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Day 90, no orb of thralni in sight


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Hello and welcome to my game, where I defeated the first two demo plagues, I defended a drake lord from tons of drakes, I took out the slith/ogre camp in upper exile, and practically everything I can think of, Im going to try and find that one demon in the Isle of bigal today and kill it, And its day ninety, so when will it be taken. I need a chalange and Ive been waiting forever, and I thought defeating the second plague would have started it, or somthing, so Im asking, Is there a susspific date it happens or somthin?

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I just double checked, I also relized I never turned in the dragon scale evidence blush and so I did that thinking that might do it but still nothing. I took care of the murders easily with mass charm, took the key, and talked to aniximander, thats over. And yet when I talk to aniximander It doesnt say anything about the orb of thralni, when I talk to levi he says that he still has it.

Originally Posted By: Levi
"Be sure to give me a request some time"---He smiles smugly "Request denied" You resist the urge to punch him
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Yeah, I read alot of walkthroughs for secrets in the demo area and stuff to kill, and I think I saw one tower in the main story that theres alot of lava and you are told to fly over it, either that or the orb of thralni cant be used, one of them, anywho, I told him about the roaches and that didnt trigger anything, Im going to go back to the murder cave to see if I missed anything, and maybe talk to erika about the dragons, and a few more things, let me know if anyone figures it out.

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I just checked the E3 hint book; it says you can't get the Orb of Thralni until day 130 unless you've taken care of the troglodytes and giants. I'd swear it was available a lot sooner, even in the demo...


Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I think you do need the Orb at some point. Flight normally lasts for 3 turns and the Orb lasts for 6, right?
Yes, you need the Orb for the golem quest. Also, yes, those are the correct flight durations.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
I'd swear it was available a lot sooner, even in the demo...
I can confirm that it's available in the demo. I don't recall when though; however, I do know that I got as far as the Tower of Magi attack in the demo before giving up and forgetting about it, and I know I had the Orb of Thralni by then.
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Yeah, I already knew it was in the demo; I played the demo for a few years solid before buying the trilogy. I just meant that I thought it was available sooner, regardless of whether you were playing the demo or the full version.


Trenton Uchiha - A lot of events and mandatory side quests are triggered by, among other things, simply walking into Anaximander's office; if you try that, and a message pops up about the theft, then you've triggered it. Another thing you could try is walking into the portal in the Portal Fortress; if you get sent somewhere other than the Tower of Magi, then you're going after the Orb.

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Unless I read my notes wrong, Trenton is right. You should be getting the quest after you have completed the Slime and Cockroach quests. One detail is that you need to have the evidence pointing to Erika and show it to Berra in Fort Emergence. This evidence is found in the Filth Factory, but you have to remember to find it before you blow the place to smithereens.

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Quite right. I think what the hint notes implied is that in order to trigger the Orb quest, you need to have completed both the Slime Quest and the Roach quest, gotten the evidence from both places, and presented it to Berra.


Actually I thought that the Orb quest was based on days, rather than events. It is just that after having completed the first two major quests, enough time will have passed for the Orb quest to be triggered.

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You know what? I think Im going to pump it all the way up to 20! That way it will be like a 1/1000 chance to die. Thatll help. But Ive practically done everything in the demo. hmm. OFCOURSE! not being able to die is exactly what I need when fighting the fiesty slap of pain monks! So Ill just send the level twenty luck guy out, and keep the other fighters back with my priests.


*sails to the Island is upper exile where they sell the knowlage brew, and dusts off his editor*


But about the orb of thralni, Im going to go and do stuff until day 120. If it doesnt happen by then then I will tell you.

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E3's in-game info is quite sparse for Luck. Here's what it says:


This skill is expensive, but can be a bargain at twice the cost. Its effects are pervasive, subtle, powerful, and sometimes irreplaceable.



Although it costs no gold, hold off on buying this until your level is high. Luck can help A LOT, but at low levels other things help more.

Besides a (dramatically) decreased chance of dying, I believe Luck also increases your chance to hit, and decreases your chance of being hit. It might also increase the damage you do and decrease the damage you take, but I'm not sure anymore. It may be a good idea to search around various E3 sites for more and better info.

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Haven't you learned by now that you should never trust the in-game info?


In Exile, Luck affects chance to

- not die

- reduce damage (by 1 pt only)

- pick locks

- total party luck affects item drops in some way, possibly quality


this is from the BoE code.

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Thanks, Slarty. I knew luck did quite a few things, but I wasn't entirely sure what.


Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Haven't you learned by now that you should never trust the in-game info?
Actually, I've known this since the late 80's. I was merely pointing out that the in-game info was vague at best.


Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
- total party luck affects item drops in some way, possibly quality
Actually, I think it might be quantity, at least in the classic BoE. I remember bringing a party with 10-20 luck apiece into some scenario, and just about every monster killed dropped either gold or food (and in some cases, both), plus at least one item.
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Salamanders dont have pockets...And besides I never saw a salamander in exile three. I only though they were in exile two. Ya know because they were there in that one homestead to the east of fort draco about 10 miles. The guy tells you to get rid of them, or were those fire lizards? But I never saw one in the exile 3 demo


BTW Day number 98. Havent been on as much with eighth grade going on now. Plus I'm going to do football after school so that will cut three more hours out of my day. So I wont have much time fore exile.

