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Everything posted by Tirien

  1. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Oh, Dikiyoba did try the mushroom. Dikiyoba is not dead yet. Thats becuase your liver hasnt shut down yet. Give it a day or two. ...Was the mushroom any good though?
  2. That reminds me of when I was in school. Every year, and I do mean every , some random kid that I did not know would tell me that im going to grow up to be a serial killer. So you probably shouldnt be worried about Dikiyoba, as Dikiyoba probably hasnt been told repeatedly that that is how Dikiyoba will grow up.
  3. Tirien


    So both puns and bagpipes destroy morale? And here I thought it was only puns that did that.
  4. Why not via email and a pm here on spiderweb? I know I never check my email. Last time I did was when I finally got on the forums. Then again, Im to lazy to ever do a AIMHack campaign, so no need for me to worry.
  5. Wow.... Thats something along the lines of what I was thinking as well. At least it gives me a good enough reason to get that dikiyora-hide cloak ive been wanting.
  6. Tirien


    So killing them accidentally with the cold is more fun than with explosives?! It seems like you dont know the difference between a good movie and a great movie.
  7. Tirien


    Someone could go start a poll on wether we should have voted for him/her/it or not. I know I would have voted for maybe. And thats on a poll with only yes or no answers.
  8. Slarty knows something. That or he had the foresight to save this from a possible purge. Which means he still has sanity.
  9. Originally Posted By: Dantius So the next session is going to go a head this Saturday, the new usual date, at 6:00 CDT, the usual time, in spidwebRPimperium, the usual room. Well, he didnt put it in bold text, but he did give advance notice. Cant really blame him if you didnt check it.
  10. I think there was a thread a while back that had the dates, but im not sure. I believe that it was on the Avernum Series threads.
  11. Yeah, it "looks like", doesnt mean it is. Some of the most toxic mushrooms look like the edible ones. Which is one of the reason I wont even touch a mushroom... That and becuase their just plain nasty.
  12. Did the spider tell you your neat? If so, its becuase you ate that mushroom.
  13. Originally Posted By: Triumph (Yes, poor Xuan did die, but that was at the very of the campaign, and therefore had less time to have an impact.) Poor Xuan? I read the logs. He deserved to die for those puns.
  14. You could have him die of alcohol poisining, seems like the way he'd like to die.
  15. Why would you like Avernum 6 so much? You Click to reveal.. died in it, remember? Or maybe you dont, or maybe there should be... Cheese! For everyone!
  16. I was spying on myself. I know im up to something. Blades of Avernum is one of the best games made so far, im my opinion at least, but only if you download more scenarios for it. Otherwise its pretty short.
  17. I havent played Exile 3 in a long time, but in Avernum 3 the editor would reset all towns, so Athron should go back to normal... I think. Im quite certain you dont need to finish that quest, which is a good thing since Athron isnt going to forget the fact you killed one of his/her/its kids. Second time today that ive been sniped...
  18. Simple graphics help, it allows you to more easily imagine what things look like than having high quality "realistic" graphics that so many games these days have. ARGH! Ive been sniped! Yet again....
  19. Originally Posted By: waterplant Dire wallabies disturb me... Could be worse, it could have been Dire koala's... The face jumping kind.
  20. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba ... no river crossings were an embarrasing failure... Sinking like a rock and then skipping over the water the next moment was pretty entertaining though. They probably should have just told Zarusa to throw a bunch of fireballs at the sponge monster, then again, that probably would have set the entire river on fire.
  21. I think the main reason GM's do that is so the dysfunctional parties dont end up killing each other at the end. Then again, this was the first/only party not to attempt to kill each other on a regular basis. At least, it feels like that.
  22. For some reason, the only thing I could think of when I saw it was "Spam"... The meat, that is.
  23. Originally Posted By: Nioca Heh. Nice to see Patches has a fan club. Thats becuase Patches was one of the most compentent members of the party, sadly enough. If Patches hadnt been around you would STILL be wandering around the jungle.
  24. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Everyone died. Even Patches. It was very sad. Dikiyoba. Nooooo! Not Patches! Kill Gramzon twice, but dont kill Patches!
  25. I only read the first few logs of Blood Marsh, and it was more a undead apocalypse than zombie apocalypse. Much more variety with that.
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