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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Dantius

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    Well, I guess number 15 in Slarty's Spiderweb quiz just got Nikki added to the possible answers...
  2. Originally Posted By: Enalya I've done both Ghaldring and Alwan's endings, yet in both, I don't find out who I am...is there an ending that allows me to get this knowledge? The ending that does this is the one where you get so frustrated at Jeff's lack of closure that you go on the forums and are swayed by the persuasive arguments that Click to reveal.. the G5 PC is actually also the G2 PC which makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Another clever examples of fans connecting the dots is speculation that Click to reveal.. the G3 PC actually becomes the mad Shaper Monarch in G4 , which would be pretty wickedly cool if Jeff would just admit it in the remakes.
  3. Originally Posted By: Rowen Is tomorrow the 6th of August tomorrow? Yes, the sixth of August is tomorrow's the sixth of august.
  4. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S No, no. I'm thinking more that particularly elegant comments and guesses by players with lower scores would allow them to steal points from the players in the lead. But would your eyes turn blue and cracks open in your skin when you did this?
  5. Originally Posted By: Triumph I suggest that as point values inflate, you need to stop giving "justice points" and start giving "great justice points." He could also stop giving justice points and start giving vengeance points, if he'd like to.
  6. It's a coup. The de-modification will not be televised.
  7. Does entailment have to do with the reallocation of money away from certain heirs and towards others, thus creating a motive for murder and thus a "suffix" of death?
  8. 238. You mean gods is probably This referred to one of Alorael's PDNs, but I forget which, because it looks more like a response to something than a PDN in and of itself. 206. Saros Shadow Flowerer might be Steinien cornucopia? A cornucopia is just a collection of flowers and fruits, unless you're using it to indicate having lots of something... 233. Chacun Cherche could be When Assistants lose their way? If your assistant's are lost, you might have to search for something yourself?
  9. 229. Disambiguation Cage is Twiggypedia? Disambiguation pages are found on Wikipedia, duh.
  10. 208. Hearts, Records, Game Systems is Things You broke- all of those things can be metaphorically "broken" despite the fact they still perform their intended function- a broken record plays the same few second over and over, a broken heart still pumps blood, etc.
  11. 198. The Infinite and I is Critique of Vague Reason, in reference to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, which IIRC spends some time talking about the limits of human perception of infinity.
  12. I think that an Avernum spin-off where you play as a Vahnatai would be pretty sweet. Maybe it could have a twist ending where you were working for Rentar ALL THE TIME?!?!?1/1/?
  13. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Additionally, in X1, X is the triad mage in charge of teaching. Maybe he was actually a good teacher: certainly, there are some eccentric professors who are very popular with their students. And he does teach spells to the party in most of the series. So you're saying we should really be referring to him as... ...Professor X?
  14. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S I graduated college 4 years earlier, and I knew very well what I was getting into with that major. Looked at in one light, my entire life has been an attempt to keep myself away from profitable, useful, worldly things. I mean, why do you think I spend so much time here? I dunno, spending time here certainly doesn't preclude doing useful things. I can spend a couple hours on the Internet every night and check up on my iPhone throughout the day and still maintain a 9-5 job through the year, and I can check here as much as I like on days off and weekends. I guess I just presumed that's what everyone here did, there certainly don't seem to be many members here active 24-7.
  15. Originally Posted By: Triumph Sobered by some aspect of adulthood / responsibility / finances? Perhaps you had just realized that you graduated college with a liberal arts major instead of something profitable/useful?
  16. I just assumed that X was simply the most powerful non-Erika/Garzhad wizard of the Five by enough of a margin that the others simply had t give him the position because of his skills. And then he squandered it making a spell to kill people with anvils instead of becoming Sarda. What a pity.
  17. Oh, so you were just sad that you'd be away from me and my charming personality then? That's nice . ...Yeah, I have no idea what you mean.
  18. Were you hunting for a job in 2009? Maybe you thought it would be impossible to find one and you might have to leave SW for a while?
  19. Okay, I'm a bit fuzzy beyond this point, and I don't actually own Sagan's Contact (yes, yes, minus a billion nerd cred, I know, but I own a complete set of the Feynman lectures, so that's got to count for something), but doesn't Ellie make contact after their organic ship-thing fall through a wormhole in spacetime? So wouldn't 188. What do you get when you fall in be paired with Contact? I have to use Google for the rest.
  20. 197. The Impossible and I could be paired with Storm Impact RPG with Glinda's pearl as title character? The Wizard and I was the name of a song sun by IIRC Elphaba (AKA the Wicked Witch of the West) in the musical Wicked, whih is like the prequel to the Wizard of Oz- starring Elphaba and Glinda the Good as the main characters.
  21. Oh, now I see it, without even Googling it. I used a book to look it up, and "Frown and Wrinkled Lip" is PBS detail- with PBS referring not to Public Broadcasting Station, but to Percy Bysse Shelly- the writer of the poem Ozymandias from which the line originates. So 160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip is PBS detail.
  22. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Originally Posted By: Dantius Wait, we can Google on these? Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S I'd prefer that you didn't google all of them the minute they are put up, so that other people get a chance to use their memories first. But at this point when no one seems to know them immediately, I don't see why not. Anyway, it's not like I can stop you. Like I said, I can't stop you, but a bit of discretion would be nice, especially when most of the people playing haven't even seen the thread yet. My apologies. I used Google on 174, 169, 173, and for the definition of Gematria on 181, though I knew he silicon bit, so it you'd like to remove those point, that's OK with me.
  23. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S You're turning to google awfully early, Dantius. I'm disappointed and will need to think about this. We're not allowed to use Google? You've said we could in prior threads- is there some specific cutoff, like no Google while x clues remain?
  24. 169. Divine Quantifier is paired with DINGIR, to the Akkadians, because DINGIR was the cuneiform (symbol? letter?) for deity. 181. Silicone and Gematria is Needed for a 32x32 set of words? Gematria is just the numerology practice of assigning numbers to letter/words, silicone is used in erasers and aren't crosswords 32x32? 196. Unhappy Origin of Asteroids is PBS detail? Maybe there was a NOVA episode on asteroids? 173. Ultramodern Spittoon is Look Edina wants, since a spittoon is the only physical object on the list?
  25. Yes Triumph, tais-toi and let me steal all your points, though I really should be working right now. 171. Compensation Junction, … is What's your Dysfunction. It's play on the Schoolhouse Rock song "Conjuction Junction". 186. Starry-Eyed Lover is Shakespeare Lover, before the cross- a reference to Romeo and Juliet, the worst Shakespeare play ever? 179. The secret/moment/answer/reason is Faustian compact, referencing Goethe's Faust, in which whenever Faustus experiences a moment he wishes to last forever, he loses his soul. 183. Paraprofessional Paramour is Leporello, e.g., in reference to the character Leporello, who's the titular character's wingman in Mozart's Don Giovanni. Let it never be said that a season pass to the Lyric doesn't come in handy. 174. Mon Oh Ir Ra is Let there be LIGHT, based off the mnemonic for "Strong Light" in Dungeon Master II (I used Google for this one because the clue was so bizarre) 160. Frown and Wrinkled Lip is Sober departing meditation, in reference to the meditation of the speaker on the fallen statue's visage in the poem Ozymandias by (IIRC) Shelly, which is also an awesome poem. I think that's it for now.
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