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Posts posted by Xaiya




    ..Friendliness.............1 *

    ..Gregariousness...........16 ****************


    ..Activity Level...........55 *******************************************************


    ..Cheerfulness.............2 **


    AGREEABLENESS..............59 ***********************************************************

    ..Trust....................13 *************

    ..Morality.................41 *****************************************

    ..Altruism.................7 *******

    ..Cooperation..............90 ******************************************************************************************

    ..Modesty..................99 ***************************************************************************************************

    ..Sympathy.................50 **************************************************


    CONSCIENTIOUSNESS..........43 *******************************************

    ..Self-Efficacy............19 *******************

    ..Orderliness..............68 ********************************************************************

    ..Dutifulness..............47 ***********************************************

    ..Achievement-Striving.....25 *************************

    ..Self-Discipline..........16 ****************

    ..Cautiousness.............82 **********************************************************************************


    NEUROTICISM................83 ***********************************************************************************

    ..Anxiety..................92 ********************************************************************************************

    ..Anger....................42 ******************************************

    ..Depression...............83 ***********************************************************************************

    ..Self-Consciousness.......73 *************************************************************************

    ..Immoderation.............32 ********************************

    ..Vulnerability............98 **************************************************************************************************


    ..Liberalism...............90 ******************************************************************************************




    The results from openness to experience was horribly innaccurate, so I did not include most of that. There is far more to art than visual representations of things, after all. Just because I wouldn't like to go to an art museum doesn't instantly make me low on artistic interests, silly psychiatrist.

  2. 1. What is your age? (Be approximate, if you'd like)



    2. What part of the world do you live in? In which part of the world were you born? What countries have you lived in?

    Colorado, USA; Ohio, USA; Just the US


    3. What is your native language? In what languages are you proficient?

    English. I'd like to think I'm proficient in it, though my brain occasionally betrays me.


    4. Describe your ancestry.

    Various European areas. Tiny part Cherokee


    5. Describe your gender identity and sexual orientation.

    I am male, but I don't particularly care about gender identity. I don't feel particularly masculine nor feminine. Social norms are arbitrary, anyways.


    6. Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs? If so, describe them. In what religious tradition(s) were you raised, if any?

    Raised Christian, now very Agnostic


    7. What is your relationship status? Do you have any children?

    I have a few close friends and no intimate partners. No children, and I have no desire to spread my genes.


    9. Have you ever served in the military? If so, what division?

    No. I doubt I'd be suitable, in any case.


    10. What is your occupation (or former occupation)? What is your highest level of education (and your degree, if applicable)?

    Student. Some college, soon to get an AS.

  3. This poll is bad. Polls in general are almost always bad anyways, though.


    That being said, I like a variety of games and a variety of settings. I will happily go from sniping stupid AI to lodging fireballs at other stupid AI. Occasionally, I will do that to stupid people as well, but my brain never cooperates with me when I play in PvP, so it's usually stupid me being sniped or whatever. Thus, I'm more inclined to play games that are either single player or PvE (where I proceed to solo most things anyways). I lean more towards games where you actually control your character rather than click once and gleefully watch your character perform the action, but obviously as I'm posting here, I do like the occasional turn-based stuff. I'm more into the mechanics in games I play, but good stories are definite bonuses.


    Sadly, most games (that aren't competitive) tend to get too easy too quickly. I have a horrible tendency to soak up absurd amounts of knowledge in the game early on and proceed to abuse every bit of it to destroy everything. If I don't, I feel like I'm wasting something based on the game.

  4. There's a quite massive range of games you can play on your laptop as is. Your best bet is probably to be satisfied with those until you have the capability to build/buy a proper gaming computer, rather than get frustrated trying to squeeze out an extra 2-3fps. You'll be waiting to play those next gen games, but that's a good thing anyways, as you can get them during sales. Only the dedicated or rich go for full price. :p

  5. Economic Left/Right: -2.38

    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08


    There were some questions I didn't like, or that there wasn't a middle option, so my result may not be entirely accurate.

  6. Sorry, I guess I didn't explain well enough. The exercize deals with culture in general, but it's just that since we're in the Denver area, most opt to do the Denver example. I asked if I could do this assignment based on the Internet culture instead of Denver, which was approved.

  7. In my Cultural Anthropology class, we have an assignment where we need to come up with a survey and interview 20 people, with the survey being about culture, specifically about Denver. I got permission to do this assignment based around the internet (which is good as I don't have to approach people), only that still leaves finding 20 people to take the survey.


    So, I figured I'd have the bulk of the results from SW's perspective if I can.


    I finally got my questions approved by the professor, and you can view/respond here.


    Survey is anonymous and the responses will be used purely for academic reasons. I have no desire to track down responders or whatnot.


    Thanks in advance, and apologies if posting a survey here offends you somehow.

  8. Not everyone is going to obsessively research every single term they see or use. You're expecting people to walk on legos when they've already had to walk on egg-shells. Just correct them and move on. Being angry about some odd ignorance doesn't help matters. Save the anger for if they're unwilling to learn despite being presented with the information.

  9. You should have started with Blades of Avernum. It doesn't matter your personal preferences before the games, after you've played Blades of Avernum for like 5 minutes, it automatically becomes your favorite game :p

    Fixed your typo. ;)

    Looks like you missed a spot, don't worry, I fixed it.

    Where are all these typos coming from? You'd think two edits would've been enough.

  10. Every







    I don't know what the last E in the mnemonic is, and I really don't care. Good enough as is to remember. I'll let people figure it out/be cripplingly curious. Don't be a chihuahua and spoil it.

  11. I would take it out of sheer curiosity and forget about the results the next day, like I do with every other personal test. It'd just be somewhat more interesting. Dunno if it could really tell me much more than I already know.

  12. Books are far from being the only source of feeling-inducing stories.


    And heh, funny thinking that I've been at these forums for half of its life.

    I think a lot of groups have an inherent life cycle. People meet and form some sort of community; they share some history, develop inside jokes. Those very things make that inner group harder to join, thereafter. The circle forms by closing. As years go by, things happen, and the original crew drifts apart.

    There's not just one single group. It's been a little more dynamic here. There's the nostalgia that others have of earliest times, those of the mid-times, the current groups, etc.

  13. When I can, I like to play both sides at least once. Generally I do the "good" first since that's what I gravitate to. Then, I like to be as "evil" as I can, somewhat out of curiosity and somewhat out of morbid humor I wouldn't dare apply to real life.


    It should also be mentioned that good and evil are quite arbitrary. Between that, curiosity, completionism, and the lust for power, and you've covered a great deal of the reasons for why "evil" characters are played.

  14. With all the mediums of communication available nowadays, and with many of the members knowing each other personally, like with there being the calref chat, there's fewer reasons to post here.

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