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A6 - Best Equipment...


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Despite of numerous wonderful posts on this forum, I have tremendous difficulty comparing different blades, bows, armors and so on... For example, is a Heartstriker bow better or worse than a bow with better damage, but without the "whatever special effect the heartstriker has"? Or, what is better: +3 to parry or extra investment in stun resistance? Or are the mercuric things (-1 strength, +1 battle speed) any good? In other words, the numerous outfitting decisions which one has to make all throughout the game.


Of course I know that not all the weapons are equally good against different opponents, and even though the strategy "if you see a zombie - equip blade A, but when you see a slith - equip blade B, etc.." is possibly the correct one, I would not have the patience to keep switching blades, helmets and so on - unless we are talking about a special really tough fight, where this can change the battle in my favour. And, of course, not all of the items one obtains at the same point of the game... And, of course, it probably matters how one develops the chacters...


But anyway, what do you think are the best fighter's outfit by the end of the game?


-- Eigenvalue, who once in his lifetime decided to poorly imitate the always-changing-his-names-guru-of-this-forum-whatever-his-current-names is and who is too lazy to do any math whatsoever, thus lamingly asking for an advice to take as an axiom during a possible replay.

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If you don't want to keep switching swords then the Radiant Soulblade and Oozing Blade are the easiest combination for dual wielding. Otherwise for the main blade use Blessed Broadsword and any other of the named blades like Fiery Blade, Frozen Blade, Venomous Blade, ...


Armor is pretty much any of the plates: Radiant Plate, Charmed Plate, Emerald Chestguard, ...


For your other armor it comes down to personal preference on what you want from bonuses. Quick strike items for an extra attack or fatigue reduction items so you can use battle disciplines more often.

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I think, the Jade Halbeard is the best Pole Weapon, the Shielding Knife is good for Priests/Mages who stay out of Melee Combat as it acts like a second shield. The Gloves of the Hammer are, I think, the best Gloves in the Game and one of the best items to be crafted. Also, I like the Spider Silk Robe, easy to get, good bonus and the Enchanter's Robe which you can steal from Reginaldo in the Fissure Post pretty early and will bring you through much of the game.

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Mecuric and Quicksilver items increase your action points (AP) by 1 so two of them or one and Quick Strike increase your chances of two full actions each round. The decrease in strength makes it harder for non fighters to benefit from them. Fighters can use the armor and quick strike, but spellcasters are more the Quicksilver Bulwark and Quicksilver Sandals even with the loss of strength. The Cryos Spear isn't as helpful because its two handed.

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Originally Posted By: Kreador
I was wondering with the Mercuric also exactly what "Battle Speed" does. I've never used those pieces myself because of the loss to Strength (when many of my characters are pushing their weight limits with the gear they're wearing already).

+1 Battle Speed means that your character will always start out with 1 bonus AP every round. If you equip two +1 Battle Speed items, they'll start out with 10 AP each round, allowing them to make two attacks per round, every round. This is pretty much the best thing on Earth and you should aim to have two +1 Battle Speed items on as many characters as possible by the endgame.

By the way, if weight limit is a problem for your fighters, give them the Elite Warrior trait at the start of the game. It increases their weight limit by an amount that rises with experience level. For spellcasters, equip items that raise your Strength, like the Ceremonial Leggings, the Gloves of the Hammer and the Talisman of Might.
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I like bows better than most people seem to. My priest and wizard settled on the bows with submission and acid effects, respectively. I like to go a long time between town visits (and I like to hoard energy potions), so those weapons allow my spellcasters to stay 'productive' outdoors and in other low-risk areas. Acid is a great 'value' in battles against large groups of weaker monsters.

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I decided for bows for my two casters too, especially because – strangely enough - the bows don't seem to be evaluated as two-handed weapons. My priest and mage both have magical shields equipped as well as bows…

The Crystalline Aegis and the Incantor's Buckler, – still… I might change that soon, following Randomizers remark.

Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Fighters can use the armor and quick strike, but spellcasters are more the Quicksilver Bulwark and Quicksilver Sandals even with the loss of strength.

