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Everything posted by Tirien

  1. Napoleon loves cookies. Its the reason he died.
  2. Originally Posted By: The Mystic And nobody has to tell me that video games can be addicting; several years ago (when Super Mario Bros. 3 was still fairly new, in fact), I found out the hard way by coming very close to playing all night. Last Xmas I played Guild Wars for about 32 hours straight before going to sleep (at the keyboard). Super Mario Bros. has nothing on MMO's.
  3. To much effort given the fact that I hate fish. I wont eat any kind of fish. Besides, human flesh is extremely nutritious.
  4. Bots have names too you know! Sure, they may be annoying spam machines but they still have names!
  5. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES ... pictures of little girls along with phrases like "Jesus hates you and so do I." Jesus and little girls hate Slarty? Chess is the best board game ever made, and will remain so unless Jeff makes a Exile board game. Triple sniped!
  6. Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu Or you could using his body smarter, and using his body as bait to catch fish. Yeah, untill a shark comes and takes the entire body and I end up without a meal. Are you trying to make me starve?! Besides, I hate fish.
  7. The plotline was lost the moment the first polar bear showed up.
  8. Ive done nothing but wizards for a party once. Then I joined the anama becuase I was bored. Probably not the smartest move on my part.
  9. Originally Posted By: Dantius Sorry, recruiting for higher level positions is closed. You're welcome to join the Legions of Terror, if you wish. How are the hours? Any benifits? What are the wages like? Is their a union? Do I get free pie? How many fingers am I holding up? Are they my fingers or did I cut them off of some hobo living under the bridge? How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop!?
  10. Originally Posted By: Fractal Originally Posted By: Lime Pickle Then resort to cannabalism. Then eat any wildlife on the island. The order of these two statements worries me. It worry's me too. If I dont eat the other guy first, then he might eat MY food! Better resort to cannabalism first, besides, he'll die of starvation after I eat everything even remotely edible on the island. Its more merciful this way.
  11. Wonder if the World Crime League is hiring any evil masterminds/chefs... Or at the very least some minions... I need a job already...
  12. Im sure someone is going to make a Blades scenario based on Lost now... If someone does, I will need to shove a screwdriver into my skull.
  13. I actually found fear somewhat useful, but thats becuase I had three members of my party spamming it. Works very well when spammed on a group of goblins.
  14. Originally Posted By: nikki. International crimefighter. You stole my job!
  15. Originally Posted By: Lenar Labs™ ...Jack Shepherd, John Locke... You have just ruined it for me. I'll never be able to play any of the Avernum series without thinking of them. At least he didnt include Jack Bauer (or however his name is spelled).
  16. Oh, I wouldnt eat MY food supply. I'd eat the other guys food supply. Then resort to cannabalism. Then eat any wildlife on the island. Then finally start eating my own food supply. All within the first 30 minutes of being stranded on said island.
  17. He leaves. You'll meet him again later in the game. Click to reveal.. He also dies. I never liked him anyways.
  18. I would say that Rice Boy was made during a drug trip, except that it has a coherent plot. I'm amazed at how few webcomics have been posted here.
  19. Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg I think that you have to talk to Solberg first. If not, he sends you to the woman you need to talk to anyway... Solberg speaks in third-person? He must be trying to steal the gimmicks of Alorael and Dikiyoba.
  20. Originally Posted By: Handyman ...concluding that all people are stupid... So true. Except for the smart people. And now that I dont have anything to really add to this topic anymore, I will have a hard time saying anything without spamming. Great...now im craving spam...
  21. If I remember correctly, third-degree burns are severe damage to flesh, muscle, ect. The worst coffee or soup is going to do is second-degree.
  22. Butterfly?! Where?! Must...kill...butterfly...
  23. Someone (not me, im lazy) needs to check what the temperature of a liquid would need to be at to get third-degree burns, becuase now that diki mentions it, I really doubt you could get third-degree burns from coffee that easily. You could get third-degree burns from listening/reading Diki talk/type in third person.
  24. The only time fresh coffee isnt going to burn you, is if its ICED COFFEE. The fact that she didnt seem to realize that is really sad. Also, never put a cup of coffee in your lap, whatever happens is YOUR fault. Originally Posted By: Dantius The term "mote in the eye" comes to mind. At least it wasnt coffee in the eye...
  25. Quote: Amber slimes cover everything they touch in gooey webs that make it hard to move. The muck of emerald slimes induces sleep. Mauve slimes were somehow imbued with minor spellcasting ability. The dangerous ochre slimes are composed partially of acid. Looks like someone didnt have enough caffiene before typing that. Emerald slimes are the acid ones. Ochre slimes put you to sleep. (Yes, this was on Encyclopedia Ermarian.)
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