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Everything posted by Mosquito---Slayer

  1. That's got to be the most innovative and the most ironic way of getting a bagful of likes. (even worse, you beat me to it. )
  2. I could tell you if you gave me the name with which you went on UBB, also possibly some UBB thread you posted in. (or maybe Sylae could tell, much easier for her)
  3. From what I infer, it's not only you, practically no body likes the level cap, I fail to understand why it's their in the first place, why not just give us the option to level up and make the end fights tougher to compensate that.
  4. OOps I guess, I should have read the posts better. Also I saw the graph, managed to understand it, but will someone tell me what is R2?
  5. They don't have rough tendencies for sure, but they are POWERFUL, remember how the G1 boat destroyed the attacking ship?
  6. That also sort of explains why I always find playing the shock trooper rather easy, your PC can always be a much better tank then any Creation (except maybe the Ur-Drakon) can hope to be.
  7. Go to your profile,click on the option for likes, become the master of the universe.
  8. Not to spoil the fun for you guys, but it is actually possible to dislike posts even now.
  9. That actually surprised me, not that you are at #4, that was sort of expected, but the fact that you were higher than Randomizer, but then I found that even Tyran was higher than Randomizer,oh well. My presence is very very fortunate for the forum, why the hell would you even think something else.
  10. You are not, even if I include the post you just made, there are still at least three spammers above you.
  11. Why, why ,WHY would you give it so quickly, I wanted to have some fun, you killjoy. (Additionally I slay little things, I'm not little myself )
  12. Yes, it happened a lot of time with me in the Aranea caves,(I even got killed once). The death happened while running from a Nephar mage when he summoned a lightning crawler, I totally hate them now .
  13. Actually It does matter, Servant minds for example have little Rogue tendencies yet the shapers have made them with useless limbs due to the intelligence, they aren't exactly barred but it's a pretty strict check nevertheless, so I believe that even if Drayks were the obedient sort, they will still have strict checks on them. Ha, I'm even better, not even my DRAKONS turn on me.
  14. I made a list, I hope it won't lead to spam (but I don't care if it does), so here are how many posts you have made since we entered our new home (only top 25):- Top 2-5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Sylae 314 3. Tyranicus 277 4. Lilith 259 5. Randomizer 249 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top 6-10 6. SoT 218 7. Actaeon 211 8. Triumph 209 9. Trenton 201 10. Aran 194 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top 11-15 11. Nikki 189 12. Alorael 172 13. Excalibur 149 14. Dikiyoba 148 15. Earth Empires 141 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top 16-20 16. The Reincarnated Baron Van Steuben 131 17. The Reverend 121 18. Jewels >:ok 117 19. Harehunter 116 20. Jerakeen 112 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top 21-25 21. ADoS 109 22. RaustBlackDragon 81 23. Death Knight 77 24. Nalyd 76 25. Rowen 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for the number one, I will leave it to you guys to guess , just as a simple hint:- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have tried to make it error free but it's a manual list so well It could have a small error here and there.(again I don't care)
  15. More like half an year,7 months and 2 days to be precise.
  16. Melee is definitely doable, at least on hard, some of the fights really turned ugly when I played, but it is rather enjoyable neverthless, finishing the game on level 24 though is something that won't be possible with melee.
  17. Yes they were always barred because of the high intelligence and an equally high Rouge tendency.
  18. Totally right, start the damn thread right now and give us a chance to spam without any remorse, will ya?
  19. Yep, no other consequences apart from the as you said "morality".
  20. I was using the mouse too until the third chapter of A2, but then it decided that enough was enough and refused to cooperate any further, now my mouse double clicks on a single click and when I attempt a double click I generally lose count of how many clicks took place.
  21. Surely he has got some water in his home, or maybe the slapping could be done while taking a bath, it should produce the same effect.
  22. Be sure to drop any sanity that you regained at the door .
  23. Because they are made heavy by...., um whoever(whatever) makes them.
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