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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. It's density calculations. That's high-school freshman math. I'm not throwing in advanced structural load calculations for metals noone's ever heard of. Besides, my job is to throw math at people and hope it sticks.
  2. I had The Emperor initially, which I changed so people wouldn't go ZOMG ITZZZ TULLEGOLAR'S SOOPER SEEKRIT SOCK every time I entered a conversation, which used to happen. So, now I'm Dantius. It will probably stay that way.
  3. Spddin. Quick lesson on naval theory. A ship can only be as heavy as the water it displaces. Therefore, a ship that displaces 1 cubic meter of water can only hold a ship that weighs a million grams, or about 1000 kilograms, or about a ton. Considering that this is, technically speaking, not much, a ship reinforced with Puresteel. Now, if we presume that Puresteel is much denser than regular steel, which has a density of about 8 grams/cubic centimeter, we will assign Puresteel the arbitrary density of 12 g/cm squared, 50% denser. Now, this means that, for every 1 cubic meter of displacement, you could have about 83,333 cubic centimeters of Puresteel. This means that you would have a 1.5 cm layer of Puresteel per side. Even if your reinforcement involved a layer a tenth that size, that you'd still be a lot of Puresteel. Not to mention that the only ship with a displacement of 1 cubic meter is , well, a lifeboat. Transporting golem, which no doubt weigh several tons, would require a ship either so large or so dense that it would be impractical, or a layer of Puresteel so small that it would be completely ineffective. Or you could use several tons of Puresteel. So, I, for one, vote that we limit the amount of Puresteel usable by each faction to a point where it will not, in fact, enable you to build an army. Take me. I've had, in the course of my factional history, the Puresteel usage of one (1) small rapier. Stop trying to overpower the RP with pure impenetrable golems of awesomeness. NB: All these calculation were done in my head, so some level of inaccuracy would be expected.
  4. Alorael (1 on the top posters list) switches his names because he was pissed that he didn't get a custom title from Drakefyre like almost all the other top posters. For example, Slarty (8 on the Top Posters list) has "Metyphor of Babylon" below his name, and Alorael has nothing. All the others do it to imitate him, because they think it is cool. It got tired when people who were not Slarty or Alorael tried it (Hi, Nalyd and w-dueck!)
  5. A tentative Preservation/Mild/Intellect. I'm quite busy now, but may be avalible sometimes.
  6. Dantius

    Pet Peeves

    I actualy had a "Vlish are ficticious" line stored up whenever two -icious adjectives involving vlish appeared.
  7. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel British and American are nationalities. English is a language. Could you do me a favour, then, and look this up in the encyclopaedia? Actually, they are different dialects of the same language.
  8. Will there be the same system of stats/leveling for the new game?
  9. Did you play Geneforge? Character creation an Avernum is different, and it's somewhat difficult to adjust to (for me at least). However, there is a much wider margin of error, so you should generally be fine.
  10. It existed in G5, too. I didn't do anything about it, but it was there.
  11. Dantius

    Pet Peeves

    Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Xelgion Buttered Vlish would make a nice meal. I suggest you try the vlish and chips. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, so bad.
  12. Originally Posted By: meAzuma Quote: 20% slith What happened to the 80%? I meant to say a 20% penalty slith. Fine, be picky.
  13. No, it multiplies. Thus, a 20% slith with a -20% penalty would only have a -36% penalty.
  14. Hard and Torment, but only for A5, seeing as A6 hasn't come out for windows yet.
  15. Traits make the game easier, and give you free points in various stats, making the level/SP reduction negligible at best. I usually go for DT on all of them, then EW, EW, PS, and NM on the warriors, priests and mages, respectively.
  16. Originally Posted By: child of the moon Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Originally Posted By: Master1 Ah, English English. No, British English. No, just "English". Stop being British. I mean, English.
  17. Originally Posted By: Salmon What is the value in this discussion? To spam. And to yell at each other. The first, yes. The second not so much.
