter, with the same theme of three quest threads. The focus of this game is more on scripted encounters than on the ability to go anywhere at anytime, so the plot is stronger at the expense of choice.
I rarely felt that my choices were overly limited, though. Chapter 1 is exploring all of northeastern Avernum. Chapter 3 is exploring all of the vahnatai lands. Chapter 4 is everywhere else. The only really limited and linear chapter was Chapter 2.


Originally by Fatman:


Ducky? or Dik Dik? perhaps Dikky?
Dikiyoba works surprisingly well. Diki is also acceptable, if you don't want to type Dikiyoba's full name out.
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Tricky Dik?


—Alorael, who thinks many people are misled by the four chapters of A2. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 are the demo. Chapter 4 is the rest of the game. Their sizes match. It could be considered a prologue in three parts and a game. The prologue is relatively linear, especially the very enjoyable Dark Waters part, but then the fourth part only has a plot in that the Empire is invading. It's just a much more visible plot than other Avernum plots.

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Originally written by Proctors don't gambol:
Tricky Dik?

—Alorael, who thinks many people are misled by the four chapters of A2. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 are the demo. Chapter 4 is the rest of the game. Their sizes match. It could be considered a prologue in three parts and a game. The prologue is relatively linear, especially the very enjoyable Dark Waters part, but then the fourth part only has a plot in that the Empire is invading. It's just a much more visible plot than other Avernum plots.
Okay, sure. :p

And not all of Chapter 3 is in the demo. The bulk of it is, but some of it is blocked off.

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I don't see why people like A3 better than A1. A3 was good, but I was just a little let down by it. I mean you finally get to go to the surface and this is what you have to deal with? It was fun for me but I much prefered the feeling of A1 where you are the original adventurer heroes and you get to pioneer a war against the empire. I was kinda let down to here that your party went away before A2 even though it was necesary for the plot. But my party would have stayed and slew all the empire soldiers they could.

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I guess I find it pretty surprising why Avernum 2 is the "unanimous" favorite. Equally, suprising are those that say the original was the worst. I enjoyed all three games immensely and as such is hard for me to pick a number one.


But, if I had to split hairs I would have to pick the original Avernum to inch past the others.. Followed by A3 then A2.


I felt that the the original had the most non-linear plot, most well-balanced combats, and much of the world was rehashed in Avernum 2. There were a few frustating puzzles (i.e. Halls of Chaos) in Avernum 2 that made it a little less enjoyable!

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(Avernum 1 is beating Avernum 3 AND 4! Yay!)

I like the atmosphere of Avernum 1, too– there's a sense of complete novelty and exploration (for some reason, I feel like Exile 1 had it more, though). I kind of liked the whole "You're trapped in an underground world. Oh, crap, what are you going to do?!" feeling. I read somewhere that the secret of really good games is making the player feel like they have all the choice in the world, when actually they're doing things that advance the plot. Avernum 1 is like that: you can go anywhere (provided you're at a high enough level not to get killed). In the subsequent ones, you have a specific quest, even from the beginning (although, in Avernum 2, the initial quest is pretty unimportant).

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For me the best game is A2, because it introduces the Vahnatai, who are one of the more original aspects of the Averniverse. 2nd best is A3 because of the adventuring potential; although it does unfortunately spoil the Vahnatai somewhat.


A4 is comparatively weaker in terms of plot and population, but it does introduce a good game engine, so I am hopeful about future games.

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