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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. I was going to do a bunch, but this result was just do funny I had to do it. English to Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese to English to French to English: Quote: D' access, it has a point to be cheaper; And in the second place it has the word Don' ; T which paints in its cover' ; the friendly letter of S considerably is panic And cleaned up a touch, it reads: Quote: Of access, it has a point to be cheaper, and in the second place it has the word Don't, which paints in its cover the friendly letter of S, considerable in it's panic
  2. Originally Posted By: Triumph to having Elrond randomly show up to deliver Anduril in RotK Ahem.
  3. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan ....Coincidentally enough, I just finished The Fellowship and am moving on to the Twin Towers. Was anyone else inspired by watching the movies on Spike too? The LoTR movies are one of the few examples I can easily recall where the movies are better than the books. This may simply be because Jackson wasn't scared to edit out all the junk that Tolkien bloated the books with in order to trim it down into a storyline that was easily followed. I picture Tolkien sort of like the fantasy world's Ayn Rand: A literary genius who just needed to know when to stop writing and start editing. In other book-to-movie news, after rereading the first three Foundation books for the umpteenth time, I found out that a Foundation feature film is in the works. I highly doubt that it will be better, but I can still hope...
  4. Originally Posted By: Sarachim I'm not sure about this. How would a Zarusa-trusting perk work? Perk:Implicit trust- Zarusa believes you a honest and straightforward individual, and trust you to run the group in her stead, letting down her guard slightly. As a result, she only rolls 20's on Listen checks half the time, and 19's the other half.
  5. Originally Posted By: Ephesos There will probably be a huge, poorly-managed poll UBB for the win!
  6. Originally Posted By: Ephesos ...I am perplexed. Also, why would cursed items benefit the player's stats? Then they wouldn't want to remove it. I draw your attention to the Bloodthirst Spear of Avernum 2, pretty much the objectively best pole weapon in the game.
  7. Not if he's just talking about modifying the item definitions in the scripts. Lots of people here do that.
  8. Dantius

    Animated Avatars

    No, I distinctly recall him giving himself the custom title "Proving a Point" to, well, prove a point. It was definitly in early 2010, the forums werethe same style and format.
  9. I get MORE levels? Click to reveal.. Name: Xuan Lu (Dantius) Occupation: Strategic Consultant Alignment: Malevolent Race: Human Deity: Atheist Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 5 Health - 20 (+4) Magic (Conjuration) - 4 Bluff - 2 Artifice - 4 Stealth - 2 (RB) History - 1 Streetwise - 1 Diplomacy - 5 (+2) Perception - 1 (RB)
  10. Dantius

    Animated Avatars

    The only thing Alorael is confined to is his registration date and his title, which he can change, but won't. I think he did so a few months back to prove a point, but then switched it right back to "Postmaster General"
  11. Dantius

    Animated Avatars

    Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith What about images that look like they're moving but they're really not? *snip* Actually, if you unfocus your eyes and remain very still, those images remain static. I find those sorts of tricks nearly as fun as the illusions themselves.
  12. Dantius

