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Everything posted by RainbowDashRadical

  1. That's surprising to me. I've always thought the oppisite, where vegans and vegetarians would like zoos and parks since they're all about protecting and preserving animals. Am I wrong on that assumption?
  2. Your probably right, actually. I could use a bit more educating on the topic. I always thought it to be simply promote women's rights and equality of genders sort of thing. Is it something more? Also, I believe just as women deserve rights, I still also believe men have rights too. The key is providing a balance that doesn't belittle one gender or the other. If only it were that simple...
  3. Hey everyone, I just thought of something pertaining to femenism. You know how it puts a huge emphasis on women and their rights. Well yes, that is a very good thing, but then it hit me in the head. If so much emphasis is being put on women, what will become of men's rights. Will we still preserve the rights of men, or will the emphasis on women take over, and women will become the dominant gender of future society? I hope for a world where both genders are equal, but I'm not so sure that will be the case in the future. Just think, being born a male in the next 50 years might actually be unlucky. Just something to ponder I suppose. P.S. Also know I support femenism whole-heartedly. The concern comes as to whether we can support women's rights, while at the same time preserving the right's of men without creating any unequality between the two gender's ~RainbowDashRadical
  4. I suppose that question was also flawed, in fact probably all my questions could use room for improvement. Well anyway, to answer your question: 1) By very long time, I mean millions of years. Meaning our civilization becomes advanced enough it has the likelyhood of surviving for this period of time. Assuming that there is a possibility of colonizing worlds beyond our own solar system then I believe there is a possibility. We would be spread out throughout the galaxy, that it would be almost unlikely for us to extinct. Even if we couldn't reach other stars, we'd still (assuming nothing dangerous happens in the next millions of years) be able to survive on this planet for quite some time. 2.) Okay, by this I meant civilization, not species. Over the course of millions of years and combined with the fact we;d be dispersed on several worlds, the homosaphien race would I guess you could say become nonexistent. I would be inclined we'd probably be a mixture of species, probably in the same genus of course, due to be dispersed on several worlds. So yeah, I meant civilization itself. I suppose this question is kinda flawed, but to ammend I added another option. That means people may have to recast their vote though... ~RainbowDashRadical
  5. Thanks for the response. Yeah I am aware that the question was an "iffy" sort of thing. I'm not sure how to really word it to make it any less offensive though. I guess that's the risk I took when I decided to make the poll . *NOTE: I edited the poll a bit to hopefully reduce "iffyness" it causes. Let me know what you think? As for my views, and how I answered the poll, here it is: Do you enjoy discussing controversal topics - Yes! What is your stance on LGBT? I agree with LGBT and believe they deserve just as much rights as the next guy/girl. Discrimination against them is evil in my opinion and should be eliminated. Do you believe in extraterrestials? Yes. With endless amounts of stars and such a huge universe the probablities are too high to say no. It would be a lonely universe if were the only ones . What is your stance on globalization? I believe globalization brings good promise to the development of the human race assuming that it carries out properly, and not corruptly. What is your stance on animal captivity? I believe that in many tourist attractions around the world (not all, of course) many animals are not treated properly and are under very stressful enviorments. Animal captivity, due to few laws regulating it, is corrupt. Hopefully, with better laws animals can be trated fairly, less abused, and have a better standard of living compared to the animals seen in tourist attractions today. Again, not all tourist attractions are corrupt, but there are many countries where the are zero laws that regulate them. Also there are many endangered species that never recieve help, because they are not marketable enough to warrent being placed in a zoo. What is your stance on femenism? I am a femenist. What is your stance on gun laws? It is a human right to bare arms. Do you belive in a god? Not currently, but I am questioning it. Do you believe the extinction of mankind will come in the short-term or long-term as compared to the geological timescale. I believe mankind has the potential to survive almost anything do to our intelligence, but also has the ability to kill itself too. Of course its as impossible to tell when mankind will become extinct as it is our own deaths. I believe since everything lives and dies in the universe, so will we. There will be many things that we cannot avoid at the moment with our current knowledge of physics. Such as the sun blowing up, the milky way colliding with another galaxy, or the universe itself ripping apart. If somehow we discover some miracularous theory (whether it be soon, or eons in future) and prove it, and that said theory enables us to do things that are practially impossible by the current applications of science, then yeah, perhaps we have some small chance to never become extinct. I believe in a slight possibility that we could last forever, abeit super tiny, but I am definitely sure we have many, many years before our existence is destroyed. As for the short-term, well that's possible too, but I have enough confidence in mankind that we won't kill ourselves too early. ~RainbowDashRadical
  6. My apologies, that was more a subconsious thing when I was writing. I'm aware the wording could offend some people, I'll go ahead and fix it. Personally, what I believe is being LGBT itself isn't a lifestyle. One can identify as gay or lesbian, or even heterosexual. But they can also commit sexual acts that don't correlate with their sexual orientation. Sexual behavior is a lifestyle. Identifying as gay, lesbian, or bisexual is not. I believe I was confusing sexual behavior with sexual identity, which are actually two different things. So to answer you question, Being LGBT is not a lifestyle, therefore I edited the poll. If your interested, this website brings up more information on what sexual orentation is: http://www.yoursexualorientation.info/ Nice input btw.
