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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. Listen, friend: I, like hundreds of millions of others, have lived in the same country as Charles Manson for quite some time now, and almost all of us are fine.
  2. Originally Posted By: Metric Electric Lover 1. Today, Jeff Vogel released a statement ordering destruction and ‘termination with extreme prejudice’ of all people of the New Louisiana. Alcritas (for whom I only, just now, realize that I should have voted.) Quote: 2. Maybe Drakey is following the instructions in the Blades manual. He's just added the tree to Warrior's Grove, and in a month or so he will start on the goblin pit. Shot in the dark: Morgan. Quote: 3. KYRAS! WE WANT YOUR BLOOD! Honestly, this could be anybody. I alone have said it three times a month since 1998. Quote: 4. I mean there's dumb lies (Something I know all too much about, being the creator of them) but then there's just the point where you want to ram a large point object into your spleen because it's so melodramatic and obviously fake that her attempt to get pity makes you want to pity yourself for even thinking of giving her any FORM of pity. Speaking of Alec, this was him. Quote: 5. FINE!!!! I come in these boards hoping to find some friends, but no one accepts me because I'm different, BECAUSE I DON'T ACT HUMAN. I am NOT completly human, no one is. If you guys fear things you don't know about, FINE. I'm eating my olive branch instead of giving it to you. NO ONE IS THE SAME, GET IT THROUGH YOUR SKULLS!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD ACCEPT THINGS EVEN IF THEY'RE ALIEN TO YOU!!!!! MSW. Quote: 6. In this thread, I take off my pants. Actually, I have several questions about planes flying into skyscrapers. Thuryl. I would hesitate because Thuryl already said this was someone else, but he's been wrong about himself once already. Quote: 7. Bye. Everybody says goodbye. Quote: 8. Mrs. Potato, intrigued by her husband's tales about Ermarian, has been dropped off by spaceship. She moves in the same way he does, with little hopping motions. However, she was given a wand by her husband, along with little potato armor, for protection. *i Quote: 10. It's people you You who do Supid Things that brings these boards down. Do you need me to explain further? ADoS.
  3. If you want to play now, you could always show up as a spectator and wait to sub in for somebody. That takes less time, and there's much less commitment. We could probably use the help, since SD turned out to be crazy.
  4. Hee hee. The Head of Vecna story makes me feel much better about myself.
  5. Hey Duck: I hate to rain on your parade, but I don't think it counts as a sale if you have to give back the stuff you got in exchange so that your customer and his friends won't hurt you. That seems more like robbery.
  6. Hey Eph, it seems like you have a side session planned for Kaval and Temmyn. If so, when should we do it?
  7. Originally Posted By: Lenar Labs™ More like, One team showed up wanting to win, the other thinks they deserve it by default. We do, in fact, deserve it by default.
  8. Originally Posted By: Ephesos ...erm, lemme explain that. The Stamina loss I tend to inflict when a character hits 0 HP is simply meant to add a bit more gravity to the situation. I do not intend to ever kill a person by this method*, it's just to prevent healing from bringing a character back up to full like nothing ever happened. So Etris would never have dropped to 0/0, because I wouldn't have done that. Even if the timing had called for it, I would've nudged the rolls. Let me see if I follow you. A PC isn't dead at 0 HP if they still have stamina. Stamina loss from being at 0 HP won't ever take stamina down to 0, and obviously they can't spend stamina on anything else while incapacitated. How can a PC ever die? (Whitout being really stupid, I mean, which admittedly is a pretty big reservation with us.) Also, I can't make it tonight. If someone else wants Kaval, they can have him. Otherwise, he'll wander off on his own.
  9. If he got to 0 while also at 0 HP, shouldn't he be dead?
  10. Ugh. Tuesday may not be good for me after all. I'll post again once I know for sure.
  11. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Boo Yankees. That's really all I have to say about this year's World Series. Everyone so badly wants the Yankees to return to their usual swollen-coffer domimance that I can't help but root against them, being a fan of the sport and all. Really? Introduce me to some of these people, because except for Yankee fans it seems like everyone hates the Yankees. Please don't tell me I'm wrong about this, because your envy is delicious to us.
  12. We finally met someone we could bluff, and John wasn't here for it.
  13. Level up, level up! Click to reveal.. Name: Kaval Occupation: Laborer Race: Human Strength: 3 Dexterity: 7 Intelligence: 1 HP: 19/19 (+3) Stamina: 10/10 Skills: Martial (improvised weapons): 6 (+2) Stealth: 3 Artifice: 2 Nature: 1 Defense/Parry: 1 Inventory: Dead shark Bone spear Stones Old taco Torch 3 limp daggers
  14. Awesome. I'm almost certain I'll be free.
  15. My schedule is likely to change unpredictably over the next couple of weeks, so some of the days I said were good may turn out not to be. I'll do my best to let you know as far in advance as possible.
  16. Originally Posted By: Nioca Originally Posted By: Sarachim Did you work out the average of our die rolls? It seems like the real way to tell if the dice hate us is to check whether we're over or under 10.5. If we're getting normal rolls but hitting less than half as often as we get hit, then Ephesos hates us and the dice are taking the fall for him. ... I'll have to get back to you on that one. *crawls into a corner and weeps at the prospect of having to check the values of 370 dice rolls* Hey, you don't have to! Barring actual, non-jokey supernatural influence, it's pretty safe to assume that the average of such a large number of roles is fairly close to the mean, and will get closer as the number gets larger! It's okay, you're free!
  17. Quote: It's hard to say whether the dice like or dislike Kaval. . . . On the other hand, of the 18 critical successes had by the party, Kaval's gotten 7 of them. Off the top of my head, one of those seven got counter-criticaled by the zombie chief, and another was spent saving John from himself. Three others were Perception checks that turned out not to be all that useful. From this, I conclude that the dice not only hate Kaval, but are mocking him. Did you work out the average of our die rolls? It seems like the real way to tell if the dice hate us is to check whether we're over or under 10.5. If we're getting normal rolls but hitting less than half as often as we get hit, then Ephesos hates us and the dice are taking the fall for him.
  18. When Aran followed that up with a fumble of his own, I was bracing for a shark/bear argument between the party members. Fortunately, there are still some depths to which we've yet to sink.
  19. Listen, because I'm only saying this once: we are not putting any parts of a shark in anyone's bed. We need every part of the shark to make weapons. We're Indians and it's a buffalo (we will also do this if we ever get an actual buffalo.)
  20. I don't mind this. If anything, I enjoy it. Many of our best moments have come from situations we wouldn't have ever gotten into if we were smarter, and the arguing keeps me entertained when the action slows down.
  21. Don't get me wrong, I like what he stands for. A man can be obnoxious and right.
  22. Even if I accept your contention about pouring whiskey on ice cream (which I don't), your analogy is still problematic. It implies that Micheal Moore is great as long as you don't mix him with filmmaking, which I doubt you believe seeing as how he's if anything more obnoxious in person.
  23. Even so, between midterms and the Yankees being in the playoffs, there are likely to be few nights that work really well for me in the next 2-3 weeks, and I can't really predict which ones they'll be, so we might as well do Thursday. Whoever covers for me in the beginning: use Thuja's axe and Temmyn's tools to make me some javelins from the trees we camped under, and a new club for Conall if he wants one. Proper roleplaying demands it.
  24. I'd be about an hour and a half late, butotherwise it's fine. If we've got 5-6 other players already I'd be happy to spectate instead of playing.
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