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Everything posted by Triumph

  1. 406. Tooth Fairy Faith Healer - Laying hands in latex Laying on hands is often associated with miraculous healing (or with today's fraudulent shysters who purport to heal). Dental care professionals (dentists, hygienists, and I guess even tooth fairies?) wear gloves when working, and latex is common material for such gloves.
  2. 410. Polymorphous - Protean epithet Oh duh! Surely THIS is the pairing of words you intended - many-formed is a fit epithet for something that changes frequently.
  3. All your base are belong to us. Therefore, no soup for you!
  4. LDA, CMP, BEQ, CMP, BEQ, CMP, BEQ, CMP, BEQ, CMP, BEQ, CMP, BEQ… If my google-fu serves me well, these are commands (or something) using the programing of Atari games. The first involves loading, the second comparing, and the third branching. (Behold with what sophisticated language I talk about computer stuff I don't really understand!) The question is what PDN this clue matches. My best guess is 401. Conditional Daisy Chain of Ugliness It's a chain. Check. And the these different commands set up and ask for conditions...so it's a "conditional" chain, right? And the fact that it's apparently repeatedly ad infinitum tells me something went wrong or wasn't done correctly, making it ugly. Check. Or maybe I'm revealing incredibly colossal amounts of ignorance about computers.
  5. 410. Polymorphous - Showing off my plastic identity A word for having a variety forms goes with a clue that characterizes you as changeable.
  6. 391. Ablaut Bloat - Too many vowel alternations spoil the base An ablaut is a change in the vowel between different forms of the same word (such as sing, sang, and sung). Ablaut Bloat would involve an excess of vowel changes - just as the clue indicates. The clue also riff off the saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth," but with base (as in the base of a word?) taking the place of broth.
  7. Now you're grumbling about my answers? It's hard to appreciate something I had never heard of until doing google research to solve this puzzle. The quote showed up on enough different google hits for me to conclude that it must somewhat well known, even if, as mentioned, above, I'd never heard of the show before. Clearly your, ah, appreciation, for British pop culture is much greater than mine (although since I know next to nothing about British pop culture, that's a low bar ). Also, I totally got that Phantom of the Thraxx was a Phantom of the Opera reference...and then totally forgot to mention it.
  8. 372. Phantom of the Thraxx - Hidden Coleoptera Thrax is bug-monster boss in the SNES game Secret of Evermore. Coleoptera is a palette-swap counterpart bug-monster boss fought in the same location later in the game.
  9. 405. H.W.F.M.C.O.T.I. - Not my sparky personality, but definitely the most memorably named The letters stand for "Helper who finds missing children over the internet," which apparently is a joke personality type that originated on a website called The Spark.
  10. 373. Open Oaken Oblong Coffin - Yeah, but is it art? Elements of dialogue exchange from a famous scene in the TV show Absolutely Fabulous (series in which the aforementioned Jane Horrocks played Bubble).
  11. 377. The Bubble bubble - In which Jane Horrocks briefly receives the appreciation she deserves One of British actress Jane Horrocks most famous roles was a character named Bubble. The second "bubble" connects to "briefly" in the clue - bubbles are known for existing temporarily and then - POP - being gone.
  12. 370. Palimpcaestus of Finnegolfans Name - Recyclable elf consciousness streams from my hands Okay, my first thought was that this might be some kind of reference to Fingolfin, high king of the Noldor - there's your elf. A palimpsest is, basically, a thing that gets recycled to use for a different purpose. And the book Finnegan's Wake, which seems to get a nod in the odd spelling of the name, is noted for its stream of consciousness writing. Did I get it? 368. Castle in the Air - Location of the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason These princesses were at this castle in The Phantom Tollbooth.
  13. 375. Left Unjustified - Neoliberal text formatting Mixes "left" and "liberal" as synonyms for political views with the idea of typed text being aligned (justified) along the right or left side of a page.
  14. 404. Landlord of the Pit - Sacrifices those they contract with for short-term gain Refers to a Magic: the Gathering card named Lord of the Pit made you sacrifice your creatures or it would hurt you; the Landlord sacrifices them for gain instead of the avoid pain?
  15. 384. Sylak's Ineluctable Geneforge - Spawns plot holes every 300 turns Reference to the silly Sylak items, most notably the one that over time could fill your inventory with bricks. Maybe combined with Geneforge because that's the series with some of Jeff's most famous plot holes (i.e. the lost continent)?
  16. 393. Twisty little PDNs (all alike) - A colossal undertaking Riffs on the phrase from the game Colossal Cave.
  17. 389. Resistance is Septile - Sleep, StopSpell, and Surround will be assimilated Clearly a reference to the famous Borg motto and their penchant for assimilating things.
  18. A couple more ideas spontaneously popped into my head: Learned Clois in G1 is memorable because she is basically the only character in the entire series to have figured out or at least to openly acknowledge that the Shapers didn't originally create serviles, but rather serviles were originally humans warped and modified by Shaper magic to serve as slaves. That's a huge world-building point that no one else in the entire Geneforge series really addresses and by extension it makes Clois a significant character. Corata: he is the only member of the trio responsible for the Geneforge with whom you ever interact in a meaningful way. In addition to being partly responsible for the creation of the Geneforge, he is responsible for the creation of the Takers; the servantmind in the workshop says Corata prevented him from containing the poisons and actively wanted them to leak out. The sludge did so, tainting land in eastern Sucia and indirectly giving rise to the Takers. For his huge backstory role, I think he belongs on the list.
  19. Maybe in a non-canonical G4 ending she survives to be a general, but I just checked the dialogue script and in G5 Alwan definitely says a drakon slew her.
  20. ...Miranda is DEAD in G5. Isn't she? Or have I confused her with someone else?
  21. *looks carefully* You've got her category in the spreadsheet as Intrigue Figure, and you give her as an example of such of a figure in the OP. All that makes sense. But I still don't see anything explaining why you listed her title as General? I'm obviously missing something...?
  22. What about Lark? She shows up in multiple games as a quest-giver.
  23. For AEFTP: Kyass as a faction leader? Tor as a memorable NPC? The GIFTS as a collective local power? For A2: Limoncelli as local power (his name is what really makes him memorable, though, LOL)? Dahris-Bok as local power? The Ten of Angierach as a local power? A4 I think was his first appearance: Levitt, as a local power, I guess, or maybe even a sort of de facto faction leader? Also, Dorikas first appeared in A4, not A5, and Melachion first appeared in A5, not A6 A6: Asterios as a memorable character (he blew up Cotra!)? The Slith boss trio, Ghavassa-Oss, Khrez-Yss, and Ess-Kalyn (as a collective faction leader)? In G4, Miranda is an Agent, not a general. Re: Ghaldring: he's technically first hinted to exist in the G2 ending, doesn't appear in-game until G4, and you have him listed for G3. LOL. Ava1 needs Nicodemus as memorable character? Ava2 needs Dheless as faction leader? Protus as...faction leader? Valens the drunken patriotic artist as memorable character? For Nethergate, Bel as faction leader? Hathwisa as PC Partner? Those are people who stand out in my mind for one reason or another as possible worthy of your list.
  24. I can't speak for anyone else, but A. This is way long for a forum post (well, technically you made multiple posts, but it's one piece of writing), and B. I probably haven't been interested in fan fiction since I was 17 or something, so even if weren't long, it's not something I care about. Sorry.
  25. Gotta include a meaningless poll for readers that falsely implies what they think matters!
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