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Android version...any fu you're plans?


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any fu you're plans


I see you're using it to post as well. :)


Anyway, I haven't seen Jeff announcing future Android ports officially anywhere. After the Avadon release, he actually said it would take great outside support (as from Humble Bundle for Avadon) to do it again.

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You really don't want to type on a mobile device without automation though; it's pretty awkward. (Personally, I use the swipe-gesture thing.) Of course, they're all prone to errors like in the topic title.


Anyway, just saw Jeff literally calling Android "the opposite of Batman" in the comment section of that post. :p

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Having used tiny QWERTY keyboards on phones, they're still too small and too error-prone for my stubby fingers. I'm hoping for direct neural interface (I hear that once we master mind-machine interfaces we get helicopters!) but I'll settle for subvocalizing with accurate dictation software.


—Alorael, who ideally wants to interface with the internet over his phone while his car drives itself. The future is awesome!

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(I hear that once we master mind-machine interfaces we get helicopters!)

Its inventors might promise a new era of genius, but don't listen to them. They're just trying to find recruits for their own private army of demons.

We'll finally gain the ability to be thinkers! Fellow creators are what the creator seeks, after all.


(I have my own hand drawn tech tree for the game pinned above my desk...)

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I regularly send texts in English and German, and although switching languages is just a single quick tap, I often forget. A surprising number of common words in either language seem to be accepted by autocorrect as correct in the other, so I can get part way through a text before being surprised. On the other hand I often need to include some German words in my English texts. In fairness, I probably cause autocorrect a lot more stress and grief than it causes me.

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I use predictive text instead of autocorrect, which works pretty well for saving keystrokes and seldom causes embarrassment. Swiftkey will suggest words even before I type anything in; for amusement I will sometimes pick a random letter and then take every suggested word until it starts to repeat. The results can be very surprising.

Edited by Jerakeen
Good morning my love for the first time in the UK and Ireland and the pharmaceutical industry showed up at the moment but I certainly don't want to be bothered to do it for you to the left side of the major religions have as their backbone of wealth
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