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Everything posted by Øther

  1. Normaly people don't use editors to make them weaker.(At least that I know of) If you want prievious stats back, go to a prievious save. Or maybe you could play the rest of the game without adding any skill points.
  2. Code: code = sf(4,13,1); alter_stat(0,70); alter_stat(1,70); alter_stat(2,90); alter_stat(3,70); alter_stat(4,70); alter_stat(5,70); alter_stat(6,70); alter_stat(7,70); alter_stat(9,70); alter_stat(10,70); alter_stat(11,70); alter_stat(12,70); alter_stat(13,70); alter_stat(14,70); alter_stat(15,70); alter_stat(16,70); alter_stat(17,70); alter_stat(18,70); alter_stat(19,70); alter_stat(20,70); alter_stat(21,70); alter_stat(22,70); alter_stat(40,30); alter_stat(41,30); alter_stat(42,30); alter_stat(43,30); alter_stat(44,30); alter_stat(45,30); alter_stat(46,30); alter_stat(47,30); alter_stat(48,30); alter_stat(49,30); alter_stat(50,30); alter_stat(51,30); alter_stat(52,30); alter_stat(53,30); alter_stat(54,30); alter_stat(55,30); alter_stat(56,30); alter_stat(57,30); alter_stat(58,30); alter_stat(59,30); alter_stat(60,30); alter_stat(61,30); alter_stat(62,30); alter_stat(63,30); alter_stat(64,30); alter_stat(65,30); alter_stat(66,30); alter_stat(67,30); alter_stat(68,30); alter_stat(69,30); alter_stat(70,30); alter_stat(71,30); alter_stat(72,30); alter_stat(73,30); alter_stat(74,30); alter_stat(75,30); alter_stat(76,30); alter_stat(77,30); alter_stat(78,30); alter_stat(79,30); alter_stat(80,50); alter_stat(81,50); alter_stat(82,50); alter_stat(83,50); alter_stat(84,50); alter_stat(85,50); alter_stat(86,50); alter_stat(87,50); alter_stat(88,50); alter_stat(89,50); alter_stat(90,50); alter_stat(91,50); alter_stat(92,50); alter_stat(93,50); alter_stat(94,50); alter_stat(95,50) break; // For all you scripters out there; put this somewhere in a conversation (signs, people) and you will recieve 30 in all stats,magic spells, and creations. ( this includes the ornk) Personaly, I put this on the first sign I saw after getting into Minhah(sp?)
  3. Maybe the game would be based in an Avernum a bit past the Redmark/Dorkias rule, but there is a group calling themselves the darkside loyalists and are doing something against the empire.
  4. And if you have enough living tools, you could also get some great stuff.
  5. You could make something give you all 30 stats, and then use iamweak to bump you up to level 45.
  6. For those who care, If you are scripting so that reading a sign (or something along those lines) gives you skill points, the most you can get without items is 30. Although that was my game, might be different in yours.
  7. It really stinks that you can't make your creations go in and set the mines off. But then again, pylons don't affect them either, and thats really helpful in some areas.
  8. Quote: But who is the character? It's almost like they're somebody we know! Everybody thinks that, but nobody can say for sure. The game does say you had an important past with the rebels, and there are a few characters that recognise you, but I have found out nothing.
  9. But the drakons were going to turn into the new shapers no matter what anybody did, short of killing them. Thus the ending were the rebels win and the drakons are defeated is my favorite ending.
  10. Thats why it is my favorite ending.
  11. Nobody does... inside is the challenge area. In other threads you could find out how to open it.
  12. I noticed that in Avernum 5, there tend to be a lot less large groups of things actively trying to kill you, even though there seem ( to me at least) to be more and a bit stronger mini bosses.
  13. I think that is it since, after all, she seemed to me that she despises all things rebel, or something like that. But the point remains that pro-shaper npcs don't usually give many quests to pro-rebel pcs. ( I think)
  14. Go to the foundry core that is furthest right, and the way to the repository is there.
  15. Even though Ghladring's faction isn't all that good, and its methods are covered in blood, I think its ending is the best.
  16. I think it means you get skill points.
  17. Yes, it is just a girl that falls in love with a vampire. Oh my! That has to make it a classic! I don't see why everyone seems to be obsessed over it.
  18. Just about any fantasy, and expecially science fiction.
  19. I wasn't talking about abilities from the gf5objmisc.txt file, I was talking about abilities that items give you, like thuryl said.
  20. Quote: I think there is some confusion about what is defined as an item ability and an item stat with the lists I made. An item ability is what action the item does. A dagger has the ability of "Shortsword" but could be changed to "Reapers". This will cause the dagger to shoot reapers instead of attack with a shortsword. You cannot add more than one ability to one item. Yes, I quite know that, thats why I was talking about putting reapers in there. A sword shooting reapers that never run out, and depending on the weapons level, may destroy anything it touches? It is very powerful, I even used it as the base of my ultimate custom ability. By the way Master1, are you sure that you are able to use all those abilities you put in there? As in the number you put in might be a number where there is no ability, so it is useless/an ability where it is impossible for you to use.
  21. Go here. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=122015#Post122015 This page is also in the Strategy Central.
  22. I think may have had more than that, but the limit is definitaly around there.
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