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PC: His real identity [SPOILER][G5]

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I really want to question what you believe. Do you believe that if the drakons won they would instigate a rule any less cruel than the shapers? They already look down on basically everything and everyone as below them, not something that is desirable in a government. And if the drakons won and instigated that type of government, do you really think the human/servile rebels would be strong enough to overthrow the drakons and create their own government?

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Yes. You're forgeting that the Drakons are just arrogant as the Shapers, and that will be there downfall.


However, I'm arguing Drakon vs Shaper not Drakon vs Human/Servile. If I had to chose between the Drakons and the Shapers, I'd go with the Drakons.


Edit; Master1:*sigh* You just ruined the game for me, man. I didn't know that. Wrap that in a spoiler tag PLEASE



The Last Archon

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Fine, Shaper versus, Drakons. There is no human/servile rebellion. It is now a battle between who will be THE power on the continent. Lets compare.


Drakons are haughty to everyone and everything, especially the new drakons. There are some exceptions, mostly the older drakons though. Shapers can be modest or haughty. Almost all believe they are above outsiders and be expected to be treated differently, most do not act haughty, more of I have power and we both know it.


Shapers have tried to eliminate all intelligent life to protect themselves and innocents from rebellion like the current one. Drakons are intelligent life and once claimed the right to live, but now it seems more like they want a kingdom of their own. Notice how they treat others (humans, serviles, drayks) in drakon dominant habitations. The drakons would most likely act similarly to shapers if they became the dominant power; they woulddestroy things that threaten their power i.g. intelligent beings.


Shapers have kept close tabs on shaping so that the power does not fall into the hands of maniacs like Monarch, or others who would seek power. This prevents the creation of intelligent life that could threaten shapers and innocents, and also disasters like monarch or a less refined Purity Agent. Drakons are for the ability to shape being more widely available (for now) which means a MUCH higher chance of disasters occurring. Human greed is often underestimated with disasterous consequences. And what about if the drakons came into power? They would need to apply limits on who could have shaping unless they wanted to deal with disasters and civilians rebelling against them.

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Originally Posted By: The Ratt
Shapers have kept close tabs on shaping so that the power does not fall into the hands of maniacs like Monarch, or others who would seek power.

And that worked so well, didn't it?

Also, this isn't a Shapers vs. Rebels topic. Go start one if you want one.
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Originally Posted By: The Ratt
I'm just pointing out that the Shapers tried, and the Drakons are... more lenient.

You really shouldn't be posting about this if you haven't seen the ending of the Ghaldring path in G5. It addresses every single one of your concerns. Nobody here is saying that the Drakons are unambiguously a force for good, so your "hey guys, let's pretend the other rebels don't exist" gambit does nothing but set up a straw man.
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Couldn't playing a pivotal role in the war also mean that maybe you and your little creation army managed to hold a certain unnamed strategic area from the shapers for an extra day? A lot could be lost if one little map is lost before people could be evacuated, or a force could be brought in to defend it. So the PC could be just another nameless face in the crowd who happened to be in the wrong (or right) place, and maybe just scraped by until help arrived. Or something like that, and then you would gain recognition. Its like being a PC, then being a PC again. Except you aren't from a previous Geneforge, so your past story is untold.


The sucky part about this is that it still means you would e unknown, and that doesn't help at all.. Sorry for wasting your time

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Well sorry if anyone said this before but...


Couldn't it be the PC from the third game? In the end you go to war on the mainland, no matter which side you choose(unless you die, then skip step 3 and just read "the end")it would fit perfectly, alwan and greta are still alive, and they both mestake you for 'someone they know.' And theres always GF4 in which alwan and/or greta say(s) that the shaper they traveled with 'disapearred.' mabye the PC got hit with a rock and forgot, cause SOMEONE cheated and typed igotarock...

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Assume you helped the rebels, and you were sent to fight in the mainland. But because of the part you already played, you are given the honor of being shaped before your mission, and you also began/have been using canisters till the day your mind cracks.


I think that does make some sense, since it doesn't specify WHERE you were sent to fight, and you obviously helped the drakons previously. Or were a crazy powerful shaper who decided to make his own Geneforge. Which also kind of makes me wonder, about the age of the PC. If you are around Greta and Alwan's age, you could have been almost anything, since you have so much time that you could have been shaping. I imagined the PC as a bit younger than those two..

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*Waves* to everyone. I am a new member, but have played all the Geneforges (5 in demo only so far) and been lurking here for a couple years.


I was pondering Shaila as a possible PC, as she did startrebel, went to the Shapers for "help" and possibly would have ended at the Foundry for "analysis" on how to help her. Sticking that rod in her chest would be what Rawal would do.


But, I think I am inclined to believe this is a new PC, or the one from 3, who may have been sent to Drypeak for a mission, possibly to obtain some information about geneforges, or to replace something after Southforge fell, and got injured or attacked and wandered about until absconded with by Rawal or one of his people.


Rawal's guardian there in the spire says he hoped for an agent to handle business, and was using you to see how you'd work out, and an agent would be spying in Drypeak reasonably.


Or, it could be someone new. One thing Jeff does well is allow for imagination and creativity, if one doesn't cheat their way through before playing it straight up a time or two first, and that would make sense.


The right answer was already said. The PC is anyone you want it do be smile.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Err your also forgetting another important piece of information. The PC throughout G5 has been relearning the shaping arts he/she once knew, this includes all of the creation types, some of which did not exist prior to G4! Thus I think that the PC could simply be the G4 PC, or at least a rebel during the G4 Era.

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Shalia is a Rebel Shock Trooper who went unstable from useing the Geneforge in G4. All of the creations you can create in G5 are the same as G4, with a few exceptions such as the Rotdhizion.


One flaw about this theory though, is that the G5 PC was a great General prior to his/her memory loss. Shaila was nowhere near strong enough to be counted as a world moving leader.


The Last Archon

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A great leader is not necessarily a general, an officer at all, or even a combatant. Rebel can probably be assumed from the way you are captured and dragged off to be Rawal's toy for a while. I'd imagine that deviant Shaper loyalists don't get second chances, they get swift executions.


—Alorael, who has noticed that he's seen Shaila's name with the I and L transposed so many times that he has to check before writing it now. Poor Shaila.

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  • 1 month later...

Giving additional powers and additional grievance to an enemy seems like a singularly bad idea.


—Alorael, who also gets the sense that there's some substantial overhead to the Geneforging process, and canisters are definitely rare and pricey. If matters were otherwise everyone considering rebellion would have visited Southforge in G4 and they rebels would have been significantly more terrifying.

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In the beginning of the game I kept thinking that the PC was Shaped by Rawal, making him the first ever person that was really a creation. It would have explained the amnesia (no memories because he was shaped as an adult) and it would have explained why he had so much power yet was also somewhat broken (Rawal did a poor job). That theory made less and less sense as the game progressed, however.

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