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Articulate Vlish

Articulate Vlish (4/17)

  1. If you put me in, I'm still all in favour of being a trakovite. I'd appreciate being a servile too. ( I don't I'd like to be both, I mean I'd like to be a servile who is a trakovite)
  2. Oops...... I have corrected it in the fanfiction version. Read that instead- it's longer too. Hopefully a new chapter soon.
  3. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves And creations are the one thing I really like about Geneforge, anyway. Geneforge without creations has always seemed stupid to me.
  4. If you suck at magic like most storm troopers, then use crystals. Normally, I'd suggest enchanting your armour against cold, but as it's the forge you are taking.... Fyora's are surprisingly effective here.
  5. Yeah, it's given me a two - day waiting period before I can post. EDIT: Yay, the updated version is on fanfiction here
  6. Sorry, something went wrong with the last post, not sure what. Here is the complete first chapter: Breaking the siege (Chapter one) Vrelka uttered an oath, scrambled to her feet, and charged after her prey. People screamed at the sight of her scarred, muddy face, but were more scared of the rusty iron dagger she carried in her right hand. And of the glowing ball of fire that blazed in her right hand. The noise spooked a herd of ornks being taken to market, and they scattered into the crowd, bowling people over, and blocking Vrelka’s line of sight to the agent she was tailing. Her eyes shone with anger as she raised her hand, still struggling to get through the panic that was spreading fast the crowd. Balls of fire shot from her left hand. Ornks disintegrated into raw essence at their touch, which faded in the brisk air. There was an increased surge of movement to the streets leading away from the market, and a new wave of fear spread. How on earth did a mere servile get access to magic? Shaper Nawaz had assured them that the rebels would not cross the border. Vrelka smiled grimly at the sight of their shocked faces. If nothing else, her mission today would shake confidence in the Shapers, and stir unrest in the population. And now more than ever, the rebellion needed people to begin to wonder if the shapers were not actually as strong as they seemed. For the line was in place, and it could not be breached from the western side. Without agents to bring it down, the raw desperation that had taken hundreds of years under shaper rule to amass, would be gone. Soldiers would go home, and the rebellion would collapse under it’s own weight. And so it was that Vrelka was here today, making a last, desperate attempt at slaying agent Ivy, a spy, and a critical part of fort vengeances’ defence. Vrelka punched a frightened merchant out of her way, and up ahead, finally, her prey. The young agent had also got caught up in the stampede, and had gotten caught in a bottleneck at the end of the street. Vrelka smiled in relief. Her failed ambush hadn’t cost her everything. She raised her hand once more, and the air grew even colder as the magic curled inwards to the spell. A fish smashed into the back of Vrelka’s head. Her training kicked in, and she rolled with the blow – but she tasted blood. She spat out her broken tooth, and spun to face her assailant. A battle beta, 8ft tall, and bearing the blackened branded mark that proved its identity as a member of the watch. It’s dark blue skin looked almost black under the stormy sky, and its eyes glowed with menace. Its blank look said everything – it was a new beta, a creation made to be even more mindless than the usual variety. It also showed signs of the stress the shaper council were under, in its muddy feet, it’s slightly misshapen head, and it’s lopsided shoulders. Once upon a time, a stunt like this would have been impossible. As little as two years ago, the moment Vrelka had drawn her knife, the guards would have been on top of her. She would probably had about thirty seconds of life left before a kyshakk’s lighting turned her to dust, or she died of a wingbolts acid. Compared to that, an angry, deformed beta was practically a joke. But now, the Unbound had been unleashed, and nearly every soldier, creation, and above all, shapers, had been shipped of to the front line to die in vast numbers on the border between east, and west Terrestria. The watch was now little more than a joke, regardless of what the shapers claimed. Not that any of this was much use as the beta roared in fury, and swung its sledgehammer of a fist for a second time. Vrelka ducked, and threw her dagger. Unfortunately, knife missed all of its vital organs, and instead buried itself deeply into its gut. She uttered a curse, and fled. As she listened to the anguished roar behind her, she prayed that it would not come straight after. Lots of the newer creations were given instructions to retreat when wounded. In times past, they would have been ordered to attack until death. Now, however, shapers were scarce, and so were the creations they commanded. Higher priority was given to keeping the creations alive for as long as possible. Her prey was long gone. Vrelka continued to sprint down the street. Most people had managed to get out now, and while this let her move faster, it meant she was far more visible – an easy target for any guards armed with thorn batons. As she ran, she tried to get inside the agent’s head. If she were an agent being hunted, what would she do? Vrelka looked up at the huge iron gate of Nawaz’s tower, and cursed. There was no way to enter that tower; at least, not with the resources she had available. Its walls, and entrance were lined with venom and acid turrets (turrets were a kind of green plant the shapers created and bred. While they did not have a brain as such, they still had a kind of base intelligence. They were incapable of speech, so they could not be bribed, or tricked. They were immovable, so they could not be lured away from their post. Their skin was enchanted to resist magic, and all they knew was to be loyal to their master. This made them an assassins’ nightmare.) Flecks of luminous green poison dripped from the open mouths, and their knobbed necks stretched and twisted to watch the guard’s patrol. One of them seemed to be gazing at her, daring her to try – although as they were eyeless, and operated on smell alone, this was not possible. Vrelka had no doubt they would kill her, and, short of a small army, she wasn’t capable of destroying them either. Her only option was to flee, and hope that no one recognised her face.
