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Everything posted by Nioca

  1. Alright, tons of ideas here. First, a streamlined, simplified version of the Guard Captain. Guard Captain Nationality: Avernum Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: When any player attacks another, the Guard Captain becomes aware of which two parties were involved. He is not informed which party perpetrated the act. Goal: All criminals dead by any means necessary. A player is considered a criminal when he has attacked twice. Note: The Guard Captain is enemies with criminals only (plus any roles that might be targeting him). -- Also, some other ideas for roles. Soultaker Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Magic Immunities: Magic Mage Abilities: Once per day, can examine a living player's abode. You will learn whether that player is a mage or not. If so, you will drain their ability (they won't be able to use it for 24 hours. If their ability's effects are active, then the effects are disrupted; e.g., if Shanker warded someone, those wards would be dispelled, though Shanker would recover the ability at the normal time). Goal: Drain three different mages. Draining the same mage three times does not count. If there are not enough mages left alive to meet quota, collect one randomly chosen artifact in place of each draining. Enemies: Anama, Mages Conjurer Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Magic Immunities: None Mage Ability: Once per day, can summon a creature. That creature can then be sent out to either attack or defend another player. When defending, the creature remains active around the player until killed, at which point the creature will disappear. Each creature can only be summoned once. The creatures are: * Wolf: Standard Skill, Physical Attack * Giant Lizard: Stealth Skill, Physical Attack * Lava Bat: Standard Skill, Magic Attack * Asp: Stealth Skill, Poison Attack * Demon: Power Skill, Magic Attack, Magic Immunity * Quickghast: Stealth Skill, Physical Attack, Wins First Strike (barring Skribbane use or Vahkohs) * Dark Wyrm: Power Skill, Poison Attack, Physical Immunity Note that normal rules regarding first strikes apply. Also, if a wand of death is used, it will kill both the creatures and its intended target. Goal: Protect two of four random roles, and make sure no more than 3 beasts die over the course of the game. Note that a successful attack does not count as a death, and that the random roles you are to protect will not be enemies with you. You will, however, be enemies with anyone targeting the roles you have to protect. Brigand Nationality: Avernum Skill: Stealth Attack: Poison Immunities: None Ability: Once per day, can anonymously threaten another player into an action. Once threatened, the player can either refuse your demands or carry them out. If the player acquiesces, he will perform that action immediately (or as soon as possible) and you will get the results. If he refuses, he is marked as an enemy and automatically attacked by you. Note that you cannot attack a person directly. If you try to threaten a person into an action they can't do (giving an item they don't have, using an ability they don't have), the attempt simply fails. Goal: Acquire a random artifact and kill two random roles. Enemies: Guard Captain Healer Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immunities: Poison Ability: Once per day, can monitor a selected player for 24 hours. If the player is fatally injured, he will be revived, though he will lose any items he was carrying. Note that players hit with the wand of death cannot be revived in this manner (Also, if the poison potion under my item ideas is implemented, having a healer monitor you will cure that as well). You cannot target yourself with this ability. Goal: Save the lives of three different players. Note that saving the same person repeatedly does not count. Divinely Touched Nationality: Avernum Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immunities: None Ability: Once per game, can call for divine aid. For the next 24 hours, the player will gain total immunity, a guaranteed first-strike, and will recharge his action every six hours. Furthermore, if an attack is launched against someone with a physical immunity in this state, the player's attack will switch to magical. Goal: All faction members dead AND have possession of three randomly chosen artifacts. Berserker Nationality: Empire Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immunities: None Ability: When attacking, your skill becomes power. This does not apply defensively. Goal: All passive roles (Aimee, Alchemist, Craftmaster Strine, Healer, Machrone, Oliver) dead by any means necessary. Shaman Nationality: Empire Skill: Stealth Attack: Magic Immunities: None Ability: Once per day, can cast various blessings and enchantments on a player. Each spell lasts for 24 hours. The enchantments are: * Skill: Boosts the target's skill to Power. * Speed: Hastes the target, guaranteeing a first-strike against unhasted players, and normal combat rules against hasted players (Skribbane). * Bladeshield: Provides immunity from Physical