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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Seriously, who'd want to pick up a cow and throw it? It'd be pretty useful for biological warfare. Originally Posted By: Hypnotic Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoeconiosis Please, I have hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. I like cave cows, though this is really more of an Avernum vs. Geneforge argument, I think.
  2. I'd exile the felon AIs into space, though that only works on the assumption that their location of banishment doesn't contain the resources needed for a spacecraft. And hmm...we'll probably replace silicon with diamond eventually. We've found ways to grow diamond, so it should be practical in the future.
  3. Heh, I didn't know that Silent Assassin was a separate person. I had thought he was just Lord Grimm's gimmick.
  4. Originally Posted By: Dantius Now it is a red star. What are you, an optometrist, Nalyd? That just means that Nalyd was changing his avatar when you made the reply. It's just a coincidence.
  5. Say, whatever happened to that Underworld Exploration scenario?
  6. The Bible specifically warns of people who claim the end is near.
  7. An autumn day. I use a Nikon Coolpix L20, which I think works rather well.
  8. I'm not going to have an argument about conspiracy theories, but that's my two cents.
  9. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: Excalibur I honestly don't see what's so bad about Putin, but I'm a libertarian, so... do libertarians normally approve of torturing protesters, changing the constitution to keep yourself in power indefinitely, and ordering the assassination of journalists who ask too many questions because i was pretty sure they at least pretended not to support any of those things but i guess you learn something new every day That's not what I meant. I meant that I don't think Putin is bad compared to other world leaders, and I think poorly of almost all of them. Yeah, I would call Putin worse than Obama and Bush, but I have a whole lot of problems with Obama and Bush as well.
  10. I honestly don't see what's so bad about Putin, but I'm a libertarian, so...
  11. Callie

    A Reflection

    Originally Posted By: JadeWolf Whether you whip out your 8 letter 9x score words, or come up with a two letter monosyllabic pair of vowels, and then point it out in the Official Scrabble Dictionary (a pile of weird words), you're in for a fun time. Anyone want to share highs scores? I think the most I've ever scored in one game is ~400 points. I've got 80 points in one turn before, and I find it pretty amazing that you could actually get 200. Yeah, scrabble dictionaries have some pretty weird words. I think mine has a lot of Native American words in it.
  12. Originally Posted By: Angel Spddin Wow...i wouldn't call that a joke necessarily... Yeah, it's called spam.
  13. Ooh...a pterodactyl. Congrats!
  14. Callie

    A Reflection

    I like Risk, but I usually don't have anyone to play it with other than my siblings. They aren't good at it and I always end up winning, which isn't any fun. Also, I have four red dice for some reason. I have no idea where the fourth one came from.
  15. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Slarty Clearly, you haven't been to Paris. Paris, France; or Paris, Texas? Well, since we were talking about France, I'd imagine he was referring to Paris, France.
  16. What I find interesting is that Obama's approval rating has increased now that he's won the Nobel Peace Prize. It makes me wonder what kind of impact the prize will have upon his presidency.
  17. Callie

    A Reflection

    I like Scrabble a lot, and I like Upwords too (except when you end up using only one tile in a turn). I also want to play them in French sometime, though the letter tiles would be worth a different number of points (i.e. French has a whole lot more "q"s than English does, so a "q" is worth less points in the French version of Scrabble) Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Candyland teaches kids how to count, and since it's random, it will teach them how to win or lose graciously (if you're Slarty, it'll also teach you how to cheat). I don't know, I think pretty much every little kid will learn to cheat at Candyland. At least my siblings and I all did.
  18. Callie

    A Reflection

    Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Nikki It's all about the train stations Yes. And the utilities, useless as they may seem, have massive revenues. You know the card that says "advance to the nearest utility and pay owner ten times what he is owed"? Well, if he rolled a 12, times 10 for owning both, times 10 for the card, means you earned 1200 dollars on a property that cost you 300, the largest single profit margin in the game. Actually, the card says: Quote: ADVANCE TOKEN TO NEAREST UTILITY IF UNOWNED you may buy it from the Bank. IF OWNED, throw dice and pay owner a total ten times the amount thrown. That isn't multiplied by the normal amount payed when landing on it, so you would never have to pay more than 120 dollars.
  19. Callie

    A Reflection

    Originally Posted By: Master1 I've always liked the reds as well. They overall cost is higher than the oranges, but the payoff is a bit better. Also, my brothers math class did an analysis on this a long time ago. Over time, I think the reds get landed on the most. In theory, of course. In practice, my family never seems to be able to land on them. Oranges and yellows are nice. Illinois Ave. is actually the most landed on space in the game. Someone took the time to find this out by running a computer simulation. Also, it's often better not to buy hotels in the first place. When you build a hotel, you throw four houses back into the bank that your opponent can use against you. Originally Posted By: Nioca Yeah, and that doesn't account for things such as...cats Heh, it's more annoying when you're playing scrabble. Then you have to put all the tiles back in place.
  20. Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus Anyway, an alien invasion is not just unlikely, it is unlikely. Even presuming aliens exist, and presuming they have the capacity for interstellar FTL travel, they have nothing to gain from Earth that they could not have cheaper from elsewhere. I'm going with the "space is big, energy is cheap, metal is expensive" idea. Traveling far for new living space is no big deal; building up and destroying space fleets is wasted resources. This. I'm going to place my trust in the Drake equation and not worry about it, even though there's no way to prove that the Drake equation is remotely accurate.
  21. I wish Maxis made their old games open source, since I don't even know if Maxis sells them anymore, and they're becoming increasingly hard to find on the internet. I have SimAnt on a floppy disk, so I have to keep my PowerMac around in order to play. I could get one of those portable floppy drives, but I don't think it's worth it.
  22. I drive the speed limit when traffic is negotiable (I'll go with the flow otherwise), but I abide by the speed limit otherwise. Usually, that means I'll only exceed the speed limit in urban areas; however, I find that Oregon's speed limits are unreasonable (The limit on a highway in Nevada is 75...that same highway in Oregon has a 55 mph speed limit), so I adjust appropriately. Also, I'm kind of amazed when I see people going 90 mph through a mountain pass...seems pretty stupid to me. Originally Posted By: JadeWolf Can't really tell about other countries because I am solely a passenger there The U.S. tends to have wider roads than France does, and Americans typically have larger cars. I don't know how much of a role this plays, but I'd imagine that Americans might drive a bit faster than the French do.
  23. Originally Posted By: Alorael Pan Lever: Seventeen apple roving mirror moiety. Of turned quorum jaggedly the. Blue? Wasn't this the forum description for Subterra? I find it kind of funny that more than half of the votes so far are for options 4 and 10.
  24. *i had said somewhere that he was busy for the time being. (I think he mentioned thesis papers)
  25. Originally Posted By: Dantius A:B-->B(A) ABBA! The answer is ABBA! Voulez-vous? A-ha! (You win a brownie point for coming up with something that clever)
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