  7. Thanks. Here's the next bit: Click to reveal.. Vrelka punched a frightened merchant out of her way, and up ahead, finally, her prey. The young agent had also got caught up in the stampede, and had gotten caught in a bottleneck at the end of the street. Vrelka smiled in relief. Her failed ambush hadn’t cost her everything. She raised her hand once more, and the air grew even colder as the magic curled inwards to the spell. A fish smashed into the back of Vrelka’s head. Her training kicked in, and she rolled with the blow – but she tasted blood. She spat out her broken tooth, and spun to face her assailant. A battle beta, 8ft tall, and bearing the blackened branded mark that proved its identity as a member of the watch. It’s dark blue skin looked almost black under the stormy sky, and it’s eyes glowed with menace. It’s blank look said everything – it was a new beta, a creation made to be even more mindless than
  8. As to the second: Ghaldring is known to be dead in four of the five endings, and strongly implied to be in the fifth. Him showing up as a villain in a new Geneforge sequel would make Rentar-Ihrno in A4 look reasonable and non-contrived. But every single geneforge game assumes rebel victory. It has to. So it's only 1 in 3, and really, Ghaldring is the only "true" rebel. Shaper pacifists and trakovites are only tenuosly rebel. And before you tell me he dies even in his own ending, yes I know that but he died in a war between the human and drakon rebels. I am suggesting we have a 6th geneforge game set in the timespan of the ending, after the death of the council, at the point when the western, human, rebellion rises up against the now drakonian east. Rebel vs rebel vs trakovite vs shaper remnants. Tell me that wouldn't be cool.
  9. If you haven't tried it, play rebel - it's more varied that way. However, certain things, like the repair Moseh quest make it worth playing a little shaper.
  10. Vrelka sounds good, thanks. On a side note, is there a website where I can post it?
  11. Originally Posted By: Death Knight Plus, a geneforge 1 remake will be epic. Aye. Better graphics and a dent creation system would make me want to buy it Although geneforge 6 would be better. Maybe it could be Humans vs Ghaldring? That fits, and opens the possibility of playing as a drakon.
  12. Or, you could do what I do, and add code to a signpost that gives you 20 venom thorns when you click on it.
  13. Hey guys, I want to write some of my own fan fiction for Geneforge. I have started this thread to post chapter updates, and to get ideas. To begin with, I need a name for a servile to be my main character. I am using "Mehken" as a stop holder, but as my character has nothing to do with the Mehken in the game, I need a new name. Ideas? Anyway........ here is the first chunk of chapter one: Breaking the siege (Chapter one) Mehken uttered an oath, scrambled to her feet, and charged after her prey. People screamed at the sight of her scarred, muddy face, but were more scared of the rusty iron dagger she carried in her right hand. And of the glowing ball of fire that blazed in her right hand. The noise spooked a herd of ornks being taken to market, and they scattered into the crowd, bowling people over, and blocking Mehken’s line of sight to the agent she was tailing. Her eyes shone with anger as she raised her hand, still struggling to get through the panic that was spreading fast the crowd. Balls of fire shot from her left hand. Ornks disintegrated into raw essence at their touch, which faded in the brisk air. There was an increased surge of movement to the streets leading away from the market, and a new wave of fear spread. How on earth did a mere servile get access to magic? Shaper Nawaz had assured them that the rebels would not cross the border. Mehken smiled grimly at the sight of their shocked faces. If nothing else, her mission today would shake confidence in the Shapers, and stir unrest in the population. And now more than ever, the rebellion needed people to begin to wonder if the shapers were not actually as strong as they seemed. For the line was in place, and it could not be breached from the western side. Without agents to bring it down, the raw desperation that had taken hundreds of years under shaper rule to amass, would be gone. Soldiers would go home, and the rebellion would collapse under it’s own weight. And so it was that Mehken was here today, making a last, desperate attempt at slaying agent Ivy, a spy, and a critical part of fort vengeances’ defence.
  14. Originally Posted By: Skwish-E Only if your grisly death is by being torn asunder by the snarky Battle Alpha. I like to think I could kill a mere alpha........... a beta, maybe.
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