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Everything posted by Skwish-E

  1. I was a little depressed when I found out that the Hokey Poker *really is* what it is all about.
  2. I started with Spiderweb games when Avernum 4 had just been released. This was a very good thing, because I could not throw myself into the user interface for Avernum 3 on my first three tries at playing it, and I gave up. For me, Avernum I (EFtP) is not a remake, but a brand new game. The 4th Avernum game that I have played. I look at it as a prequel, if you will. And much like Star Wars Episode One, it doesn't ruin the story to know that the kid will become Darth Vader. I would venture to say that the vast majority of people who are buying Avernum EFtP have NOT played Exile or the original Avernum. Of course, being outside of Spiderweb and not an insider with privileged information, I have no way to validate my claim. Do not taunt Redbeard. He may decide just to take his massive sack of gold coins from Avadon and retire.
  3. If yo0u know there is a switch in the area, just type control-U and it will highlight with a letter.
  4. Skwish-E looks around, confused for a moment... then starts regressing to September of 1993. "Wait, No! 1993 was when ..." but it is too late. The biker has transformed into a used car salesman. He looks around, and seeing Slarty, tries to strike up a conversation. Skwish-E: "Hey, I'll give ya $40.00 for that bus. That's more than it's worth, but you seem like a nice bunch of kids, and I'm feeling soft-hearted today."
  5. A biker in full black leathers with a colorful patch on his back, wearing a name patch that says, "Skwish-E", roars up on his custom motorcycle and shouts to the people on the bus, "Hey! I just got the memo. I'm a programmer from Seattle. Is there a problem here?"
  6. Avernum: Escape from the knit. Crazed Gramma Sophie is after you again with a sweather that has one short arm and one long arm. not to be confused with ... Avernum: Escape from the Nit Your adventure begins when you don a strange and cursed hat...
  7. Jeff is doing his part to help me be virtuous. Patience is a virtue. "I hate waiting." -- Inigo Montoya
  8. Oh well, I never thought it very realistic that I could walk into someone's bedroom, close the door and loot all their stuff, then leave all the chests and cabinets open and empty while having a nice conversation with the owner on the way out of the house (even coming back a couple of days later and doing business with them). I mean, if some random adventurer comes to my home, and wants to go into my bedroom and close the door, I'm not gonna let that happen.
  9. Avernum, Escape from the Spit. You play a cave cow that has been captured by Sliths and is destined for dinner.
  10. I am patient, I am patient, I am patient...... OK, not fooling myself yet.
  11. I like slaughtering the innocent sometimes in one of Jeff's games. I'll kill off a whole town, imagining that my reputation as a heartless warrior will strike fear onto the hearts of my enemies. I kill peaceful old lady sliths in Avernum 6, too. And whenever I get an opportunity to let minions run away while I confront their leader ... I don't.
  12. The ability to change size , retaining proportionality and mass. So I could become a dense midget, a diaphonous giant, or anything in between. Oh, and super intelligence.
  13. Kill them. Smash the eggs, kill the nasties that fight you because you smashed the eggs. Then go look for some more eggs to smash or stuff to steal from the weak. Does the game let you scramble them up with a little cave cow cheese and some mushrooms for an omelet?
  14. I went to the movies with my wife the other day. $20 for two tickets. The movie wasn't even that good. 90 minutes of entertainment for $20 vs (How many hours am I going to get out of AEftP?) for $20. I think we have a clear winner here!
  15. What's in her right hand, a dagger or a ball of flame? Both?
  16. The Credible Hulk would be a lot like Mr Furious from Mystery Men.
  17. Only if your grisly death is by being torn asunder by the snarky Battle Alpha.
  18. Skwish-E starts waiting (im)patiently for the Widows port. dum dee dum dum dum... Are we there yet?
  19. I am the PC. And I just had to reload.
  20. Essence is actually stored in another dimension that Shapers have the ability to tap into. It is nearly limitless, and there is a certain amount of leaking through dimples in the veil that seperates visible reality from the unseen world. A living being seems to contain essence, but it actually is just tapping into a limited supply collected in the dimple that is around it. Shapers, as they gain power, can expand their dimple, making more essence available to them. They can also form things from that essence. An essence pool is actually formed around a rip in the veil that constantly leaks essence into the visible world. Whether essence is energy or substance is really a bad question. It is both.
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