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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: People Actually, it's Nazi Zombies. He's british, go easy on his gramattical mistaeks. They can't speak English as gud as Americans.
  2. Originally Posted By: Second Culture Warrior [...] his work has been eclipsed by others'. Doctor Faustus has been replaced by Goethe's Faust, which lacks that pesky message about irrevocable damnation. lolwut? There was never any question in Doctor Faustus that Faust was damned solely because he chose to stay upon a course of action that would lead him to damnation. Even in the very last hours of his life, the old man still offers him eternal life in heaven and redemption if he just repents his wicked ways. His actions led directly to damnation not regardless of, but in spite of the constant offers of redemption he received. It's hardly "irrevocable" when it's made quite clear through the entire story that all he had to do was repent to become un-damned.
  3. Originally Posted By: Erasmus Unless you mean controlling your character while watching him fight through the eyes of another combatant, but then who would control your view point character? Horribly buggy AI, coded by Jeff, while drunk, at 2:00 in the morning. Fun!
  4. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES What do you actually get from a Spanish degree beyond simple fluency? That's rich comic from a linguistics major, since the only legitimate reason for getting a degree in the subject are the same- to pursue a PhD so you can teach the subject to others.
  5. And I thought that Black-Scholes was the most complicated math I'd have to deal with today, and then I walk in here and it's tensors and wave equations and Lagrangians or Hamiltonians or whatever it is you QM people call them all over the place. Price of admission into a game board where the majority of members have an advanced college degree, I guess...
  6. Et tu, Slarte? Thus fall Kool-Aid!
  7. Why is Julius Caesar almost never performed? Why is Romeo and Juliet so incredibly overdone? Why do directors insist on robbing his plays of historical and social context by setting them in the modern era/Victorian era/WWII/what-have you? Why are Marlowe's plays only done a tenth as often as Shakespeare's, despite him being at least as good a playwright as Shakespeare? We may never know.
  8. I'm positive I already made a kool-aid drinker joke earlier in the thread. The setup hardly counts if the payoff was already used...
  9. Mass Effect or [bust], no other space shooters even compare. Well, except SS2 of course (best game ever), but that was like 18 years ago, the game's probably older than you.
  10. That time works fine for me. Can't wait!
  11. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SANDWICH 1. Describe your perfect sandwich. One sourdough baguette, sliced lengthwise with a light spread of butter and garlic, broiled for several minutes unil golden brown. Add sliced sopressata salami, prosciutto ham, and pepper jack cheese. Retoast for several minutes until the cheese has melted and is soft. Apply giardinera to the now softened cheese, and sandwich the giardinera between the two slices of bread with meat and softened cheese to adhere it. Eat with potato chips, preferably with salt and vinegar. 2. What is your favorite filling or condiment? Tricky. I'll dodge this one by saying "dry-cured pork products" to include all my favorites. 3. What is your least favorite filling or condiment? Olive loaf, but you might not know what that is. 4. How often do you eat sandwiches? On average? Around three times a week, more in the winter, less often in the summer. 5. Have you ever found something really horrible in a sandwich? Yes, though technically it was on the sandwich. I was eating at a cafe outdoors in a location where pigeons abounded. You have one guess what a pigeon did. You're right. 6.If you could only eat one type of sandwich for the rest of your life, what would it be? Six cheese bagel, sliced and toasted, with onion/chive cream cheese, red onions, capers, dill, and lox. Not a sandwich in the traditional sense, but it satisfies he "meat and toppings between two slices of bread" definition, so it works for me. LIGHTNING ROUND: ON THE COMPONENTS OF THE SANDWICH 7. White or wheat? Sourdough. 8. Jelly or jam? Marmalade 9. Pickles or onions? Giardiniera 10. Cheddar or Swiss? Pepper Jack 11. Grilled or toasted? Broiled ON THE DEFINITION OF THE SANDWICH ITSELF 12. Explain why sandwiches are better than wraps. A wrap is the polynomial expansion of a sandwich- altough you can eventually get a wrap so good it is indistinguishable from a sandwich to the fiftieth decimal point, it's still not quite a sandwich. 13. Explain why wraps are better than sandwiches. Wraps may be prepared faster and quickly approximate sandwiches with far less effort required. See above extended metaphor. 14. Is an open-face sandwich an actual sandwich? Why or why not? No. I defined a sandwich above as "meat and toppings between two slices of bread", and open face sandwiches clearly fail to meet that standard. Interestingly, one open faced sandwich can be made into two sandwiches by the addition of two pieces of bread, thus creating two sandwiches from one. The open-faced stage may be a part of sandwich reproduction. Further study is required.