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Originally Posted By: Metatron
I always thought it was strange that salamanders dropped 45-50 gold pieces, and large wooden shields. It was so unrealistic. Salamanders radiate fire fields, so the wooden shields would have caught on fire, and their pockets are too small to fit 45-50 gold pieces.
Yes, it is very unrealistic. Why a salamander would be carrying a shield in the first place, I'll never know. Or gold coins, for that matter.

As near as I can figure, in the Exile series (or at least classic BoE) the item(s) dropped by a monster are pretty much random, and seem to be more or less determined by the monster's level and an item property called a "treasure class" (the higher the class, the less often the item is left).
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Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile.
By the way, I had just gotten my fighters luck up to twelve. How powerful is luck when its that high? Should I put some more skill into it or go for some more edged weapon.

I remember reading somewhere that luck is sbject to extreme diminishing returns, when Im back on my main computer I'll link it I have the site on my favorites. One point in luck gives approx. 33% of the total effect, and past that is single digit diminishing effect. I reccommend 2 points in luck max. Twelve points means you only have about 20% more effect than one point, at tremendous skill point costs.
10x5=50 points which could max your str and melee and give some of a secondary as well. (This math based on you having 2 points in it, rather than 12.)
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Close. There is no formula for Luck's lifesaving effect, rather, there is a lookup table. So the increase in % for each point is different.







With 1 point of Luck, you really do get a 30% chance to stay alive! Craziness. 2 points gets you 40%. 12 points will actually give you 84%, not 50%. How useful this is probably depends on how often your characters attempt to die.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
Close. There is no formula for Luck's lifesaving effect, rather, there is a lookup table. So the increase in % for each point is different.


With 1 point of Luck, you really do get a 30% chance to stay alive! Craziness. 2 points gets you 40%. 12 points will actually give you 84%, not 50%. How useful this is probably depends on how often your characters attempt to die.

Crisis, it was your YOUR post actually. Hadnt read it in a while, so didnt remember exactly, but I remember you said that 2 points of luck is very good, and 20 is overkill.
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It is now day 100. I have been caught up with eighth grade and homework so I try and get on when I can. Just came back from the islands of fiesty slap of pain monks. got some good expierience, still nothing. Im going to scout the slime cave once more, check out the murder caves, and talk to erika. Will update soon!


UPDATE: day 102, checked out erika, nothing usefull to say, searched the slime pit again, abandoned as always, rune taken again to be sure. Other than 2 Zombie slimes on map and a Archer nothing out of the ordinary. checked out the murder caves, re-went through. Nothing. Im currently positioned in fort emergency trying to figure out the best way to get to the Fury crossbow hidden inside the wall without getting myself killed

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Definitely eighth grade. Ive power pushed my characters enough were its no problem. I send my tank, powerhouse, and archer out to kill, while I give two of each, bless all, and curse all. I took out at-least 9 groups in a row without breaking a sweat to get back...Before realizing I still had the amulet of return


*facepalm headdesk facepalm*


EDIT: minor spelling errors.

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Ive been exploring to pass the time, so I went to the far east to the edge of the continent, and went up to the undead infected area, I was hiking along the west mountains (Got some good rep from about thirty ghasts, a whight, and a spirit) and found a secret passage around the beginning of a river, and went up it around to the other side. I found a tower that I couldent get into in a forested area *Its between the river runoff and the mountains* and I was wondering what it was. Im going to exit the area for now because I cant go much norther for I have the demo. Im going to scout the east area a little. I already found the saphire tree from this area, but I never really explored. When Im done Ill use the stone of return to go back and inform you all if it comes up.




UPDATE:I traveled around the sguiggus and lennus area, gathering the herbs that were around there, untill it was daY 110. I used the amulet of return, went to anaximander, and he said Its been stolen! hell yeah! finnaly, a chalange! Ive been waiting to prove my worth. This is not my chalange but it is a bit hard, itll help me work torward getting stronger for the tower of magi demon quest. I shall post some through out fighting, and when Im done. Thanks for the help!

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I'm pretty amazed someone wrote a 400k piece of fanfiction for Jeff's games. IIRC, the games themselves only have around 100k worth of dialog.


Then again, the people on fanfiction.net are pretty obsessive sometimes. This one woman wrote a two million word Mass Effect novel. That's four times the length of War And Peace, written about a video game. Talk about dedication and/or insanity.

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well this person sorta went in depth with the party members. Make them interact with Heather, talk to each other. And in all three games she makes atleast two of them lovers. And then they are looking around and doing stuff that are not plot essential. Like, oh i dont know, finding a secret nephilim base or something. so its bound to be longer than the game. Then the person made an epilogue to exile 3 fanfic...



ORB OF THRALNI UPDATE: ok, I took out the first cave that you appear in pretty well, maybe a bit weak. Im going around the huge lake, but I dont think I can do the second town, wich is all dark, and I only have 11 torches, and two lamps.

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