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Spidweb in the future?


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Let's face it. Mr. Vogel will one day die. Though that may not be soon, it will most probably happen before my death. AND I will be a life long spid web player. I am curious. What happens when Jeff's time comes? A life without spiderweb software? Will an heir or stranger take its throne? Will games of the series's be made by someone new? Will the forums shut down? Will all things spiderweb software related Ceace to exist? I could not think of such a thing.


Xx Trenton

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Creepy, but I've had these worries about Randall Munroe, Howard Tayler, Jeph Jacques et al myself. I suppose we'll have to face the fact that we will eventually be gone, and so will the people who create our entertainment.


Well, or we can start working on immortality technology. I want Avernum CXIV for my two hundredth birthday, dammit.


Meanwhile, Jeff isn't old. He'll be writing games for a good long while yet, I'm sure.

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The company, including all its series, goes to Jeff's heirs, which I assume would be his family. They could sell it, but I'm not sure who would buy it, or if they'd do it justice. If a daughter takes up the programming and design mantle, maybe it could live on as a father-daughter business.


The likely outcome, of course, is that the company stays around for a while selling the existing games, then closes up shop and the forums disappear. And honestly, the more likely outcome is that Jeff gets bored, runs out of spark, or retires before dropping dead.


—Alorael, who doubts the forums would survive without new games bringing in fresh blood anyway. At least not unless the games truly do go mainstream and pick up an enthusiastic modding community to keep them alive without creator input.

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Sure you can. An idea is only as hardened as the skull it resides in.


—Alorael, who also is pretty sure Spiderweb isn't an idea. It's a handful of franchises in an incorporated entity. Granted, corporate personhood means some people are now very hard to kill, but they're also not great at original thinking.

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Long before death brings in the end of Jeff's life, I see retirement as bring the end of Jeff's working with Spiderweb Software. Perhaps there will be some young protege to pass along the mantle of the business. Perhaps that protege will be Jeff's own flesh and blood. That cannot be said.


What can be said, however, is that Jeff isn't going to retire anytime soon. He's got a kid to support and get through college, after all.

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