  18. What it says on the tin. Record you answers, and this will tell you you beliefs, in handy chart form. ============================================================================================ SECTION 1: SCENARIO: 1. You encounter a wounded creation in the woods, while on a crucial mission. Do you: A. Kill it. It is a rogue and must be destroyed. B. Kill it. You have more important things to do than worry about a wounded creation. C. Leave it alone. The mission takes prominence D. Try to heal it. If this would require undue amounts of time or energy, leave E. Try to heal it. Creations are sentient, and all effort must be taken to care for them. 2. After travelling for several days in hostile territory, you encounter a group of enemy creations. What do you do? A. Immediately attack them. They are the enemy, no sympathy B. Attack them, but only if you are strong enough C. Sneak around them- combat will only slow you down D. Try to incapacitate them somehow, then walk past E. Try to calm them, and avoid inflicting any harm 3. You have penetrated deep into the enemy fortress. You objective is near. Suddenly, you enter the central labs. A researcher, with several creations present, has his back to you. Do you: A. Kill the creations as they are more dangerous, then him, before he can react. B. Kill him, then slaughter his creations, helpless without his guidance. C. Create a diversion, then slip past. Combat would be a waste of your time. D. Bluff your way past, avoiding combat. You shouldn't harm innocents unless it is unavoidable E. Try to find another route. You have no business harming him or his creations 4. You are fighting an enemy servile warrior in a shaping lab. Suddenly, he stumbles, back to a vat of chemicals. Do you: A. Kick him in. He deserved it, for fighting you. B. Kick him in. It should incapacitate him long enough for you to achieve your mission. C. Continue attacking. D. Stab him, clean and quick. He shouldn't have fought you in the first place. E. Disarm him, knock him unconscious, and stash him somwhere he won't be found until you are well out of there. 5. You have reached your objective. However, it is guarded by several powerful creations. How do you get it? A. Eliminate the rogues and get it. Killing enemy combatants in always better than not doing it. B. Eliminate the rogues. Mere creation should not get in the way of your mission. C. Kill the creations. The mission takes prominence. D. Try to stun them or otherwise not inflict harm on them. E. Try to find another route, and avoid harming them. 6. How do you escape from the enemy stronghold? A. Create several disposable creation, sending them forth to wreak havoc B. Release the experimental creations in the cells, causing chaos. They are doomed anyways. C. Fight your way out. D. Create a diversion by sabotaging machinery, but insure no one is hurt. E. Sneak out and escape, harming no one and nothing. SECTION II: CREATIONS 7. Serviles: A. Need to be under strict control to insure loyalty. B. Have strayed too far from control, and need to be taught a lesson C. Should be our servants, but we should not abuse them. D. Are not as powerful as humans or drakons, but are intelligent and sentient, and should be respected as such. E. Are our equals 8. Shapers: A. Had the right idea in their treatment of creations, but grew lax in its enforcement. B. Should be seen as a model for their system of punishment C. Held many correct beliefs, but also many wrong beliefs. D. Were too controlling for their good. E. , in their authoritarianism, doomed themselves to failure 9. Drakons: A. Must be attacked on sight and killed, no exceptions B. Are a perversion of the Shaping arts. They should be imprisoned, studied, and then killed. C. Are too powerful to deal with D. , in their domination, have shown how weak the Shapers can be E. Intelligence, power, and skill, should be seen as the model for creation types. 10. Eyebeasts: A. , were they not so rare, would pose the greatest threat to society today, even more so than Drakons B. Are far too powerful to let live C. Need to be avoided D. Keep to themselves, and thus merit little attention E. Make excellent warriors, regardless of their flaws. SECTION III: TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH 11. The system of research, in which a creation is modified, tested, and then killed, is: A. Is unnecessary. We have plenty of creations, why waste time and effort making more? B. Is useful in times of war, but a waste of time and resources otherwise. C. No opinion. D. Effective, and should be continued E. Does not produce effective enough warriors, and should be replaced with self-Shaping 12. The system in which creations are created, thrown into a enclosed area, fight, and those that survive are tested and analyzed, is: A. Ineffective and costly, in terms of both life and effort. B. Interesting, but less effective than other systems. C. Great for getting loot! D. Useful, and merits more study