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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. A discrete way to go to the bathroom would be uncomfortable, I'd much prefer a continuous way of going to the bathroom. Differentiable would just be icing on the cake!
  2. Originally Posted By: Mod. Speech class is k illing me. Now I need an uninvented product service and I got nothing from brainstorming all week. Need a speech outline by tuesday, don't even have my topic yet. Can anyone spare any good ideas? Do you need an uninvented product, an uninvented service, or an uninvented product/service that are related in some way? I'm guessing that since this is for school, thinking of school services that would affect you would probably make it easier to connect with your audience. Every students have complaints with the school system. Try thinking of products or services that could alleviate someone's concern with the system. For example (I'm not sure if this is still the case), back when I was in school, I had to buy my own textbooks, which inevitably had criminally high prices- often well above $500 to $1000 every year! Of course, we now have iPad's and Kindles that can be bought for significantly less, so what if you provided a service where you partnered with a school bookstore or textbook company to sell students Kindles preloaded with ebooks of their personal course load, which, if bought in bulk, could be far cheaper than the cost of buying new textbooks every year. Some solution to a school problem like that might go over quite well with your teacher, and if you speech and idea is good enough, it might well head up the grapevine to someone who might be able to implement it. Chew on that for a bit and see if it helps. If you need someone to help revise your outline or draft for you, I'd love to help. I did speech and debate for years back in HS, and I've always been passionate about it.
  3. I've placed the order and the computer should arrive sometime in the second week of July! I'll let you guys know how everything turns out, and whether it was worth it or not. Frankly, I'm feeling pretty confident, but we'll see how things wind up in the end.
  4. Yeah, it's ranked as the 57th highest grossing iPad app currently, which is fantastic. I'm curious if Jeff will release sales figures for Avadon so we can see how well the whole "iPad" deal is working out for him- is it undercutting sales for the Mac version? Is it bringing in new customers? Is it having a negligible effect for the work done? I think the data would be fascinating.
  5. Originally Posted By: Marlenny What about the bit where HP computers completely blow? I've bought HP computers since I got out of college, I use them at work, and I've been exposed to them for just about a daily basis for the past, oh, decade and a half, and I've honestly never had any problems with any of their computers until the most recent one I've purchased, which was incidentally also the only time I just walked into Best Buy, said "I'd like a computer", and walked out after an hour without doing comparison shopping or spec analysis. That was totally my fault and I don't blame HP for my stupidity in not buying what I needed. I'm not looking to blow thousands of dollars on an Alienware or a custom built machine that will vastly exceed my requirements. I'm really just looking for a computer with specs in the bottom end of the top quintile, that I can buy for around $1K, keep for a few years, upgrade for another couple hundred, and then replace after 5 or 6 years for a newer, better model. HP fits my criteria to a T in this respect. The computers may not suit your needs, and that's fine, you probably have different requirements, but it really is exactly what I need, and frankly I see no reason to mess with a formula that's worked for me for so long due to one bad experience.
  6. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Originally Posted By: Dantius At any rate, I've settled on getting HP to build me a custom HPE h8t with a Intel i7 2600 CPU, 6 gigs RAM, 1 TB hard drive, and an NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 3 gig graphics card, which is actually the cheapest DX11 card I could find. It checks out price-wise, and I'll probably place the order sometime tomorrow. Honestly, if you really want powerful performance out of your card, I think you'll be disappointed with the 430. The GTX 460 is admittedly twice the price, but it is very nearly twice the card. I'm sure, but there are several issues with getting a GTX 460. For starters, the PSU isn't strong enough to support more wattage than, at best, a GTS 450. Secondly, buying a new PSU is expensive and installing a hassle. Thirdly, installing any graphics card that does not come as an option in the HP build-a-computer applet will void my warranty/care package, and ability to get a refund if I find the computer lacking. Fourthly, purchasing a 460 would probably put me over budget, since I decided to bundle a pair of new monitors as well, which granted shot me right out of my current bracket, which loops back into number 3 about the returns, since I'd like to have a chance to get my money back if things go sour. While I'm normally quite gung-ho about voiding warranties and upgrading stuff by hand, there's a big difference between tearing up a $200 netbook to optimize performance the hard way and screwing with what is now shaping up to be $1.5-2K worth of equipment for the sake of a little graphics boost.
  7. Click to reveal.. (RANT) Originally Posted By: Micawber However, in context, after Dantius said that he wanted to buy a computer with Windows (and makes it plain he has another computer, and presumably, software he would like to continue to use) the first reply was rather a poor response. It's not unreasonable for Dantius to define clearly what he's looking for (perhaps hoping to avoid replies from timewasters?) That's pretty much exactly why I did so. It's almost inevitable when I go to a tech support threads and say something along the lines of "Hi, I have this problem with my Windows Vista/Win7 and would like to fix it WITHOUT BUYING ANOTHER COMPUTER OR OS [emphasis in original]", some people inevitably reply "Durr, you should buy a Mac irrespective of the fact that you already have ten thousand dollars worth of software for your Windows machine than you must be able to run, simply because I, an uneducated person on the Internet who is a Mac fanboi, desire you to!" despite the fact that I expressly included a disclaimer in my original post to deter these kinds of people! Okay, done ranting. At any rate, I've settled on getting HP to build me a custom HPE h8t with a Intel i7 2600 CPU, 6 gigs RAM, 1 TB hard drive, and an NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 3 gig graphics card, which is actually the cheapest DX11 card I could find. It checks out price-wise, and I'll probably place the order sometime tomorrow.
