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Phasze13's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. It seems like the formula for pwning torment is buffing everyone with haste before each decent fight. without haste its damn hard or moreso impossible, and with it its basically flipping a win switch. im thinking of just using the "leetbuffz" cheat to buff myself instead of going through all the buffing bs before every fight, it gets annoying.
  2. So in that case shield breaker would be better than mighty blow right? because all party members can benefit from this 20% rather than just one with a 50% bonus. IS shield breaker stackable? that would be...madness
  3. Yeah that sounds good, you're right about training cheap skills, and the extra cure is always nice. I just fear taking away from his melee because of battle disciplines. To be honest I haven't seen anything too great yet from these yet everyone talks so highly about them. Maybe in time it will come.
  4. Yeah, I understand there are already keyboard shortcuts, but I think could be better or like I said, customizable. That way people set up their game exactly how they'd like to. And about pressing "g", I was saying that pressing g again should close for you. I sometimes double press f really fast to close the bag, enter combat, and leave combat. boo if anyone knows a better way, feel free to let me know
  5. I'd really like the keyboard settings to be redone, or better yet customizable. For instance, pressing g to pick up ground items, and then g again to close the bag. that would be amazing Allowing for the spell menu to cascade and allow for 8 quick slots, or add a few more slots for spells. A5's boat maneuvering was a little weak too, map point and click didn't work well at all. I personally love the formula for everything else and the tactics feel of battle, but I think some very simple fixes could have taken away some pointless clicking a minor frustration. A mass haste spell, that casts haste on the entire party. only usable outside of combat. From what I've seen more items could be implemented. Items are probably on everyone top 3 list in an rpg, and the more the better if you ask me. It would be simple to add a few more weapon types and weapons and spawn them in random areas and monster drops. On the other hand making more powerful weapons could change the entire gameplay formula and get really complicated. A weapon that does 200dmg would be way overpowered....unless everything else was scaled to match that. Although in a new game scaling can be fresh. A cool and simple addition could be sockets and gems. those are always fun. I haven't played past chapter 3 yet so I'm not sure if anything else can be said here. Coming from a WoW veteran though, I'm surprised how enjoyable this game is. It's nice having a story and actually listening and caring to what people tell me. The world of Avernum is rich in detail and humanity and whoever wrote the text...kudos. its great. I was frightened that It would get old, fast right after the demo area. I was wrong. so far anyway =P
  6. I actually equip my fighter with a bow, and if someone is too far away or i dont feel like running into a mob of enemies i just shoot em in da face. I've got the ceremonial bow from chapter 2, 15-45 dmg.... My character holding the ceremonial gear wasw dead when i finished the trials so i got to keep it! ....i wonder if that's cheating...proabably
  7. I've got two things to say. 1. Using a wand/scroll + attack works fine when you are unbuffed, but when you've got haste you have just enough ap to pull off two attacks if standing still. The only fights I could see myself using scrolls on are the harder ones, where I've already casted haste. So that kind of ruins the effect for me =( Ociprus, I thought about adding some int and priest spells to me fighter, but thought about how little the healing would be at priest level 1, and how much sp I would lose by adding more than 1 or 2 levels. Can anyone tell me what's the better choice? leaving my fighter with no spells adding one point in priest spells and a few in int adding a few points in priest spells and a few points in int.
  8. What does he mean by losing my freedom? How the heck can I lose my freedom? all he's asking of me are a few quests, no? --can anyone confirm the cheat? I will def do it if the cheat works, if not im not quite sure...
  9. SO I finally made it to Gladwell....what a creeper. Should I take his Geas? This is my first playthrough and it seems like this choice is a pretty big one. I understand the Geas give me +1 to every stat, but I'm doing fine right now the way I am... and after doing a little reading, it seems as though he will want me to go hostile with a few towns for some of his items...I would HATE that, although I would probably just use the "pleaselikeme" cheat to fix that =P Anyone know which path has the best rewards? and if i were to take the geas, would using the cheat fix my rep?
  10. Ive' collected a large amount of scrolls and wands so far while playing (Chapter 2) and never really use many of them. I've probably used 2 or 3 (group heal and haste) and can't see much use in using most of them. Either I know the spell, or its a similar damage spell that one of my mages or healers can do. I am thinking about selling almost all of them but want to know if that's a mistake. What do you guys do with your scrolls/wands? BTW some wizard wants to sell me skill points for 1k each...magery is an example. Is it worth it?
  11. I've read up on strategies and other things here and decided to start the game on torment level =P I have a pole warrior (dm/ew) mage (dm/nm) Priest (dm/ps) and mage/bowman/tools (dm/nm) I didnt use nephils or the lizards because of the way they look...ive played this game before and couldnt part from the full human team i had awhile back. i know im losing a few advantages but i dont think it will make anything tremendously difficult. i plan on giving all the spellcasters a few points in a raged weapon if mana ever runs out, but would like to know if i should focus on bows or thrown. I've seen some people argue bows are better and others argue thrown. So far I have my tools character learning thrown because I hear it has more dmg over bows, but would like confirmation on that.
  12. That is awesome, can you give me a general idea of how large an area is then? would it be classified by town? or by amount of land that fits in the lower left minimap?
  13. I noticed that if i stole 2 things nothing happened to me, while if i stole more than 4 i was instantly killed. now im wondering if this number will add up over time, or is only place specific. example, if i steal 2 things here, and 2 things somewhere else at another time, will i get caught then? or will it reset. I guess I'm trying to ask if there is a reputation or something like that. I have another question, there is a ton of junk lying around in avernum, basically things like pots spoons mining picks, etc. do these have any value if they say no sell price? should i ignore them? or are they used in crafted goods or something?
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