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Everything posted by Triumph

  1. You should probably contact Spiderweb directly, via email, if you hope anything might be done.
  2. First, this is not exactly a super puzzle-heavy game. Second, don't feel bad about asking questions! Pretty much everyone on here has asked derpy questions at some point! (I certainly have...) You don't even have to spam the forum to do it - just a start a thread called "Achilles's A2CS Questions" or something like that and make a new post in it any time you get stuck. People will see and answer. Easy!
  3. Short answer: no. Longer answer: although there are no step-by-step walkthroughs, there's a pretty extensive amount of information about how to get through the game linked here, plus people here on the forum who provide more detailed guidance if you have questions about specific fights / puzzles / quests / etc.
  4. Recently re-read Persuasion. Easily the finest of Jane Austen's novels, in my opinion. She had a truly remarkable grasp of human nature. Decided to follow it up with re-reading Pride and Prejudice. P&P's writing is a bit more polished, I think, and it's funnier than Persuasion, but the humor is also a bit more...set up or contrived, whereas the humor (and the characters overall) in Persuasion feel much more like real people, or at least like totally real situations. P&P skews a little more in the direction of caricature, versus the slightly toned down quality of Persuasion's satire. Someone asked about history: I'm currently reading Fateful Lightning by Dr. Allen Guelzo. It's a history of the American Civil War, of which Guelzo is one of the finest historians of our time. I'm not very far into it, but I've read some of his other works and they were quite excellent.
  5. So, basically, you're complaining that you can't get all the benefits of canisters without consequences?
  6. One, and only one, thing, truly defines you as pro-Shaper or pro-rebel in this game, and it has to do with your actions on the fourth island (so you've got a while). (Leaving that super vague to avoid spoilers.) Separate from your endgame faction, you can make choices that will cause either Greta or Alwan to leave you (and by the end of the third island, one of them definitely will go away), but those don't lock in which side you're on. Separate from both of those, you can say pro or anti-servile stuff, which will affect who will give you quests and training (there's almost always pairs of people in the same zone or nearby zones, one of whom for if you say mean things about serviles, and the other for if you say nice things). For canisters, I'm pretty sure seven is the magic number. You should be able to use up to six without meaningful consequences, but once you use the seventh, certain dialogue and encounters and the ending was be affected.
  7. You are "entitled to hate" if someone's actions hurt you? No. No one ever is entitled to hate others. Hatred of those who hurt you will only move them to fear you, and so the downward spiral will continue. Forgiveness is the answer. Forgiving is HARD. I know from experience. But justifying hatred, clinging to hate, is even worse, in the long run. It hurts you, keeps you from healing inside. Please don't give in to hate.
  8. I didn't vote for Donald or Mrs. Clinton. I voted for a third-party candidate because I thought both Donald and Mrs. Clinton were horribly unqualified. What disappoints me in this thread is the uncharitable-ness and lack of empathy shown toward people who did vote for Donald. How many Donald voters do you know personally? I know a lot. They are people I went to school with years ago. They are people I've gone to church with. They are good friends and people I respect. Let me emphasize something: I think they were wrong to vote for Donald! (I was one of those conservative "#NeverTrumpers" that Breitbart and Fox and Han Seannity spent so much time reviling for supposedly handing the election to Mrs. Clinton. Look how that turned out.) I spent many, many hours over this past year trying to talk various friends and acquaintances out of voting for Donald. I also spent that time listening to them and their reasons for voting for Donald. And I'd like to think I know these people well enough to say that NONE of them voted for Donald because they are misogynists, or white supremacists, or any other kind of bigot. Many of them are actually some of the kindest people you'll ever meet. They weren't using coded language and dog whistles to disguise their virulent hatred of women or non-whites or whoever. I think they were mistaken to vote for Donald and I tried my best to convince them not to do so. Some of the people who voted for Donald are legitimately awful people. But a great many of them aren't. They made a bad choice (voting for Donald) because of any of number of different reasons, none of which involved hate. Please don't everyone who voted for him into the "alt-right" fringe. Don't legitimize a fringe minority by assuming Donald voters are all white supremacists (or any kind of bigot). I understand that it's hard, when you are hurting or scared, to stop and say "Oh, I need to be empathetic to people who voted for Trump." But please try. Get to know them, develop relationships with them, and come to understand them better. You'll find they are not your enemies! Don't think of these people as your enemies unnecessarily. The truth is that a lot of people who voted for Donald were as terrified of Mrs. Clinton as you are terrified of Donald. And not because of racism, but because they were convinced she was going to take away all guns, or close down churches, or mishandle foreign policy so badly the country would get destroyed by foreign enemies, or...or... Are those fears entirely reasonable? NO! But if you lump all Donald's voters into that big ol' "basket of deplorables," you're setting yourself think a lot more people are your enemy than is really case. There's a maxim about not attributing something to malice when stupidity will do. That kind of applies here, although I think it was more stupiditiy + fear / anger / etc. I don't want this to come across merely as a rebuke. I hope this can be encouraging. I can't tell you to feel better Donald because he truly is an arrogant, greedy, corrupt liar. I'm sad that he's been exalted to the highest office in the land. But a lot of his voters aren't nearly so bad as you might think based just on the fact that they voted for him. Try not to delegitimize that their feelings and concerns as a simple matter of racist white folks. Thanks for listening.
