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So. How do you all feel about the show? How would you rate it? What do you think about it compared to general hospital, greys anatomy, or other hospital shows?


Don't use the word hate. You all have tossed that word around so much that I have to find a word stronger than hate to describe how I feel about others… Hmmmmm… I megaloathe you all. Good day!” – Dr. Cox


See up there? Right there. Just one of the awesome quotes. I personally think that scrubs is the best TV show of all time. Here are more of my favorite quotes.


: I suppose I could riff a list of things that I care as little about as our last week together. Lemme see, uhh... Low-carb diets. Michael Moore. The Republican National Convention. Kabbalah and all Kabbalah-related products. Hi-def TV, the Bush daughters, wireless hot spots, 'The O.C.', the U.N., recycling, getting Punk'd, Danny Gans, the Latin Grammys, the real Grammys. Jeff, that Wiggle who sleeps too darn much! The Yankees payroll, all the red states, all the blue states, every hybrid car, every talk show host! Everything on the planet, everything in the solar system, everything everything everything everything everything everything - eve - everything that exists - past, present and future, in all discovered and undiscovered dimensions. Oh! And Hugh Jackman.


Dr. cox, played by John C. McGinley is on it. He is also more known for his roles as Bob Slydell in, "Office Space" O'Neill in Oliver Stone's Platoon and Marv in Stone's Wall Street.

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Originally Posted By: Lilith
it got pretty bad in the later seasons when they ran out of new ideas and had everyone backslide on their character development and repeat the same plots all over again

by the way this is something you can say to sound smart about any long-running show whether you've seen it or not
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After turning mediocre in the later seasons, they had the perfect opportunity to end it cleanly with JD leaving the hospital. Then they decided to try for more. It would have been better to end it, and sooner, than tarnish the good by association. Still, what is good is good.


That said, all of the characters were bastard-coated bastards with bastard-filling.

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Most shows jump the shark at some point, unless the network pulls a Firefly. Medical shows, in particular, seem to become more soap opera-ish as writers run out of ideas that actually have to do with medicine. House lost me about halfway through, I couldn't get into Scrubs or Gray's Anatomy, and even ER peters out around season eight.

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Most shows jump the shark at some point, unless the network pulls a Firefly. Medical shows, in particular, seem to become more soap opera-ish as writers run out of ideas that actually have to do with medicine. House lost me about halfway through, I couldn't get into Scrubs or Gray's Anatomy, and even ER peters out around season eight.

Seinfeld managed to stay consistently good for more or less it's entire running time. Unfortualtly, that means that we now have to endure watching reruns of it until the heat death of the universe.
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Originally Posted By: SereNikki
Originally Posted By: U883r 1337 !7r3n70n
I personally think that scrubs is the best TV show of all time.

Looks like you've made a huge mistake, Trenton.


in related news has anyone heard anything about the arrested development movie or am I still more likely to have a jetpack.
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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Homage
in related news has anyone heard anything about the arrested development movie or am I still more likely to have a jetpack.
The last I heard, it was coming back as a show exclusively on Netflix.

A ten episode run, leading up to the film, to be precise. Whether or not it's going to be exclusively on Netflix, I don't know. Supposedly they're filming any time now, and it'll air early '13 (according to Hurwitz's Twitter page).
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Go easy on him. He hasn't even broken...
Crap. He has broken 3k. I need to step up my game.
Yes, I have broken the 3k mark, fairly recently in fact; I seem to be posting relatively frequently of late. Better be careful, or I just might catch up to you. wink

Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
I just lost the game.
Don't worry, you can always win it back next round. tongue
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Having watched about a season and a half of Scrubs, I feel fully qualified to say that it's pretty consistently funny, does a very mixed job of portraying the incidentals of working in a hospital with any realism, and I don't feel compelled to watch more.


—Alorael, who agrees that Arrested Development is up there. He'd also give Battlestar Galactica high marks for quality, although it also had some struggles towards the end. Not so much repeating plots, though, but just not quite knowing how to wrap up, tie off, and cut hanging threads.

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My Musical was a great episode with such hits as,


Are you okay, are you alright?


Welcome to sacred heart!


Everything comes down to poo!


Its guy love!


And ofcourse, DR COX's all famous music rant:


Patti: Dr. Cox, I'm not crazy!

Dr. Cox: Am I still singing?

Patti: Singing like a bird


J.D: Dr. Cox, huge news!

I pulled some strings and got the parking spot right behind yours!

Bumper buddies!


Dr. Cox: Still, you're not ne-he-hearly as bad as her

Do you know how much you annoy me?

The answer is a lot

Should I list the reasons why?

Well, I don't see why not


It's your hair, your nose, your chinless face You always need a hug

Not to mention all the manly appletinis that you chug

That you think I am your mentor just continues to perplex

And, oh my God, stop telling me when you have nerdy sex!