attacks. * Prismatic Shield: Provides immunity from Magic attacks. * Serendipity: Provides a 15% chance of recovering from a fatality. Note that the player will still lose any items. Goal: Collect one random artifact, and cast all five spells. – And some item ideas. Shielding Knife – Can be used with an attack. Changes attack to physical, and grants immunity to physical and magical attacks. Applies defensively as well. Once it blocks an attack, it disintegrates. (Basically, an item that blocks one attack) Shielding Trinket – Provides immunity to Physical and Magical attacks so long as it is held. Once it blocks one attack, however, it disintegrates. (Same as above, but not a weapon) Haste Potion – Grants you first strike regardless of enemy status for the next 24 hours. Hastes equally to Skribbane, causing normal combat rules to apply against someone high on skribbane. (Basically, a way to guarantee a first-strike other than Skribbane, though obviously not as powerful) Scuttler Eggs – Causes a scuttler swarm when used. For the next 24 hours, all actions performed by other players have a 50% chance of getting interrupted by scuttlers, failing. The user is exempt from the item's effects. (A kind of super-item that can bring fighting and scrying to a dead stop. Basically holds everyone else up whilst giving the user an opening) Coins – Can be traded in to the moderator for any other (non-artifact) item. (A wildcard.) Xian Coins (Artifact) – Once per day, can get a free item of your choice from the moderator. Counts as an ability use. (A once-per-day wildcard. Turns a person into a veritable item shop. It's probably way too powerful, though) Invulnerability Potion – Provides six hours of total protection. Absolutely nothing can kill you, not even the Wand of Death. (Basically, the Wand of Death's equal and opposite. To compensate, it's very short-lived) Truth Philter – When used on another player, you can learn one of the following: skill, immunities, enemies, faction, nationality, and inventory. Counts as an ability use. (A truth serum. A way of getting reliable information, if somewhat generic) Wand of Absorption – Sets a target's skill level to Standard for 24 hours. Counts as an ability use. (Brings a power role down to earth, leaving them open to attack by standard roles) Nephil Longbow – Can be used to attack a target. Counts as a physical attack of Standard skill. The target will not be able to retaliate against this attack, nor will he know who attacked him. Comes with only one arrow, and thus can only be used once. (A toned-down wand of death. A sneak attack against an opponent) Chitrach Eggs – Causes an outbreak of Chitrachs when used. For 24 hours, anyone who attempts to attack runs a 33% (1-in-3) chance of fighting a chitrach instead. Chitrachs have Stealth skill, an attack of poison, and always get first-strike. Does not count as an ability use, but the user is not exempt from the item's effects. (Another super-item. Effectively imposes a ceasefire on the game for 24 hours, since anyone who doesn't abide by it runs the risk of becoming chitrach chow. Normal abilities and trading is not effected) Poison Potion – Can be used on a target. The target is poisoned, and will die in 24 hours without an antidote. The target is aware of being poisoned. If the target has an antidote, it is automatically used to cure the poisoning. This counts as an ability use. Note that, because of the 24-hour delay on the poison, it can be used on day 1. (A sneaky way to get someone, but they're given a chance to requisition an antidote before dying) Xian Skull – Reveals one detail regarding a random person at the beginning of each day. The detail will be either the person's skill, immunities, nationality, or faction alignment. Is an intrinsic item and is not used. Also speaks in an odd annoying voice, has a taste for deli sandwiches, and wants to be your friend. (Basically, an intrinsic charm that gives the player a tiny edge in information gathering)
  2. Well, the problem with a Anama/Aimee alliance is this: Micklebur needs all mages dead. Aimee is a mage. And guess who the more valuable role to the Anama Priest is? The one that can detect mages and kill with a level of impunity, or the one who can shoot out a stun and otherwise be dead weight? Anyway, the stun isn't really that powerful. Sure, you can stop someone from attacking... but it doesn't stop said someone from setting someone else to the task. As for Aimee being nearly invulnerable, she's really a sitting duck. All that's needed is for someone to attack, or for someone to find out your role, and go running to someone who can act on it. And there's nothing you can do to stop them. Anyway, I know I'm still not a great player, but it feels like it'd take an absolute expert to play this role successfully. Furthermore, it still leaves one flaw: There's not really that much Aimee can do to influence the game. She's more like a spectator than a player. It relies on trying to control the other 15 players, which is about the same as trying to dam a river with a stick. No matter how much (dis)information you fling around, you'd only get so far.