E. Excellent for effectively testing the battle prowess of creations SECTION IV: THE GENEFORGE AND GENETIC MODIFICATION: 13. Canisters: A. Damage and impurify all those who use them. They must be destroyed B. Are ineffective and decrease the viability as a warrior the users C. No opinion. D. Are useful for getting certain abilities, but the price is too much to go all-out. E. Must be used whenever possible. The power makes it worth it. 14. When Danette invented the Geneforge, the shapers responded: A. Wisely. It contained too much power and too many negative effects to ever be practical. B. Wisely. The investment required to make the Geneforge viable would be too much, in exchange for the gain. C. by halting the project. We cannot second-guess their motives centuries into the future. D. Hastily. They should have waited for more testing and results. E. Foolishly. They enabled so much power to slip by their hands. 15. The multitude of secondary Geneforges: A. Demonstrates the incompetence and insanity of those who create/use them. B. Are not as effective in training warriors as the old fashioned way. C. Needs to be culled. D. Provide a cheap and effective way to train powerful warriors. E. Needs to be increased. Power must be given to all. 16. Self-Shaping: A. Is the lowest of the low. B. Is overused and overvalued. C. Trades one thing for another. D. Is a quick and dirty way of getting new skills. E. Is the future, the new way of training. ========================================================================================= Now, get your score. Here's how. A. Take questions 1-8. For all A answers, subtract 1. For all B answers, subtract 0.5. For all C answers, do nothing. For all D answers, add 0.5. For all E answers, add 1. This is your score on the "Creation rights" scale. A -8 means you think all creations are rogues by default, and require strong control to keep them in line. A +8 means that creation are our equals, and should be respected and cared for. B. Take questions 9-16. For all A answers, subtract 1. For all B answers, subtract 0.5. For all C answers, do nothing. For all D answers, add 0.5. For all E answers, add 1. This is you "Individual rights" score. A -8 means that people have no right to power, and it needs to be strictly controlled. A +8 score means that all should have access to power, regardless the consequences. C. Reference your score in coordinate form (A, to the coordinate plane here. Then, check with the color below to get your faction! Dark Purple: Barzites. Creation have no rights, but we have all rights to power. Blue: Drakons. Creations have few rights, and self-Shaping is encouraged. Light blue: Rawal. Creations have little rights, and power is encouraged, in moderation. Dark green: Alwanians: Creation have no rights, nor do we have rights to canister, which corrupt. Green: Shapers: Creations have few rights, and self-Shaping is discouraged. Light green: Obeyers: Creations have little rights, and genetic modification is somewhat discouraged. Bright Yellow: Trakovites: Creations have equal rights, but Shaping is discouraged or banned. Yellow: Awakened. Equal creation rights, but canister/Geneforge use discouraged. Light yellow: Astorites. Creations have rights, but self-Shaping is discouraged. Bright Red: Rebels. High Creation rights, and high freedom of choice. Red: Takers. Medium creation rights, and high self-Shaping. Pale Red: Sholai: Some creation rights, and some self-Shaping Black: Servile cultists: Creations rights are the issue, mainly, creations should have all rights. Canister usage is not really an issue Dark grey: Gottesch: Research and progress should not be impinged. Creation rights are not an issue. Grey: Taygenites: Creations should be put in camps and killed. No exceptions. Light grey: Traditionalists: Things should stay the way they are. No new research, no change in creation rights. White: No opinion/conflicted. D. Post your faction and score below!
  19. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I want to change A5 ending to where you can kill off both pretenders to the Empire throne and establish yourself as the new emperor. This. Why is there no powergamer ending to the Avernum series, like the G1 Geneforge-user ending?
  20. Personally, I thought that the canon ending of A6 where X killed Ghaldring with his anvil spell in Canopy, right before closing the Nethergate and using the Geneforge in the Skylark School of Magery was a bit far-fetched, and should maybe be rethought in the next series.
  21. My gimmick is inserting Star Wars quotes if the opportunity presents itself.
  22. If you are not pleased, why did you change the name of the thread to Arolael vs. Dekubaba?
  23. I think there may be a "game speed" option in the Preferences window, but that speeds up everyone else as well, so no difference.
  24. X finishes his spell? Can a PC cast it? That would be AWESOME!!!1!!1!@!1!1
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