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Everything posted by Tirien

  1. Judging by the quote, im going to guess that Kurex really screwed things up. What? Its easy to blame things on Kurex.
  2. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires and caused economical breakdown for Avernum. Not for the adventurers. Besides, economical breakdown is good for adventurers!
  3. It also looks like he mentions Avernum, since hes mentioning 3d in the bottom right corner.
  4. 8-bit Theater sums up my feelings about that. "I like swords."
  5. But I LIKED the doom! It got all the snobby Empire tourists to leave!
  6. GIFTS...in a interview...answering questions... Im certain that went well.
  7. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Tirien How did they get in the tree anyways? Well, since bones tend not to fall out of the sky, something must have put it there. Dikiyoba. Or someone managed to shoot rudolph last year. Or the cancer finally killed him in midflight.
  8. Originally Posted By: RCCCL That's to bad, I got a new coat, aside from the flies being a bit annoying, it's quite comfy and warm. And when you get a new one, you can deep fry it! Santa Turkey is even better than santa, at least with the giblets you can eat your presents later.
  9. Yet more bones from Dikiyoba. This is starting to become disturbing, even for me. How did they get in the tree anyways?
  10. Thats why you ask for something useful, like a waffle iron. Makes your waffles taste like thanksgiving!
  11. Originally Posted By: Rowen Its been snowing on and off since Monday where I am at. Its doing the same thing where I am at. And who says there is no Santa Turkey? I send him a list every year.
  12. Originally Posted By: Cock a dudle doo B.T.W do lemmings bite(love nibbles included)? How else do you think they eat? Photosynthesis?
  13. Originally Posted By: Mod. ... and then blocks you in a tunnel until you press your spacebar button nearly to the point of breaking before it goes away. Provided I wasnt near anyone that mattered, I would usually just kill the summons if it did that. Does that mean I was a bad adventurer? I dont want to be a town guard!!!
  14. Their are cliffs in Yosemite National park that are you can jump off of.. and fall over one thousand feet. Now you have even more time to avoid hitting the ground and exploding on impact! Also, i'd rather be a penguin than a lemming. Lemmings are just plain overrated.
  15. Its the river crossing of failure all over again! Seems like the rivers of Mote really, really, REALLY hate adventurers...
  16. I know how you feel, Eph. I cam't spell zombie correctly unless I take alot of time to do it right now... KoL killed my spelling!!
  17. I dont consider myself fortunate. Good thing im not in CoH, or any AIMhack for that matter.
  18. Originally Posted By: FnordCola I would be all about Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Dragons. Each the size of a small city, with a voice like Alvin and the Chipmunks in the depths of a helium binge. That would be even worse than the GIFTS, if such a thing is even possible. At least its unlikely there will be a Giant Intelligent Friendly Talking Skull, oh wait...
  19. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES <pre><b>ILLITHIDS IN F-14s!!!1!!!!</b></pre> ...wait... Be thankfull their not also undead, pirates, and have laser vision. Now that would be truly terrifying.
  20. Please. No GIFTS! For the love of all that is spiderweb, No more GIFTS! -hides under his bed to get away from the GIFTS-
  21. Originally Posted By: Triumph When it comes to scheduling, this campaign is HOPE-less. Were all HOPE-ing that everyone makes it. Or gets drunk and falls off a cliff.
  22. Wonder who else is going to die. Will it be Kurex? Or the new guy who has almost no health left..
  23. Originally Posted By: The Mystic No one expects the Teleporting Ninjas! Thats becuase the Spanish Inquisition got to them first. Also, im always expecting Teleporting Ninjas. Its kind of a constant letdown that none appear.
  24. So im carrying around a bunch of good adventurers in my bag? Thats really creepy you know. Time to go back to smashing goblins and town guards. Tiri SMASH!
  25. Originally Posted By: Masquerade That's Exciting! but is you post count the meaning of life, the universe and everything? Congrats anyway Are you hinting that it isnt?!? Anyways, grats on 6000! but please, once you get there, dont do a 9000 postcount... I can see the internet memes already....
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