  9. Bumping this thread is unnecessary, Alhoon. It is linked in the G5 strategy central thread at the top of the forum. Anyone looking for G5 info would hopefully check there and end up finding the link to here.
  10. That's a nice thread you have there. Shame if anything *happened* to it.
  11. All it takes is observation and math to determine the world is spherical. Not merely one "ancient middle eastern mathematician" figured out the earth is round - it was widely known by many. In other worlds, people figured out that the earth was a globe more than fifteen hundred years before anyone circumnavigated it. Exploring the world requires much more significant advances in technology, shipbuilding, and navigation, as well as far more personal risk to those who actually DO the exploring, than is needed just to figure out the earth is round. If Lynnaeus's were anything like our world, it's totally plausible that people would know their world was a sphere long before any large-scale exploration of it occurred.
  12. Just having a list like that isn't really all that useful. If you'd included the locations of each codex, say, then it would represent useful information. However, the Massive List link in the OP actually includes the codices and their locations already. Not trying to discourage you at all! But you might want to consider what kind of information would actually be useful. Also, if you want to post for game information like this, please do so in a separate thread! Thanks!
  13. You can in A5, but not so much in the other games of the series. The next closest might be working for Gladwell in A6 (he's definitely a terrible person, but it's not quite the same as having a discrete antagonist faction that you can formally join).
  14. Khalida seems less interesting than in Ava2, just an unrelentingly bitter grump-grumps. She has legitimate grievances, yeah, but there no mystery connected to her now and she seems to be kind of a one-note character. Nathalie is better written, IMO, blending bitterness with other qualities such as ambition and curiosity. I also like it when Nathalie insults the other party member for being stupid in one way or another. Silena is...getting boring, but at least so far I've found it mildly interesting to have someone so glib about Avadon; she's a huge contrast to the other (overbearingly disgruntled) hands I'm used to. Haven't spent enough time with Botan or Rudow to have seen much of their dialogue, alas.
  15. When you say "a bunch of info was slightly wrong or stuff was left out," to what are you referring? Are you saying text in the game is wrong? Or that something on the forum is inaccurate? Or something else?
  16. "Charge Weapons is one of the strongest abilities in any Spiderweb game ever." Apparently I've been overlooking Charge Weapons. Is there value in spending points to raise it, or is it just something to use in battle every chance I get?
  17. Is it still worth investing in turret-making skills to get the alternative turret types? Or are the basic ones you get with investing in just one level adequate?
  18. Does anyone else keep reading this thread title as "Mr. Vogel is AMAZING on Reddit"?
  19. Would it help if you pretended there are no class names at all, just five PCs with unique skill sets who can join your party?
  20. Thinking about G3 because of this thread, it struck me this evening how much Litalia in G3 is basically a walking caricature constructed by the Shaper propaganda ministry of why shaping must be controlled. Reporter: Mr. Shaper, sir, why is it so important that you strictly control knowledge of shaping? Shaper Propagandist: Because if we don't, a murderous psychopath will come along and travel the land using her shaping powers to spread wild monsters everywhere she goes. Duh. Reporter: That sounds kind of paranoid and farfetched, don't you think? Shaper Propagandist: Nope, that's totally exactly what will happen. Trust me. It might help the rebel cause in G3 look more appealing to players if their leading representative didn't going around validating every Shaper critique of uncontrolled shaping. LOL.
  21. Aww. I hope someday Jeff includes a trowel-centric quest in a game.
  22. Are there any collection quests for which I need hoard every [bottle of wine / bag of meal / trowel / etc.] that I find?
  23. 1. YES to all of it. I would add, though, that it's not just that there was a removal of philosophical variety, it's the absence of meaningful debate at all! I think one of G3's major flaws was the lack of opportunities to engage sympathetically with the rebels. Yeah, you can do quests in ways that will make the rebels happy, and you can say kind things about serviles, but you don't encounter any "nice" rebels or get a really sympathetic look at the rebellion until Icy End. Which is in the endgame...after you've already had to commit yourself to a faction! The Shapers as a whole look worse than ever in G3, but there are "nice" Shapers (such as Fanjul, Khyryk) and nice non-shaper humans fighting on the Shaper side. As a Shaper, you protect refugees and kill out-of-control monsters. The face of the rebels is Litalia, who goes around murdering your teachers and spreading wild monsters everywhere. (Plus, the leading human "rebel" you meet earlier in the game (Lankan) is a total moron, which doesn't help either.) I never exactly LIKED working for the Shapers in G3, but I always felt bad about joining the rebels in that game. The Shapers look bad in G3, but no game makes a case for rebellion worse than G3. 2. YES, the boat system got *really* tiresome. 3. I'll put forth Litalia as Donald and General Greiner as Mrs. Clinton. LOL. The great difference is that in the election, I can refuse to do quests, I mean, err, vote, for either one, but in G3, I'm forced support one of them! #Khyryk2016
  24. Maybe you're thinking of this thread?
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