    Animated Avatars

    Originally Posted By: -=microphage=- Comparing SpidWeb forum leadership to Nazism is absurd. This. Absolutely this. Pointless Godwin's law violations for every trivial thing irk me to no end.
  13. Artifice would be nice. Click to reveal.. Name: Xuan Lu (Dantius) Occupation: Strategic Consultant Alignment: Malevolent Race: Human Deity: Atheist Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 5 Health - 16 (+4) Magic (Conjuration) - 4 Bluff - 2 Artifice - 4 (+2) Stealth - 2 (RB) History - 1 Streetwise - 1 Diplomacy - 3 Perception - 1 (RB)
  14. I'm amending my platform: I just got Windows 7. Email and name still are the same.
  15. Does he appear at all after the Great Portal quest? I had gotten the feeling that Jeff was going to make the the Dionicio of A6- someone who appears every few chapters. I certainly thought he was an interesting enough character to merit repeat appearances.
  16. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Meanwhile, ANGST. Don't worry, I am angst-ing right along with you: Click to reveal..
  17. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I guess I was really looking for the liquid vanilla extract, since that's what the North American recipes I know call for. It's pretty good, if you get actual vanilla extract — unfortunately imitation extract also exists, which is a poor substitute. Vanillezucker is kind of a mystery to me, and actual beans/pods are a bit too hard core. I'm not sure what to do with them. But if I can really find them, maybe it'll be worth trying to figure something out. The boiling in milk idea doesn't sound too hard. Just make homemade vanilla extract. It's surprisingly simple, and very delicious: Click to reveal.. (Homemade Vanilla Extract) 1.Buy some light/medium rum. a 750 mL bottle works best, but a 375 works okay too, just adjust the amount of vanilla accordingly. 2.Pour yourself a shot of rum. Drink it. 3.Using a sharp knife(best to do this stepquickly after step 2) bisect 3-5 vanilla beans(the more vanilla, the stronger the flavor, and the shorter the wait), but leave them slightly attached on one side. Then, fold them open. When you're done, it should look like a butterfly with two wings 1/8th of an inch wide and about five inches high. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. 4.If you haven't taken step 2 yet, do so. You'll need the space freed up. 5. Drop the vanilla beans inside the rum. 6.Aww, you've just ruined some good rum. Have another drink. 7.This ferments, right? And fermentation needs oxygen, right? Better free up some more space in the bottle, so you get better vanilla, of course. Have another drink. 7 1/2. Thr3e is an oodd nUmber. Betr havve anuther drank. 8.Reseal the bottle tightly, date it, and then store it in a cool, dark, and dry place. 9.Wait about 3 months, less if you've used more beans(or had lots of rum to drink) (since this is the internet, I must regrettably include the following two steps) 10. ???? 11. Delicious, vanilla-flavored profit. I laid down a bottle in February, and I just ran out of my old bottle, so I eagerly await May 4th, when I can pop open a new bottle
  18. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Nah, Orbital Power Transmitters are really all you need. Can those be modified to orbital death lasers at all?
  19. When I first entered this scenario, I came expecting a simple hack-n-slash, perhaps involving demons in some capacity. In short, I came in longing for another simple, primitive Blades scenario. I left it changed forever. This scenario had satisfied a deep and longing need, one that I did not know that I either had nor desired to have. The austere existentialism that permeates this scenario shows the folly of the genre, and must therefore be viewed as a critique of the degradation of nothing less than the entire Blades genre. By breaking all conventional bounds, Nemesis demonstrates his mastery of the art of designing, and produces a piece which can only rightfully be elevated to the highest of the Blades canon. Every aspect of this scenario was carefully marshaled by the designer to fit his ultimate purpose. The combat perfectly matched, like a lock into a key, the tone and commentary of the scenario. His scripting skills rival that of any current Blades designer, and that, coupled with his wild imagination, has allowed him to demonstrate a versatile and effective coterie of tows, each perfectly segueing into the last, until eventually the individual designs blur together and you are left with a seamless demonstration of the mastery of the author. Through the ultimate integration of all the requisite discrete points of Blades designing, this scenario cannot, under any concievable circumstances, ever recieve less that a rating of: [rating]BEST.[/rating]
  20. I just finished Nicholas and Alexandra by Robert K. (can't forget the middle initial) Massie. I read Dreadnought a while ago, so I picked this up while on vacation as some light reading. It is a quite brilliant work of historical narrative, although his style gets very tiring after a while. Observe as I imitate it: Here's me telling you something about the Tzar. Here's a ridiculously long quote by the Tzarina's butler's mistresses' brother about the Tzar's campaigns in Japan, telling you nothing that couldn't be condensed into the prior sentence. Here's me executing a totally unnecessary recap of the quote, which adds nothing new and lasts for a paragraph. And there's six hundred pages of that! I swear, he had to have been paid by the word. Despite my ranting, the book is actually quite good and very understandable, and I would recommend it to anyone interested in European/Russian history.
  21. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES And Dantdringison, Rogue *definitely* predates Moria. I think there was a different unix game called 'moria' (not sure if it actually predates rogue or not) but the roguelike called Moria descended from Rogue and not vice versa. Yeah, I just Wiki'd it and Moria postdates rogue. There was, however, a roguelike called "Beneath Apple Manor" that predated Rogue by two years. On the other hand, Beneathapplemanorlike definitely does not have the same ring.
  22. Originally Posted By: GIFTCockroach I agree. It works like that in G4, why not in Avernum? It's also less confusing. The exception is stackable items with a value less than 4 (textbook example: G3 oil lams, worth 3). Knowing the buying price allowed to know what to keep and stack and what to leave on the ground. Not having six/four inventories made minor details like that much more important in Geneforge.
  23. Originally Posted By: Post hoc ergo post hoc Except only sissies play games where pound signs are floors, not walls. ... In a thread complaining about how the original graphics are better then the new ones, I would think you would come out guns blazing in support of the original Rogue. Besides, old Rogue is, by definition, the best of all Roguelikes. That's why they're called Roguelike, instead of Morialikes (Moria did come first, IIRC), or NetHacklikes, or Angbandlikes.
  24. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan How did you get the img code to work anyway? Image posting has been reenabled as of a few weeks ago.
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