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Everything posted by Tirien

  1. Ducks can do yoga?!?..... Stupid multi-talented ducks...
  2. Maybe if it was his 1986 post it wouldnt be cliche. Personally I think he just wanted to make a thread with oversized numbers and other stuff. Woo new title!
  3. Well im moving down to Arizona soon, out to Flagstaff, so I still havent applied for any courses yet. Being lazy is great.
  4. Originally Posted By: Artemis~ You're a shaper, remember? You're selfish and greedy. The last thing that you would be ending is world hunger. True, but dont forget, there would be no more poor people begging for my money. Also, I would have a lifetime supply of bacon-flavored poor people. Yum...
  5. If you dont like OOTS, its becuase youve been lobotomized. Or have never played any games with DnD rules, like Neverwinter Nights. Just got to the point in anti-HEROES where they make fun of the random naked barbarian in the wilderness thing from Morrowind. I always did wonder why there were so many of them in that game....
  6. ..Must...resist...political....debate... If I could shape, I would make the poor taste like bacon. Then World-Hunger, Poverty, and Overpopulation would be solved!... You can thank me later, unless your poor.
  7. It is like riding a bike, once you stop for three years, the next time you try it you will fail miserably. At least, thats what happened to me.
  8. Methinks Gramzon needs a Tea Intervention, he seems addicted to it. On a side note, I wonder what would happen if someone tried keeping Gramzon from his tea... Probably something violent.
  9. Morrowind, such a great game, with AI that cant pathfind its way through a door...
  10. I believe that this is a bit longer than "fashionably late"? This is a bit more like unfashionably late.
  11. Well, to be technical, Surtsey wasnt a island that had been sunken for several hundred years before mysteriously rising to the surface. But meh, good enough explanation for me.
  12. Originally Posted By: Upright and Thrifty —Alorael, who enjoys having a game that finally lets him shoot NPCs for being too irritating and have bystanders cheer him on for doing so. Which game is this? I so want to do that.... well, I'd shoot annoying people on other games, i just wouldnt get cheering with it.
  13. I think they were in both, cant remember for sure. But still, If your not wearing pants, there should be a restraining order against you (for the rest of the world).
  14. Its the whole "FEEL THE LOVE!!!!" thing that makes my eyes bleed. Or it could just be me getting pink eye or something... Oooo dont I get a new title soon?
  15. Originally Posted By: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder. ...tends to dissolve into a meaningless background of noise. Sounds like the majority of books that have ever been written...
  16. -Gasp- Pants! Im going to have to go back to the castle and kill that guard for it! What? Pants are awesome!!
  17. I thought i remember curing potions being able to get rid of lightning aura?
  18. Meh, I've eaten worse in one sitting. Strangely enough, im still only 134 pounds. I love having a fast metabolism. Also, Ezrah's signature makes my eyes bleed....
  19. Originally Posted By: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder. The burrito is scrambled eggs, bits of sausage, chorizo, little bit of fried onions and mushrooms, and bell peppers, all fried with Colby jack cheese, the tortilla browned to give it a little bit of crunch and help it retain its shape. The sandwich is the same ingredients in an omelet with the cheese, plus two strips of bacon, and a slice of American Cheese, with the bread seared in the pan as well, and the french toast is well... home made french toast with a cinnamon cooked into it, and sugar added afterward. + Pacifico... be careful though x3 I am going to have to write this down. Then go and make it and eat it. Then possibly make it again....
  20. I dont think I can come up with any comebacks without breaking one of the rules of conduct, so im just going to sit in a corner and be quiet now.
  21. Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis i know,it was just a joke...however i just liked the av 4,5,6. the older versions i don't like Gasp! Blasphemy! A1-3+Blades were the best of the series! Denying that is like denying the existence of waffles!!...Mmmmm Waffles....
  22. Originally Posted By: Rowen EDIT: Golden Sun lets you use your old characters in the newer game. Nothing like playing with level 58 characters to make the game unbalanced. Only was unbalanced untill the very overpowered final boss...
  23. ........Sailor moon.....please excuse me while I gouge my eyes out in a attempt to forget that show.
  24. I gave away all my old legos during last halloween. Some of the kids tried eating them....
  25. A log?! Already?.........This is now my favorite thread. Read log, and I have a question... If the island has been underwater for so long....why is there moss everywhere already?! shouldnt it be seaweed?
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