  7. The definition of globalization is kinda debatable. My definition of globalization is simply the world and all of its nations, ethnic groups, religions, cultures, ect. coming together as one unit to form this sorta super-culture. Some go as far to believe there'd be one world nation or something like that. Honestly, am quite unsure myself. But in realiity this already happening, as you start to see advances in information technology and easy accessibility to immigration. The whole world really is turning into one huge melting pot, not just America anymore . I liked that comment so much, I added it as a possible option. Though I'm unsure as to how everyone will protect themselves.
  8. Here is some info on American statics: Abortion: 47% Pro-choice, 46% Pro-Life LGBT: 3.5% people identifty as Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual. 0.3% are transgender. 60% believe homosexuality should be accepted. Aliens: 50% say they believe, 17% do not believe, 33% are unsure. Globalization: Still trying to find statistics on ths one. Animal Captivty: Still searching. Though there appearantloy is a huge thing going about preserving Orcas . Feminism: 20% say they are femenist, 8% say they are anti-femensit, 66% are neither. (I consider neither to be a middle of the lane thing, but that's just me) Gun Rights: Still searching Believe in a god:still searching Extinction of mankind: still searching Source: http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Gates-How-Many-People-LGBT-Apr-2011.pdf http://www.pewglobal.org/files/2013/06/Pew-Global-Attitudes-Homosexuality-Report-FINAL-JUNE-4-2013.pdf http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/21/alien-poll_n_3473852.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/feminism-poll_n_3094917.html
  9. So I noticed there some nice polls going on here, I thought I'd add another one. This one covers some of the biggest controversal topics brought up in our society. As a fun idea, I think it would cool if we compared our forum results with those of other countries or even the world as a whole. I'll search for the American cenus and be sure to post it for comparison. Feel free to share your country's statistics too. Let me know if there's any error with my poll or how it can be improved so I can fix it. I usually love to discuss controversal topics (as long as things don't get heated), and keep an open mind. I hope all of you share the same feelings. EDIT: The LGBT question is on the more extreme side of things due to it referring to a class of people. I reworded it to hopefully reduce some offense. EDIT2: I did a bit more than just reword actually. I actually turned the question around. You may want to recast your vote. EDIT3: Editted last question. You may want to recast your vote (again). ~RainbowDashRadical
  10. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: -Knowing when to come in out of the rain; -Why the early bird gets the worm; -Life isn't always fair; -And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (Don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (Adults not children are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6- year old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment then their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, -by his parents, Truth and Trust, -by his wife, Discretion, -by his daughter, Responsibility, -and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers; -I Know My Rights -I Want It Now -Someone Else Is To Blame -I'm A Victim -Pay Me for Doing Nothing Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.
  11. The Agent, who else am I suppose I pick . Agents feel stronger to me, and I also like going solo in many of my games. I just hate micromanaging 7 creatures when playing Shaper, and I don't like running up the big bad Battle Alpha just for my Guardian to get hit next turn. Btw, I'm telling this from a non game mechanical point of few. I'll let you Spidweb fanatics decipher what class is best for min maxing optimized gameplay. Also, you left out the G4-G5 classes, so I'm assuming you are only referring to G1-G2-G3 playthroughs. BTW, this is my opnion on the matter. I think they all "the best," since really when you pick a class, all you are doing is deciding how you want to play the game. When you pick Shaper, you create an army of beasts, but do minimal battling yourself, and only act as support. When you pick Guardian, you melee and parry (with the occasional body guards), and with Agent you play with magic and do some melee when needed, but your weak when it comes to making that Drayk. Of course, you can be one of those that plays the no Shaping Shaper on torment difficulty, but I've never been crazy enough to do that. ~RainbowDashRadical
  12. Just discovered this on Steam's summer sale. Get all Spiderweb games for only $12!!! Buy this, and you'll be entertained for years http://store.steampowered.com/sub/33525/ ~RainbowDashRadical
  13. Just don't break your pelvis that's all I can say.
  14. Late this weekend the weirdest thought came to me while I was eating my midday snack. There's 2 kinds of snacks, salty and sweet. Salt and sugar are probably the most addictive ingredients in our food, and everybody likes them. The question is, what do we like better. Personally, I like sweet. Anything such a chocolate, cookies or cake I'll eat in a heartbeat. What kinds of snacks would you prefer over the other, salty or sweet?
  15. Part 13. We defeat some rogues, and enter Pentil. Sorry for the length of the video, I really didn't expect it to be that long
  16. Part 12. We keep marching our way towards Pentil. Also, 2 zones in one video
  17. [snip] Okay, so this might get deleted. If it does, know i didn't mean any harm. A friend of mine shared this with me on Facebook, and I figured it'd be fun to share it with you all. So, what does your story say?
  18. Do note that increasing blessing magic won't increase the effectiveness of the spells, but only the amount of turns they last.
  19. Part 11. We clear out the Thorny Fin, and meet a scout named Sleet.
  20. I choose not to involve myself with the nation's politics, and therefore choose to let congress do whatever the heck they want. Politics is stupid imo, and only causes pointless debates and controversies. One of the many reasons I will never vote in my life. ~RainbowDashRadical
  21. Part 10. We destroy Control Four and join the Awakened.
  22. I'm curious, are you assisting the ornks with any of your spells (this is excluding blessing magic)
  23. Congratulations, please let us know how the rest of the game goes. I'm curious how those ornks will handle Drayks and Glaaks :-)
  24. Not the Geneforge Series? I think that is the winner over all of them . Well if you decide to give it a try, start with Genforge 1, 4 or 5.
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