As I mentioned above, I might consider trying how my magical PCs can handle the Q-Bulwark soon. I realized only recently from some discussion in the forum, that in some points I got the idea of equipping my party the wrong way around. Up to now, I always used to think it would be best to equip a char with the items which increase its skills. So the casters would get the shields that increase magical efficiency and such traits, whereas the fighters got items that would increase their strength, speed and hardiness, but looking at your comment, I am inclined to follow the idea to 'cross-gear' my party more. I started to rethink a few days ago, when I had reason to try how my fighters could handle the wands.

Not long ago I had thought, that the wands would be wasted on the fighters, because they lack spell skill. Well, it's not manifestly showing. And it's really good to help out the casters with wand- and scroll-spells whenever possible, so they can concentrate on the more advanced magic, which helps decide the fights. Same thing with potions. It still makes sence, if there is a need for tank-tactics, to give the invulnerability-potion/elixir to the tank and send him forward. But I had at least two fights now, which I could decide for my party after having given the invulnerability elixir to my priest.

I'm really pleased at this new possibility for tactics, and at the same time a bit embarrassed, that I didn't try earlier.


By the way. From the time when you acquire the Quicksilver Bulwark as compared to the Assassin's Shield I take it, that Battle Speed ranks 'above' Quick action in its effects?


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Originally Posted By: Tcheedchee
By the way. From the time when you acquire the Quicksilver Bulwark as compared to the Assassin's Shield I take it, that Battle Speed ranks 'above' Quick action in its effects?

Battle Speed is a flat increase in action points whereas Quick Action gives a melee attack a chance at an extra swing on the same target. Quick Strike gives a chance at getting extra action points.
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My big dilemma came when my pole fighter (originally my tool-user/archer, but she morphed) had to decide between the Jade Halberd/Emerald Chestguard combo for sheer power and protection, or the Cryos Spear/Mercuric Plate combo for the extra turn in battle. I had already outfitted my battle priest with the Quicksilver Bulwark and Quicksilver Sandals, which gave him the ability to heal and attack in a single round, and he was quite happy with the Runed Plate rounding out his casting skills, so the sandals were not an option for my pole fighter (nor, obviously, was the shield). The choice came late enough in the game that it didn't matter terribly much, but I can see having to make a choice like that earlier in a future playthough. What would you guys have done?

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Originally Posted By: Clocknova
My big dilemma came when my pole fighter (originally my tool-user/archer, but she morphed) had to decide between the Jade Halberd/Emerald Chestguard combo for sheer power and protection, or the Cryos Spear/Mercuric Plate combo for the extra turn in battle. I had already outfitted my battle priest with the Quicksilver Bulwark and Quicksilver Sandals, which gave him the ability to heal and attack in a single round, and he was quite happy with the Runed Plate rounding out his casting skills, so the sandals were not an option for my pole fighter (nor, obviously, was the shield). The choice came late enough in the game that it didn't matter terribly much, but I can see having to make a choice like that earlier in a future playthough. What would you guys have done?

As a weapon, the Cryos Spear is sort of terrible, so it's not really viable for someone who fights in melee. However, there are other items that raise battle speed.

Here's one possible setup in terms of +AP items:

* Polearm fighter: no +AP items, but a total of 20 Quick Strike from skill points and items. Having this much Quick Strike is a guaranteed 10 AP per round. You can get about 9 points of Quick Strike from items so this isn't as bad as it sounds. There's no reason you couldn't do this with a sword fighter instead, of course.

* Dual-wielding sword fighter: Quicksilver Sandals and Mercuric Plate (the only two Battle Speed items that are really viable for a fighter).

* Priest: Quicksilver Bulwark, Mercuric Chain

* Mage: Cryos Spear, Mercuric Leather

This gets you 10 AP per round on everyone, although it does mean a significant skill point investment for one character and some difficult equipment choices for the whole party.
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Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie
im surprised aloreal hasn't complained about his someone stealing his shtick yet

Why do that when I can complain about someone botching my name instead?

—Alorael, who sadly has very little to add to the thread. He is now aware that he is fairly careful with trait optimization, moderately aware of good and bad skill allocations, and blissfully headless with his equipment choices. It probably has to do with permanence: because he can fix his equipment, he doesn't.
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