  3. Alright, this is meant without offense, but the Aimee role... sucked. My position in this game was more like that of the spectator. I was almost completely helpless to do anything; In fact, my only options every day were to try and connive and to throw out a stunner. The Aimee role's purpose to help the Avernites to victory is somewhat sorely hampered by the fact that Aimee has no idea who the Avernite roles are, and has no way to protect any allies or itself. And it also doesn't help that some of the people you're trying to help are out to kill you (Thanks for the backstab, Sarachim... ). The stunner's practically useless in stopping attacks; the stunned person can just go to someone else to make the kill instead. Unfortunately, this results in Aimee pretty much getting swept along helplessly. The impact the role can have on the game is minimal unless the role was in the hands of a master manipulator. Furthermore, Aimee's an easy target. Since anyone who attacks her instantly learns her role without any retribution, they can then pass it on to the Anama Priest/Gladwell/Vahkohs/Wand of Death. And there's not a whole lot Aimee can do to stop them, either. I like the idea of Aimee as a support player, but there's not a whole lot of support Aimee can actually give. She can't trade for items, revealing her role to random strangers is suicidal, and information only goes so far. Maybe if she had a few more abilities to compensate, it might work. But as it is, the Aimee role is rather boring. Anyway, it's just my two cents. I look forward to seeing the Northern Isles come back in a few weeks!
  4. Question: Micklebur's goal is to kill all mages. Are servants of Gladwell included in this category?
  5. That's a lot like my Rakshasa idea. Only, the Rakshasa could make one player appear to be a different one.
  6. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel What about making it so that he has a 50% chance per crime of knowing? That's basically the normal suspicion system, and it'd throw it to the other extreme (underpowered). Quote: Or maybe he can only become aware of one crime per day; which one is picked at random from all the crimes committed. (That could be expanded to 2 or 3 per day.) That'd be tricky. He would only learn of crimes at the end of the day, which means that his knowledge could be sorely out-of-date.
  7. I just added the possession of Skribbane as a crime to make the role a little harder (since it's rather powerful). Furthermore, if Gladwell were to compel someone, the Servant would take the rap. EDIT: Also made it so that the Captain is aware of any Skribbane exchanges. As a drawback to his ability, he is left unaware of exactly what crime was committed.
  8. Okay... Guard Captain Nationality: Avernum Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: When any player commits a crime (attacking, stealing, or trading/giving Skribbane), the Guard Captain becomes aware of which two parties were involved. He is not informed which party perpetrated the act, nor which crime was committed. Goal: All criminals dead by any means necessary. A player is considered a criminal when he has committed two crimes. A player is also considered a criminal if he or she is currently in possession of Skribbane. Note that if the player gets rid of the Skribbane, he or she is no longer considered a criminal, and that trading/giving skribbane does not count against a player's crime record. Note: The Guard Captain is enemies with criminals only (plus any roles that might be targeting him).
  9. Not quite. If the attack rebounded, the dead guy would be the attacker, and the living one the victim. And he's not told whether the victim fended off the attacker. Originally Posted By: Xelgion Uh, Nioca, WAAAAAAAAY too many targets for the Guard Captain, and there will never be a situation were all of them are playing, because there are 4 optional roles there and only 3 random roles get chosen, and if the Captain is a random role, the number is reduced to 2. Make it so that 5 of that following have to be dead. Actually, the Infiltrator has more targets. Anyway, if a target role isn't playing, then killing it isn't an issue. It's the same way it works with Ronaldo, Infiltrator, Adventurer, and Empire Spy. The Guard Captain isn't exactly meant to be an easy role. He's like the anti-Darkside Blademaster. Only without the Physical immunity.
  10. Role ideas: Mad Monk Nationality: Empire Skill: Stealth Attack: Physical Immune: Physical Ability: Once per game, can go into a Berserk Frenzy for 24 hours. While in this frenzy, he gets first strike and his attacks bypass physical immunities. However, he loses his own physical immunity, and any kills made while berserk, offensive or defensive, become publicly known. Goal: Kill, by your own hand, five random targets. The targets will be made aware that you are in play. Guard Captain Nationality: Avernum Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: When any player commits a crime (killing or stealing), the Guard Captain becomes aware of which two parties were involved. He is not informed which party perpetrated the act. Goal: The following criminals must be dead by any means necessary: Adventurer, Darkside Blademaster, Darkside Mage, Domont, Empire Spy, Necromancer, Sacred Item Cultist, Skribbane Addict, and Vahkohs.