J.D: Oh, by the way, last time Kim was in town, we got some appletinis and poured 'em on her good parts!


Dr. Cox: See now, Newbie, that's the thing you do that drives me up a tree

'Cause no matter how I rant at you, you never let me be!

So I'm stuck with all your daydreaming, your wish to be my son

It makes me suicidal and I'm not the only one

No, I'm not the only one


Janitor: It all started with a penny in the door

There was a hatred I had never felt before

So now I'll make him pay, each and every day

Until that moussed-haired little nuisance...is...no...more


Dr. Cox: So now that is why I call you names like Carol, Jane, and Sue

Like Moesha, Kim, and Lillian, Suzanne and Betty-Lou

See, regardless of the names I pick, my feelings are quite clear

You're a pain in every day of every month of every year!


Patti: Dr. Cox, you gotta help me, 'cause I really am distressed!

Can't you find another option, won't you run another test?


Dr. Cox: If you want some kind of favor, really any kind of favor

Please just get me peace and quiet from this God-forsaken pest!


J.D: I think what my bumper-buddy is trying to say...

Patti: Shut your cake-hole, Mary-Beth, or I swear to God I'll shut it soon!

Dr. Cox: Congratulations, we'll schedule your test this afternoon

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It'd be nice if there was a feature like on reddit, /., and other such sites where users can rate forum posts. If a post gets 'downvoted' enough, it gets minimized by default in the topic view and doesn't fire the forum's new post indicator.


Or we could just not have posts made that would be filtered by this system. One thing people have to realize is that high postcount rate and quality posting are not mutually exclusive, they just tend to be. Look at Randomizer, for example. Over 200 posts since sw-daily v2 went online, currently has the second-highest post rate on the forum. And yet I can't think of a time where I was annoyed by a Randomizer post.

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Originally Posted By: U883r 1337 !7r3n70n
Oh please Dantius. I will be caught up with you within one year.

Trenton. In case no one else has mentioned this, posting at an absurd rate is NOT the best way to gain status in the community. Your post count is a factor, as is your member number, but the quality of your posts and your secondary contributions (satellite boards, scenarios, campaigns...) make a big difference. Try not to post for posting's sake.
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Originally Posted By: Homage
Or we could just not have posts made that would be filtered by this system. One thing people have to realize is that high postcount rate and quality posting are not mutually exclusive, they just tend to be. Look at Randomizer, for example. Over 200 posts since sw-daily v2 went online, currently has the second-highest post rate on the forum. And yet I can't think of a time where I was annoyed by a Randomizer post.

Eh, it's all subjective. Allorael would've been a much finer example. smile
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I'm annoyed by pretty much everyone's posts at some point -- and I imagine the reverse is true as well. It's a question of balancing out the positive contributions you make to the community versus the ones that may irritate some people. If someone's positive contributions are high, and you generally appreciate their presence, it's a lot easier to give them the benefit of the doubt when they make posts that are stupid, or spammy, or just in poor taste.


Originally Posted By: U883r 1337 !7r3n70n
I also make sure all my posts HERE are relevent to the topic.

This is a good place to start. That doesn't automatically save them from being spam, however. The other thing to aim for is making a post only when it will be meaningful and interesting to your audience (which may be different from what you yourself find meaningful and interesting). Everyone makes stupid, boring posts now and again -- it's only human -- but the less often you do so, the more you will be appreciated and the less you will be accused of spamming.

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Letting everyone post and delete at will -or better still, edit their own post counts- would go a long way towards keeping the forum clean of spammy irritating posts.


I'll never admit it, but I want to have a post count of thousand. I have no idea why, but I suppose its psychological and perfectly natural.

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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: BMA
I'll never admit it, but I want to have a post count of thousand.
I think you just admitted it. tongue

Bah. I'd like a post count of one. That way I could start afresh and be annoying in more wholesome ways; I'd rather have the mod team rolling their eyes than shaking their heads. wink
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Scrubs is one of the only shows that, when I am flipping through cable channels and come across it, I will always stop for it. No matter how many times I have seen the episode, I'll stop and watch it again.


That being said, Arrested Development is the funniest show on television. At the scene where someone picks up a certain man in a banana suit with a claw-crane, I laughed for 5 minutes straight tears running down my face and my sides felt like I did 500 sit-ups in a matter of minutes. No exaggeration. I've never laughed that hard at ANYTHING on television.

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Originally Posted By: SereNikki
I'd like a post count of one. That way I could start afresh and be annoying in more wholesome ways; I'd rather have the mod team rolling their eyes than shaking their heads. wink

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the mod party?

Really, Nikki, I think you're the only person in the top ten who hasn't held that title (unless you had it and I missed it). What gives? Is it your general attitude, or a bias against Brits, or are you simply too cool for the job?
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