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Posts posted by Xaiya

  1. For me I just feel like if I am having a good day and am enjoying myself at home, why not stay up till at least 2am. For me I have no point in going to bed early when I dont have work the next day. My father is completely the opposite to me. Going to bed every night (even weekends) at 8:30pm. They called him grandpa in college. Truly a fitting name as I dont know anyone person that has done the same. lol

    I've been doing the same mostly except at between 9 and 10pm since my recovery, mainly because I can. It's really quite interesting being able to sleep consistantly for the first time in ever.

  2. College Algebra (After looking at the syllabus, I'm considering dropping lest I die of boredom. The material that the class covers is a lot simpler than I thought it'd be, so I might go ahead and test out after a little studying.)

    Computer Science II (C++, specifically this class will deal with pointers and other stuff apparently. Also, I'm the youngest one here, funny enough. All the others are 20+.)

    Intro to Philosophy

    Public Speaking


    The only thing I'm concerned with is my ability to concentrate. Damn it body, you should sleep well now that you're free of those evil tonsils.

  3. That was in responce to Cairo Jim, not Actaeon. Sorry Acty, I keep meaning to talk to you about it in chat, but it keeps slipping my mind. I am interested in doing something like you suggested after some world building has been completed.

  4. Apologies. Right before finals, I discovered minecraft. Fast forward to the 20th of this month, and I had a tonsillectomy, which put me in bed for 4-5 days before I could have the energy to think about something like this. So I haven't exactly gotten the chance to get back to this. I'll try to get my head back into it, stir up thoughts that I haven't had for a couple weeks.

  5. Recommended to start with for each game:

    Geneforge 3

    Uh, why? Why start with one not only in the middle, but also inferior to the rest of the series? Not that it's a bad game in itself--still good. But still.


    Start with the old Avernum and work your way up. Save the Geneforge series for last as it's the best. :p

  6. If it weren't for the non-action bit, I might have suggested Fallout New Vegas, as it's a massive, massive RPG with quite a few options and fairly recent. FPS, but VATS makes encounters much easier.

    Fallout 1 and 2 are exploration based as well, and are turn-based, but also older.


    Not exactly elaborate skill systems, but sometimes less is more. Otherwise I draw a complete blank for massively open, explorable RPGs. Kinda sad. Until I looked at this thread, I hadn't realized that I can't think of any exploration based games besides ones from Spiderweb and the Fallout series.

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