  11. On the Vengeful Spirit: I like the idea, but the role is very powerful with very few drawbacks. He's got three enemies tops (two targets plus possibly Pure Spirit), yet is nearly unkillable.
  12. For a replacement role, I have a couple ideas. Rakshasa Nationality: Empire Skill: Power (Or maybe Stealth?) Attack: Magic Immune: Magic Mage Ability: Can cast an illusion on one player, making him appear to be someone else. All actions and item uses aimed at the target for the next 24 hours get redirected to the person the Rakshasa specifies. Note that this does not interfere with a person using an item/ability on himself, and that the Rakshasa cannot select himself as a target. Victory Condition: All faction members (Anama, Darksiders, Gladwell and Servants) dead by any means necessary. Beastmaster Nationality: Avernum Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immunity: None Ability: Gains one beast per day. If attacked while in the possession of at least one beast, the beast will absorb the attack instead. Once per day, you may do one of the following: (1) Defend a specified player, or (2) Attack a person with a beast. Each beast has a skill of Standard and an attack of Poison. When defending, the beast will follow the same first-strike rules as the player they're defending (e.g. If the player would have gotten first strike, the beast will). When attacking, the beasts will get first-strike unless a pre-existing effect dictates otherwise (e.g. Skribbane usage, Vahkohs' permanent first-strike). Victory Condition: Have four beasts alive by the end of the game.
  13. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Also, does this mean that Gladwell himself cannot kill her? Gladwell can't attack. He can only defend.
  14. Originally Posted By: *i Aimee [...] Immune: Most Attacks Abilities: [...] You can only be killed by: some compelled by Gladwell Does this mean that only certain people compelled by Gladwell can kill Aimee, or that anyone compelled by Gladwell can kill Aimee?
  15. That'll teach me to make alliances. Wound up partnering with someone who wanted to kill me (RCCCL) and someone who was aligned with someone who wanted to kill me (Sporefrog, aligned with Andraste). Ah, well, I had fun. I'm going to win one of these eventually...
  16. No shots fired? A bit of a surprise... usually one or two people take a swing when killing becomes available. Or maybe Stareye's just making us sweat...
  17. Also, watch for walls. The game doesn't like placing characters on a space that contains a wall.
  18. As far as I'm aware, it's okay to start your PMing now. Stareye implied it's fine somewhere, and he didn't object to it last round...
  19. You might want to remove Arancaytar's name from that. He doesn't care for his real name being on the internet. But I saw that a few days ago as well. I just thought it was down for maintenance.
  20. Or magic immunity coupled with a Fury Crossbow.
  21. Originally Posted By: The Creator List of ways for Vahkos to die - Attack or be attacked by someone with the holy symbol and better than standard skill. Huh. It was my understanding that if you had the Holy Symbol, Vahkohs lost irregardless of skill. Also, you forgot one: Attack someone magic immune and holding the Fury Crossbow (to which I can only say: ow). Or there attacking someone who's holding the Holy Symbol and the Fury Crossbow. Nothing quite says humiliation like getting shot with a Holy Symbol.
  22. Originally Posted By: *i Just note the ratio of Avernites to Imperials is 15 to 11. However, at least six roles will always be Imperials: In slots 1-10, the ratio is 4 to 6. So the most enemies the Infiltrator will ever have is 9. Therefore, if he randomly picks a target, he has, at best, a 40% chance of ending up dead. It is quite likely this will be a bit higher. 12. The Darksiders could have him as their random target, which would make them enemies. It'd also mean that the ratio could potentially be 7-to-3 when it comes to enemies of the Infiltrator. Thus, there'd be a 33% chance at best of ending up dead, barring immunities from Gladwell or the Anama.
  23. Another question: I noticed that Ronaldo's description includes "Kill three empire citizens by your own hand". Does that apply to the Infiltrator too?
  24. Is the Pure Spirit enemies with the Darkside Loyalists and Gladwell? In other news, I compiled a list of the Infiltrator's enemies. Good lord, that role doesn't even need to look information up. Just point and shoot, because odds are, he'll hit a target. EDIT: Just counted it up. He has 15 enemies. And that's not counting any that'd crop up from being a random target!
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