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Everything posted by Drakefyre

  1. My take on the Chevyn/Starrus/Micah line of succession: Micah ruled as King from 777 - 836 IE, when he died and passed the crown to his second son, Chevyn. (His first son was Exiled with him and died soon after). Chevyn was Micah's second son and succeeded him after his death. However, the Council of Avernum controlled his every decision and did not even permit him to be officially crowned. They did not need to justify their control because everyone in Avernum knew of Chevyn's reputation for being a simpleton. The most notable event during his "reign" was the Second Slith War, but his actual handling of war affairs was minimal. When Starrus, Micah's third son, turned 13, the Council made him king in Chevyn's place.
  2. Graphic Converter is a Mac-only program, so I don't think it will be much help to you.
  3. Don't forget that magical efficiency is worthless.
  4. Move Party, IIRC, doesn't move between towns anyway. You need to use a forced Staircase, which also can't be triggered during combat. What you could do (I think) is change the terrain of the room you're in with Transform Terrain Rectangle to make it look like you've moved.
  5. Can't you just use a regular graphics program, like Graphic Converter or Paint? Take the screenshots, crop them, and arrange them however you like.
  6. I think it does have all of the areas under the Great Cave.
  7. He was talking about threads about Avernum Trilogy references to literary and movie characters, etc. There haven't been any about Avernum 4 or Torvald yet. And I agree with you - people are too quick to stifle a discussion that may become meaningful.
  8. They're a special item that allows you to not die from Erika's magical fire traps.
  9. In Avernum/Exile 3/III, you can get into them after the disaster.
  10. I scanned in the story about Resurrection Balm a while ago. I still have all of the printouts. Paper copies are more useful than some people would have you believe. They're sitting right next to my ANN's from seasons III to VI. http://ryan-thompson.home.comcast.net/balm1.png http://ryan-thompson.home.comcast.net/balm2.png http://ryan-thompson.home.comcast.net/balm3.png Quote: And if you mean - "Here is a help from me, the information you need for your creativity! Use it and write something terrifically interesting and breathcatching like a gasp of hot air!" - then THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! This is exactly what I mean, and you're welcome.
  11. Encyclopedia Ermariana is designed as a resource for scenario designers, but it also fits as a resource for book writers.
  12. The Scimitar basically became Unspecified Services, so they're not a reliable plot tool as is.
  13. Yes, it's safe to use give an item over and over again.
  14. The Darkside Loyalists seemed like a good story to go with, but they were kind of reduced to a minor mystery role when they could have been so much more. I've also always envisioned Commander Johnson going crazy upon reaching the surface and getting an army of Exiles to attack the Empire and you trying to stop him.
  15. Are we bragging about something? In that case, I beat Avernum 3 with a no-magic singleton (that includes no magic items).
  16. It would be most likely to see them on Vantanas, which would be a sort of "virgin" surface world before the Empire started fouling things up.
  17. It's fun. In a long game like Exile III (as opposed to BoE scenarios) my characters can take on some personality. They can afford to train in skills nobody likes. Having 6 PCs give some luxury. My absolute favorite party, though, is a two-PC slith party with a fighter-priest and mage-priest.
  18. It's good. You'll find out later.
  19. I managed to kill him before he summoned the demon (lots of haste/bless on my fighters with the mage and priest hanging back).
  20. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Quote: Originally written by Drakefyre: And for some reason, I like to give my Nephil rogue a rapier and a flail and poison. Because you really, really enjoy wasting skill points on two different weapon skills and the most useless skill in the game? It didn't make the game any more difficult, not to mention the 3 mage/3 priest skill. This was before I sought challenge in theme parties and singletons.
  21. And http://www.sitemouse.com/users/drakefyre/articles.html#graphics
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