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A6 - Trainers

Mea Tulpa

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Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
Originally Posted By: dbouya

how what? abused skribbane-exploit? if so then buying cheap skribbane from Fort Haledon and selling it at Dharmon for money and experience and maxing party/character-levels that way. latest version allows that again I think.
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No, that means "fixed your typo." Usually it's used sarcastically while altering what someone said to mean something different. In this case, take a look at the text and you'll notice that Fort Haledon and Dharmon were reversed.


—Alorael, who should say it more clearly: Dharmon buys skribbane. The guy who sells you skribbane is in the ruins of Fort Haledon. Run your trade route in the right direction.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius

Why has there not been some huge moral panic about how you get experience and rewards for being drug dealers? I mean, that's like Saint's Row territory here.

There prolly was since it was removed from pc-version but since it doesn't get spread to anywhere it isn't big problem (and skribbane can be found nearly anywhere) and we might do Gladwell's quests and we do at least 2 of Melanchion's quests so we are quite far from pure hearts/souls.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

You get promoted by doing quests for the Castle. After doing at least 2 city quests for someone in the Castle you get another promotion.


You need a higher rank to get training from Kaye at Fort Remote.


Drop by the Castle Food Depot after each promotion to see what some of the people there think about it.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm looking for clarification on trainers.


1)It sounds like they can only give you 2 points in a skill and only if you haven't already put 2 in? Does this mean that if I initially put 2 pts in a skill when I create the character, that character will never be able to use the trainer for that skill in the game?


2) Does this mean that if I want my mage/fighter to be as high as possible at the end game that I would in theory put no points in mage/melee skills until I get to the trainer for that skill? It seams like you would start out really slow if that's the case. I can see doing it for nature/arcane lore where you can always come back to a cache or spell book you couldn't use but is that really practical for the basic fighting and spell skills? Or did I totally misinterpret the earlier posts?

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Originally Posted By: suocbull
I'm looking for clarification on trainers.

1)It sounds like they can only give you 2 points in a skill and only if you haven't already put 2 in? Does this mean that if I initially put 2 pts in a skill when I create the character, that character will never be able to use the trainer for that skill in the game?

It's actually the first 3 points, not the first 2. Other than that, you're correct.

2) Does this mean that if I want my mage/fighter to be as high as possible at the end game that I would in theory put no points in mage/melee skills until I get to the trainer for that skill? It seams like you would start out really slow if that's the case. I can see doing it for nature/arcane lore where you can always come back to a cache or spell book you couldn't use but is that really practical for the basic fighting and spell skills? Or did I totally misinterpret the earlier posts?

In theory, your interpretation is correct. In practice, you're equally correct that waiting for late-game trainers of essential skills before you put any points in those skills would be kinda silly. Trainers are great for skills you can afford to hold off on, but if you really need a skill early in the game, forget about the trainer and just raise it.
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So I am creating a party with:

Nephil DT/EL melee (eventually dual wield),

Slith DT/EL pole user (w/tool use),

Human DT/NM, and

Human DT/PS.


I'm assuming there is no practical way to not put 3 points in melee for the nephil, pole for the slith, and mage spells for the mage before I get to those trainers. Everything else that has a trainer (lores, spellcraft, parry etc) I am going to hold out for the trainer.


Does anyone see any glaring omissions in this plan before I go barreling in?

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How much headache can you tolerate? For the slith, it's actually not terrible because you get free points on poles. For the nephil, you at least get Blademaster from Elite Warrior (or is EL something else that my brain is missing right now?) and some free bows from being a nephil, so you can get by. It's just tougher.


—Alorael, who would recommend making your mages nephilim as well. You'll want their bow and throwing bonuses for battle disciplines, and more ranged options never hurt. That's a recommendation, though, not a major build flaw.

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Well I'm planning on playing in torment but I am fairly broke and I need this game to last me a while so I'm probably up to the challenge.


When you talk about battle disciplines later in the game for spell casters are you sayin they will make the spells more effective or that late in the game I will have raised all my skills enough that my casters will be decent at melee?


Also I figured that the slith/pole character is the best to give tool use to because the other characters will need their points for dual wield and magic skills. Is that reasonable?

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Originally Posted By: suocbull

When you talk about battle disciplines later in the game for spell casters are you sayin they will make the spells more effective or that late in the game I will have raised all my skills enough that my casters will be decent at melee?

Battle disciplines work for single-target attack spells, yes (if you use one with a multi-target spell, the enhanced effect from the discipline will only apply to one target). You can activate Leg Sweep and cast a Bolt of Fire that also curses your enemy, or activate Mighty Blow and cast one that does double damage. Adrenaline Rush is good too, of course: every character benefits from being able to take more actions.

Also I figured that the slith/pole character is the best to give tool use to because the other characters will need their points for dual wield and magic skills. Is that reasonable?

It's reasonable, but Dual Wielding should be considered a low-priority skill: you can dual-wield just fine even without it, and you don't really need more than a few points to remove most of the dual-wielding penalty.
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Originally Posted By: suocbull
Do trainers of spells work the same way as skills? ie. only use twice and only if not already raised? Also how do spell books figure into this? Should I try to hold off reading spell books until i've trained a spell twice?

Not quite: in Avernum 6, you can buy the same number of levels of a spell from a trainer regardless of how many levels you've learned from other sources. However, you should almost never be buying extra levels of a spell in the first place, because the benefits are very small relative to the costs. Buying one level in one spell benefits you exactly as much as buying one level of Spellcraft, except it only applies to that one spell.
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There are some exceptions to that. In particular, you'll use Minor Heal a lot, and spell levels are cheap, so it might be worth buying that. If you find your mages casting Bolt of Fire, you can buy that too. Those are cheap because they're the very first spells. Anything past that probably costs more than it's worth.


—Alorael, who would rather save that money for buying skills. And yes, you will run out of spending money.

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ok. I'm still in the demo right now so I don't think i've been able to do much harm. I think having a few extra levels in spells like haste/minor heal/cure etc will pay off given the fairly low price to train.


This next question isn't really about trainers but since i've got your attention...


hypothetically speaking... if I piled all my javelins in one stack and it weighs about 30 pounds and no one can equip them without being encumbered is there a way to unstack items in your inventory? Same would apply to potions i wish I had distributed better.


How do I change what spells I have in the shortcut icons on the lower left of the screen?

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  • 1 year later...

Maybe I missed out on s.th., but I miss Incantor Abadon in the trainer's list.


Location: infiltrators' camp with Captain Esmee, Occupied Lands.

For killing the traitor Kellar and his crownies, he will train mage spells.

Spells: lightning spray, terror, cloak of blades, dispel barrier, summon aid, strong daze, fireblast

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