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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. I just realized something. Both Jewels and Lazarus gave WH a lower score than KTD in the preliminaries, but in the finals, they ranked WH higher than KTD. Odd.
  2. Holy... Jewels' wound up predicting where each and every scenario would place in the finals! I was rather surprised at how well Witch Hunt performed. I mean... wow. Perhaps I'm underestimating myself?
  3. Excalibur: I didn't use decimals either. Also, I want to see the scores of the other judges. And you should already have my e-mail address.
  4. I give my congratulations to Lazarus and Ephesos. You guys deserve it. I also give my utmost pity and condolences to whoever gave Witch Hunt a place greater than 7th. You clearly have no taste in scenarios. (Really, I placed it a hypothetical 7th)
  5. I'm not sure if Luck behaves the same way in the trilogy as it does in BoA, but in BoA, each point of luck grants you a 5% chance of not dying, to a maximum of 90%. It also provides elemental and physical resistance.
  6. Nioca


    I've noticed, in a lot of scenarios that I've downloaded recently, that I'll find two sets of identical files. One set consists of normal files, such as, "scenariodata.txt". The other, however, consists of all the text and graphic files in the scenario, prefaced by a period followed by an underscore (._). So it results in files with names such as, "._scenariodata.txt". I find that they have no effect on the game, and can be deleted without problem. For example, I just downloaded WtRM, and found that even the readme had a duplicate ._set. Has anyone else experienced this? And does anyone know what exactly is happening?
  7. You can't make the factions get along. Sorry.
  8. I first read that as Lyre, and thought it was a reference to another BoA scenario. But I doubt either are connected in any way than by coincidence alone.
  9. Just found something interesting. I decided to take a look at how diseased works, and found something surprising. If your party is weak enough, then the disease actually strengthens over time, rather than weakening like most other statuses. How it decreases/increases seems to be based on some kind of random number arrangement correlated to the character's statistics. I'll post more when I know more.
  10. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Nioca Also, riddle me this. If the canister is actually a gas delivery system powered by pressure, why does the canister melt down when used? My guess is that it's got some kind of protective coating inside to protect the glass, and the substance inside the canister melts the glass upon contact. That explains the gas, but the metal at the top of the canister is also vaporized.
  11. Originally Posted By: Dragonlorddrakon Maybe. She'd be in the neo-awakened faction. Doubt it. She was all in favor of letting the Unbound loose on Terrestria, and effectively swatted you on the nose if you suggested otherwise. No, she's sided with the Drakons. All the more sad, since it was her that suggested in the beginning that someone like you might be needed to steer the Rebellion back on track.
  12. So, the recent posts on what the canisters do has me thinking. What if the canisters or Geneforge had no undesirable side-effects; what if it merely boosted the user's power or abilities without causing delusions of grandeur, glowing skin, or any other negative mental or physical problems? Would it become ethical to use the canisters or Geneforge? Or would it still wind up causing more problems than it solves?
  13. Mine are in. I can't believe that Tales from the Tabard Inn didn't move on. It was such a great scenario, and that Tales of the Tabard Inn is a mere imposter to it's greatness...
  14. Simply press the Shape Creation button, and then OK.
  15. We've never seen peace in Genia, though, so it's likely that they exist and we've just never seen them. Besides, a lot of plants were shaped in GF2, the giant rat wasn't a creation made for war, Drayks and Servant Minds were made with not-hostile purposes in mind, Door operators certainly aren't hostile, we have riding drayk-boats in GF1 and GF4. And let's not forget the Ornks. The healing and essence pools are also shaped, living beings, and Living tools are also peaceful creations.
  16. Originally Posted By: feo takahari I think they meant "prescriptions." P.S. Regarding the "incredibly strong clear metal," in G2 we found they're made from purified steel that's been treated with essence. No, the top of the canister is made from puresteel. The canister is mostly glass. Also, riddle me this. If the canister is actually a gas delivery system powered by pressure, why does the canister melt down when used? (I suppose it is worth noting that Geneforge was originally intended to be a Sci-fi game.)
  17. I too accidentally lost the character with the ceremonial gear. It is a bug, but the latest version tries to bypass it: If you ever approach that area again with the ceremonial gear, it'll vanish from your inventory (which I discovered when I went to fight and my Nephil started punching enemies instead of stabbing them).
  18. Originally Posted By: Niemand Nioca: "action = action - 1;" 'action' is Thralni's variable which is used to stop the creature script from running when it's run enough. Yeah, I know that. I mean, not having seen the creature's action itself, how exactly will it get reduced? It appears to be after the whole string of action, but it could lead to problems if the code can make the monster take more than one step in a single run. Assuming, of course, that you don't decide to do as Smoo suggested.
  19. Unfortunately, negative AP bonuses don't work. The monster will still have four AP. That said, the above script should work. Out of curiosity, how do you plan to reduce action with each step?
  20. Originally Posted By: YeahThatGuy Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith How many trials did you run? You only need to do it once if you elimate the random factors. That's why I mentioned using weapons that do one to one damage ( always one ) per level. That's the problem, though. It's impossible to remove all the random factors. That's why multiple tests are needed. Heck, I did over 100 tests on luck before I made my findings known.
  21. There's only one message, and it doesn't require you to target any specific kind of creation. As for how many: I don't know. I'd say, as a rough estimate, that it's about 20 creations. But I'm not sure.
  22. Might not be the most organized, but have you looked here?
  23. You can manipulate things a little bit in GF3's menu; clicking on the terrain in the main menu causes an explosion at that location, capable of killing the creations wandering the arena. Kill enough creations, and a message will pop up.
  24. The Stealth Sholai. Any one of them. It's not funny when a monster can cover the map in a single turn.
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