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Encyclopedia Ermariana


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Thank you for pointing that out. I just went and cleaned it up, removing some made-up and unsubstantiated information that had been added (and one senseless change to the earlier part of the timeline).


The timeline is still my baby, I guess. Which is not to say don't edit it, but the timeline, out of all the pages on EE, is not for making stuff up, including exact dates. Careful conjectures, sure, but then document those on the talk page so other people can consider your reasoning too.

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When you change the timeline, do you work from notes you took while playing, or directly from the text files?


ADDED LATER: There's a forum thread where it is generally agreed that the events of A6 begin in 880. I'm just curious what made you change your mind about that.


I suppose I should put all this on the wiki page, but I don't know if anyone will see it.

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I work directly from the text files (or in the case of the first trilogy, from my own dumps of the game files, which are available somewhere on Aran's servers). I use mass file searching with grep to find relevant material quickly. "Ago" and "year" are starting points, and I have a list of synonyms and other time words I throw in just to be thorough.


Solberg, I either had no idea (or forgot) that you were Jerry bush!

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Yes I'm double posting but the last one was days ago plus I'm providing an update.


Due to outrageous spamming on Encyclopedia Ermariana, Arancaytar has (temporarily?) shutdown the site. Below is what the page says when you try to go to the site.




What happen!!

The Ermarian Network, or the part of it you are looking for, has been taken offline due to some serious glitch. This was done at Wed, 20 Jul 2011 04:58:15 -0700 -0800. The specific message entered at shut-down was:


spam, and no time to deal with it this month


For the moment, passengers are advised to stay calm, breathe into the handy paper bags that will be released from the ceiling, and do without our lovely range of services.


signed, Arancaytar


Post #582 cool

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, sorry about that. It turned out the encyclopedia attracted an almighty flood of spam around March this year (dozens of pages per day). I only noticed it a few months later, when the actual content was a tiny fraction of the site. I also had several exams and a presentation due, so I just shut it down until I could deal with it.


Now I could, so I brought it back up and purged pretty much everything from the past half year (I checked and there didn't appear to be anything other than spam). Unfortunately, I also had to close off account creation, as the spammers have figured out how to register and apparently bypass captcha challenges. Accounts now have to be requested by email, I'm afraid.


Oh, and hi! It's been a while again. smile

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Actually, it's the third Doctor, but thank you.

Doctor who now?
Hey, that's my line! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!

Anyway, ever notice how they never use the Doctor's real name during the show? He's always called "the Doctor," or sometimes he uses the alias John Smith.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Anyway, ever notice how they never use the Doctor's real name during the show? He's always called "the Doctor," or sometimes he uses the alias John Smith.
Quite a few Time Lords adhere to this peculiar naming convention. One wonders if perhaps "The" was a very common first name on Gallifrey. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg
Nice to have you and the encyclopedia back, Aran.

Also, I love the pic of the original Dr. Who, Tyranicus.
Actually, it's the third Doctor, but thank you.

Sorry, I had no idea. My dad used to watch the show with that guy on it back in the 80's on PBS (public TV) and he taped quite a few of them so I got to see them on a semi-regular basis.

Post #607 cool
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Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg
Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg
Nice to have you and the encyclopedia back, Aran.

Also, I love the pic of the original Dr. Who, Tyranicus.
Actually, it's the third Doctor, but thank you.

Sorry, I had no idea. My dad used to watch the show with that guy on it back in the 80's on PBS (public TV) and he taped quite a few of them so I got to see them on a semi-regular basis.

Post #607 cool
My local library has a few Dr. Who episodes, including some with the original Doctor.
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