  12. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity It's 98% Earth, 1.7% Water, 0.3% Air, and trace amounts of Fire. So Earth wins. (All values wildly approximate.) But what about aether? SCIENCE CAN'T EXPLAIN AETHER!
  13. There have been people who've survived falls at terminal velocity before, and ~200m probably isn't enough to get you there. I wouldn't be surprised if it were possible to survive a 70 story fall.
  14. Have there ever been any large collaborative BoA scenarios that have been released? I can't even think of one. Come to think of it, were there even any for BoE? I'm sure there must have been some way back when, especially since the community was so much larger and longer-lived.
  15. Eschalon is a cheap Jeff knockoff, and Book II is just a knock off of a knock off. It's not worth the trouble, unless maybe you think the slightly improved graphics (still isometric just prettier looking) are worth the $20 (25?), but it's hardly the caliber of Geneforge in terms of story or some of the earlier Avernums/Nethergate.
  17. I absolutely want in on this. I probably won't be able to submit a character tonight, but I'll probably get you one by about midday tomorrow. Can't wait .
  18. It's obvious Cleverbot is useless. I requested that it define love, and it didn't reply "Love is a perfect shot to the knees usig a high-powered sniper rifle from 120 kilometers", as any self-respecting AI should.
  19. It seems that you're fairly into Bethesda and Bioware games. I'd recommend you try some of their older games. Try Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall, which is now freeware distributed from the Bethesda website. Failing that, try some of the Bioware classics, like Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic, or maybe even Baldur's Gate if you're feeling retro enough. Though not Bioware, Planescape: Torment is a classic, but it won't run on some newer machines- I've had problems installing and running it. And, of course, System Shock 2 is arguably the best game of all time, though I don't think it's freeware and it's damn difficult to find in stores. Maybe Good Old Games has it.
  20. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity If they do think about Avadon preventing civil conflict, they mainly think of that as preventing them from achieving their individual goals by means of short victorious wars. They're just too short-sighted and ignorant to perceive that those wars would be neither short nor victorious, but would inevitably descend into a barbaric morass that would make Avadon's lethal tyranny look like a parliamentary debate. cf. WWI.
  21. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Originally Posted By: Karoka As for continents, I would just define it as one of the seven accepted continents of earth. Then again, someone here will have to argue semantics there. Explain why Asia and Europe should be different continents. Explain why Europe and Asia and Africa should be different continents before 1869. While you're at it, explain why there are four different oceans when there really should only be one.
  22. Originally Posted By: devilkingx on the subject of cryogenics did they ever figure out how to thaw you yet? because i hear they can only freeze you indefinitely at this point Sidenote: I'll presume that by "cryogenics", the study of cold things in general, you're referring to "cryonics", the somewhat-pseudoscience of trying to freeze and revive very rich people so they can live forever in the future (which is also not to be confused with cryobiology, the study of the effects on cold on living things in general). We kinda need to clarify terms here, as terms are being used interchangeably here when they really shouldn't be. Short answer: No. Medium answer: No, and they won't for a very long time, due to a multitude of serious problems that won't be solved anytime soon, especially when you consider the fact that even if they do unravel it, you can't be legally frozen until you're medically dead, so even if you could revive people, they'd still be, well, medically dead. Long answer.
  23. Originally Posted By: People You people are far too iffy about calling things dead. It's not dead, it's just... pining for the fjords!
  24. Originally Posted By: People What section should it be in? Also, why are you posting in a topic that's been dead for a week? It's hardly "dead" if it's still on the first page of the forum in question. Which it was.
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