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A:EftP - i give up

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Dexterity doesn't help with to hit chance for melee attacks because the tool tip is wrong, Strength gives you +5% to hit chance and melee weapons and blademaster give +1%.


Dexterity does make it harder to be hit versus physical, fire, and energy damage attacks.


The easiest thing to do is use the editor to remove the unneeded dexterity and put it to strength. That should give you +20% to your to hit chance. Otherwise it will be a long time before you can level up enough to fix it normally.

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The tooltip in the first version is misleading. Strength affects your chance to hit with a melee weapon, not Dexterity (Dex affects bows and thrown missiles).


This can be remedied on the main screen by enabling the character editor. In game press Shift+D and type in "editor" to reallocate all of those dexterity points to strength.


Edit: Sniped

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Some tips -


1. Don't give a character both melee and pole skill. He will only use one of the two, your points are better invested elsewhere.

2. Explore other areas of Avernum. There are plenty of pointers where to go to be found, especially here on the forum. If you're still a little stuck or confused, tell us exactly how far you've gotten and what you're trying to achieve.

3. Prepare before fights. Use buffs and debuffs, such as war blessing, and try to set 1-2 priorities for each stage of each fight.

3. Turn down the difficulty setting.

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Pff I'd wish I could throw an excuse like that (dex) to explain all the troubles I have.


I was close to be discouraged and tried explore a lot. I have now 2 full pages of quests, but I finally found some stuff that seems more playable. I suppose it's new stuff brought by the the remake, I don't remember it and a detail hint me I'm not wrong, get a sort of house, well at least an official place to put items. Not that it seems useful because I can't say it's in center and I have yet to find a pylon close if there's any there.

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I have similar difficulties, Vent.


I really would like to be given some directions from you people, couldn't imagine the game was so huge coming from Avadon and also I inbred tend to explore a lot, so I am a bit lost at the moment in terms of planning how to proceed *


Party is now level 20 (Blademaster and Archer/Healer) and 21 (Pole warrior and Mage).


Got medals number 1, 2 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25 (reforged Demonslayer!), 28.



Crown Token, Blessed Athame, Crystal (7), Metal Triangle (6), Aranea Queen Fangs, Serpent Ring, Graymold Salbe Recipe, Ivory Brooch, Malachite Brooch, Pearl Brooch, Bronze Key, Onyx Key (2), Iron Key, Crystal Key.


Current Quests (this is the REAL mess):


Banish Adze-Hakaai

Slay Sss-Thss

Erika's Tower

Mushroom Meal (got them, have to deliver)

The Wisdom of Khoth

Sugar (got it, have to deliver it)

Aranea Fangs (got them, have to deliver)

The Scimitar

Scout the Sliths

Herbs for Ether (got them, have to deliver)

Barghas's Library

The serpent Ring (got it, have to deliver)

Chevny's ring (I found a surface noble brooch or something in good Spiders lair but I don't think it's the real deal)

Works of Magery (got two, have to deliver)

Intentions of Kyass

Anti-Poison Brew (got the Aranea Fangs, have to deliver)

The Graymold Patch (got the Graymold, have to deliver)

Iron Bars (got a lot of them, have to deliver)


Tongs &Pincers (got the Pincers can't identify the Tongs, or the reverse situation!)

Bounty - Rat Nest

Kelner's Note (Can't find him in ToM)

Bounty - Lord Chuckles

The Walking Dead

Savage Gardening.


I estimate the party is at about 60% of the game, in terms of Quests, but I speculate not more than 40% in terms of played time, mainly because of all the Quest object/messages and so on I still have to deliver…


* hope "inbred" doesn't sound pretentious, I found the word on the Dictionary, it seemed fitting but I can't be sure, it's not my language.


Thank you all!



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@Superba: You seem to be doing really well then! 2-char parties are not that easy to pull off. Beware that the final stages of the game get increasingly difficult the fewer characters you have. Clever positioning should be able to replace your ability of crowd control.

There are 3 main ways into the northwestern quarter of Avernum, any of them is safe for you if you were able to slay Sss-Thss. See map. And choose what kind of mobs you want to be fighting - undead, sliths, or giants wink

And I really, really wouldn't use "inbred" in that context. Though English is not my primary either but my third, I would suggest "innately", or "naturally". Mind that Americans generally tend to avoid compact sentences with adverbs.


@FnordCola: Ramen!

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I suggest turning in all the easy quests since most don't give a lot of experience and it will make it easier to see what's left. Leveling up will make it easier to explore the areas where you have combat. You will finish the game somewhere in the mid 30s but you get less experience at higher levels. You are about halfway through the game,


Repair the Crystal Cavern north of Cotra with the Crystals for a nice reward.


Chevny's Ring is any platinum ring, but there is one in a barrel in the cells on the Castle's east side.


Tongs and Pincers are found almost everywhere and can be spotted by moving your cursor over items in containers or on the ground.


Kelner is in the ToM by the south pool along the wall.


Bounty - Rat Nest is below Formello using the trapdoor to the east of the south gate. There is a hidden switch on a pillar west of the ladder.


Message - Shaynee is at her Bazaar west of Fort Saffron.

