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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. Standard is not always best. And this idea works better with BoE but is fine for BoA too.
  2. It's more expensive because of GF1, when it was also massively overpowered. So Jeff toned it down AND raised the skill price, and now I never touch it.
  3. I wish you had your karma visible because I would definitely rate you 5 stars right now.
  4. Okay, I take it all back. Missile weapons are godly. EDIT: I'm on torment and all I do is sneak up on people and shoot them, and a Daze if I get surrounded. Unstoppable.
  5. I'm a servile. Serviles are plenty cowardly.
  6. Well, this version of UBB doesn't allow you to set individual time zones, but there are mods that do, and later version of the UBB let you set the time zones. If I had access to the actual files on the server, there are plenty of things I'd change/fix/improve, but I don't, so this is what we're left with.
  7. Useless skills: Dexerity Missile Weapons Battle Shaping Luck (get one point)
  8. No. The board is set permanently to pacific time: GMT-8.
  9. TM and I were talking about three categories: BoE, BoA small, and BoA large. That is, if there are problems getting judges as-is.
  10. Shaping already makes people go crazy. It's not like it's a good thing. And people don't just stumble on Shaping. They work on it long and hard (serviles can give themselves magical powers through self-flagellation) and then go crazy.
  11. Well, there are three large scenarios in beta-testing: Exodus, E:R, and where the rivers meet.
  12. Both categories. Don't forget the graphics shifter for utilities.
  13. I'd add a best utility category, especially as we would have plenty of entrants. I think that zones is better than scripts - the player still has to walk through 8 empty outdoors sections, which makes the scenario larger in terms of playing (but not designing).
  14. I think living tools are pretty awesome.
  15. That's because, in general, they're bred not to be able to mate. But then there are Shapers who let them breed because it's more convenient then shaping a lot, or the ones where shaping them not to breed doesn't work.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Slarty: This game is going to be great, and I look forward to having many inane, nitpicky conversations about character builds on this board. There will be plenty!
  17. Quote: Originally written by Azdimoyne: P.S. In the begining of GF4, it says that Dangerous creation are never made capable of reproducing. They said that in Jurassic Park too, and we all know how that turned out
  18. No problem, that's what I'm here for!
  19. A silly question: do you have Classic on your computer? Some suggestions: Load classic before opening the game. Go to 256 colors before opening the game. Get Info on the game and multiply the memory requirements by about 5 to 8. Actually, try all of the above and then see if it's still there.
  20. It's not complicated at all, it's just HTML - links and line breaks. We should probably add some other series to the left too.
  21. One of the mods has to do it. Brett took responsibility for it, but he hasn't been around here in a while. We'll look into it.
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