  8. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Rowen When I can use my cooked food as a blunt force weapon I tend to just throw it away. Alfred Hitchcock used it as a murder weapon and then had the murderer eat the evidence with the police. Is that the story where the wife murders her husband with the leg of lamb? I thought that was hilarious when I read it.
  9. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Your case covers part of the screen? No, it sounds like it covers the side of the machine that has the volume controls, which are one of the four/five buttons (depending on your model) on an iPhone or iPad.
  10. The option I'm considering most seriously is getting an HP h8t (awesome name, BTW. I'm naming mine the h8t machine), upgrading the processor to in i7 2600 quad-core, an extra stick of RAM to get up to 9 or 12 gigs, and then using the store credit I have at Best Buy to pick up a new nvidia 4?? GTX depending on what the voltage draw of the card and the PSU it comes with. It comes out to about $1,100, which is just about the maximum I'd be willing to spend at any rate.
  11. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Randomizer Who needs water It would be a shame to waste good water on Kool-Aid anyway. Kool-Aid is gross. Looks like somebody hasn't been drinking the Kool-Aid Kool-Aid.
  12. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: The Ratt You know the mods can smell fear, right? We don't need to smell it anymore, there's now an app to tell us. Brutal organizational repression of free speech and thought: There's an app for that!
  13. Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: Dantius So I'm looking for a computer with: WindowsThoughts? Nope, sorry. Looks like you're beyond help. Ahem. The free market has spoken, and concurs with my assessment.
  14. Okay, so I'm the sort of person who likes to have two computers in the house, and keep each one for about five years before getting a new one, to stay ahead of the curve and be able to run all the latest games, programs, etc. However, since the last computer I bought was utter crap and by no means was able to perform what I needed it to, I figured it's about time for an update, and I wanted to ask around to get a few opinions before I bought something and found it unsuited for anything other than web browsing, Minesweeper, and Word. So I'm looking for a computer with: Windows Over 1 TB storage space Serious 3D and graphics capabilities (needs to be able to run Autodesk products, 3D rendering, games, etc. Dual monitor support a must) Good processing power and RAM (I like to run tons of programs in parallel, and some require some serious processing power) Less than $1000 net cost. Preferably, that doesn't mean like $950, but more like $800-$850. HP products are preferred. I like HP. I'd have nothing against buying a part or two separately and switching it out, I don't want to build the whole thing from component parts for the sake of saving a few hundred bucks. Thoughts?
  15. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    Originally Posted By: Micawber With all the pedantry in this thread, I'm surprised no one has yet pointed out the errors in the topic title. It's funny, the other day I saw a sign entitled "Avalon" in the same font as the Avadon logo. I did a double take and tried to take a picture, but by the time I had my camera out I had already passed it. Shame.
  16. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Dintiradan <pendant>Before the advent of digital computers, 'computer' was a job description. So even without a Turing machine, the combination of Nicothodes + typewriter + abacus + slide rule forms a computer.</pendant> I'm not sure what a NECKLACE has to do with minute concern for an obscure and disused definition of a word. Originally Posted By: Dantius Wow, and I thought I was a pedantius.
  17. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    Wow, and I thought I was a pedantius.
  18. Quote: 15. And finally, how many members can you name who created a topic to announce their permanent departure from the forums, only to return years, months, or days later? Salmon did this, didn't he? I'm not sure if he created a topic, but he certainly left in a huff over the ban on animated avatars, and I'm sure he's shown up at least once since then.
  19. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    If you wanted to do useful things, then you really shouldn't get a computer. Games, the Internet, music- they're really just one big distractions. In fact, you can eliminate the computer entirely by instead obtaining a typewriter, an abacus, a slide rule, and a device to manipulate symbols on an infinite strip of paper according to predetermined rules or algorithms!
  20. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: VCH You people and your i this i that. It's rather depressing not owning anything with an i in front of it. Just remember it's all imaginary! And even you started multiplying the number of i devices you owned, you'd only end up with one negative device. Not so! If you get four iDevices, you'll have a positive real device, which you can then trade in for an actually useful product, like a computer with Windows instead of a mac!
  21. For a second there I thought that was a picture of Dr. Robotnik. Then I counted the arms, and freaked out. Who is that?
  22. PDN dosen't count, it stands for Publicly Displayed Name. I'd image that that acronym would be shared by any other forums that would use UBB. As previously stated, acronyms used elsewhere don't count. I don't think anyone has said ET or TM yet. Do abbreviations that aren't acronyms, like Alo or Aran or Slarty count? Because there are like a bajillion of those.
  23. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    Originally Posted By: This Charming Man! Wait, people still go to the main site rather than just coming here? The only time I ever get there anymore is when I misclick on the little white type that says "Spiderweb Software Homepage" instead of the equally small type that says "Forums" when trying to navigate back somewhere on my iDevice.
  24. Dantius

    Avalon on I-PAD

    Originally Posted By: People I was gonna say. . . Yeah, but Lilith did say. Maybe mod powers grant prescience. Or faster load times.
  25. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Sarachim Originally Posted By: Lilith i hate to disappoint you guys but like 95% of my duties are going to involve banning spambots that happen to post during the freakish antipodean hours I keep I have not been this disappointed in a leader since Lyndon Johnson. lyndon johnson singlehandedly browbeat Congress into passing Medicare so if that's your standard for disappointment in leadership i think i'm doing okay I'm not sure whether this is just me, but naming a set of social reforms the "Great Society" sounds scarily like something out of communist China or Cambodia. I trust you'll at least come up with names for your mod-y initiatives (we have those, right?) more original than that.
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