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Other than those Randomizer already has mentioned, there are a few other easy ones to clear out:


Scout the Sliths: Since you already have completed The Slith Menace I assume you wiped out the slith island fort SW of Cotra. In that case I assume you have the slith plans (if you don't they are in a chest on the second floor) so just go to Rosie and get your reward.


Intentions of Kyass: Pretty much just go north to the Freehold, talk to the guy, and return to Houghton.


Bargha's Library: Just head north of Fort Saffron to Bargha and visit the library (it's in the first floor in the back of a shop selling scrolls and stuff). There is even a portal so you can quickly go back to X and report success. And while you are there you can go do The Scimitar as well.


And for the Graymold Patch I don't think you have to give him any Graymold, just let him know that the patch is there.


Another tip: Turn in the Anti-Poison Brew before the Aranea Fangs, since Aife in Fort Draco will take all of the Aranea Fangs you have in your inventory, whereas the guy needing the fang for his brew will only take one. If you turn in the Aranea Fangs first, remember to drop one so you can turn in the Anti-Poison Brew afterwards.


I don't know the difficulty level you are playing, but you probably could handle Savage Gardening and The Walking Dead based on character level.


EDIT: Oh, I didn't notice the two character party. Savage Gardening is probably OK still, but maybe not The Walking Dead.

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Thanks a lot, I took good notice of most of the advises, a couple of them really brightned my party's day.


Went on making a sort of absorbing mess in which I feel at home, so the party is still wandering around like mad killing close to anything breathing or not.


A question: which is the one that lets you buy levels in Dispel barriers? It's frustrating to kill everyone in a cave and find a last barrier you are not able to dispel.


The party also met the three surface conspirators in the tower, cursed Erika, the revenging drake, said "yes" to all of their proposals, then stop because a single question came to their minds: why do we want so desperately to go back upstairs?


I mean, they are sort of idols for a subterranean world, people love them, have a dangerous but succesful life full of gold, power, magic and, not to be forgotten, ale.


If there really are three ways to end the game and the party accomplish missions to decide which one fits them, maybe their present question doesn't come too early. Sadly, I don't have an answer for them, yet. What about you?




ps: Soul of Wit, you guessed right.

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There are not 3 ways to end the game. There are 3 major, "game-winning quests" you can complete. You don't have to pick and choose, but can complete all three. Completing all 3 will get you a special message, although you are still able to continue playing.

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Ok. I have some other questions:


1) It's written somewhere that the Wand of Carrunos is an augmentig strenght device conceived to strenghten prey during the hunt. I tried to use it on fellows of the party but, quite obviusly, it is not possible. According to logic if I use the Carrunos Wand on a foe the effect will be augmentation of his strenght... rather unpleasant thing to do. So what is it exactly that it does?


2) In Sulfras liar the drake asks for two artefacts to grant passage. I have one, but even if I had two I would try to avoid give anything to this crook. I noticed there is a dialogue option for the fight, but when I kill it I fear the gate wouldn't open anymore. So would it work to bring him the artefacts, kill him after the gate opens and get back the two things?


3) This one is annoying: I'm pretty sure I got the Royal Seal somewhere, but the Quest is still there and there's no object in Special Items... maybe I missed to click on "Take it", can't remember where it was, please tell me.

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1) The Wand of Carrunos is a legacy from previous games of a cursed item to multiply a monster's stats to make the fight harder. I never tried it this game.


2) You can't get the quest items back. Killing Sulfras to get past the gate is supposed to be an option that I haven't tried yet. It is a tough fight.


3) The Royal Seal is on a body in the northwest of the Shattered Fort east of Almaria in the Lava Fields. You need to talk to Patrick and get the gold key from the Cells in the Castle. It's a special item.

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1) When did it multiply a monster's stats? In Exile it healed a monster. There was a whole series of "cursed" consumable items like that, that just did bad things when you used them. The explanation for the wand was that Carunnos was a god of the hunt: the wand was used by his worshippers to strengthen their prey for a more exciting hunt. Jeff appears to have taken some liberties with



2) You can't do anything else with those artifacts, so you may as well give them up for the experience. Also, in the next game you will probably have the opportunity to reclaim at least one of them.

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Ok, thanks, got the Royal Seal. At the moment the party is stucked in Black Spire, defeated the demons they reached the garden with two sisters statues, they talk about drinking thrice the water of the magical fountain but I can't see how to reach it. I've found the external secret passage but have not enough Dispel barriers levels to open it.

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I've been to Kohth then I reminded I already have been there, also in the southern fort and was forbidden to get its item to exchange with the ward spell by another awfull magical barrier I still don't have enough Dispel barriers level to open. Met Soldberg's shade which gave us the Black iron key and suggest to reach the warrens to find the Orb, well it's a mess, isn't it? I'm at the point og the game where each item depends from another one and I can't get anymore to go on. Have four of the five brooch Erika asked for, i.e., but I can't find tat Bernhard in Dharmon who is told to have the fifth. I probably should have written a time scheme for actions to perform before, I know now, what I am i supposed to do at first?

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Bernhard in Dharmon is in jail, but visiting hours are by boat.

The Slith Arcana that Maiwan of Fort Dranlon wants is not blocked by magical barriers, but by a hidden switch in the Swamp City near Fort Dranlon.

Thanks for Fort Dranlon tip. Bertrand is in Mertis, according to his prison mate, only I can't find him.
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