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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. You probably aren't powerful enough yet to do Dillame. By the end of Burwood you should be able to do so, and you can practice on Poryphra Ruins.
  2. If Jeff takes some elements from the revised AP system in Geneforge 4, then you will see melee fighting be more useful. Avernum 4 eliminated the player wait command in combat that allowed you to let the monster close so you could melee at the risk of damage. With the new system as long as you have 1 AP you can still attack. This eliminates the I moved too far and don't have 5 AP to attack with anymore.
  3. Geneforge 1 is more about the plot than game mechanics. The next two games were developing the game and the story became less important. Avernum always has been about the mood of being in a strange world. Avernum 2 is considered to have the best plot and a decent game engine. Nethergate is currently being revamped. The plot is interesting because you see it unfold from two different sides. Same world, but with interacting missions. You can try the demo to see what that will be like.
  4. Daze doesn't work on turrets, that's why you need enough health to withstand their attacks and not get stunned. But you don't want to fight them and the others, so daze the ones you can. If you are careful you can only face one turret at a time and use a crystal on it.
  5. The first fortress west of Fort Remote is opened by a lever that is very hard to see. It's in the corridor west of the temple area and next to the westernmost corridor. I know sometimes it's hard to tell if a topic has been posted, but this is the first time I ever seen a triple.
  6. Or wait until you are powerful enough to strong daze everyone and destroy the turrets. Then kill the rest. Not as much experience by waiting.
  7. I think the loading screen for GF4 mentions that rotgroths can't reproduce naturally. Never found them that useful for the essence cost.
  8. The room has the recipe for the artifact Legs of the Tyrant. Luckily you can make things without knowing the recipe from actual finding it in the game. There is a glaahk canister in the Western Rise, one you can buy in Rebel Camp Aziraph, and you can learn it in Shaper Camp Gamma.
  9. The gizmo pacifies the Unbound so it doesn't attack for a few rounds. I think you start with the east one and then go to the west one. I tried it once as a servile and found it didn't last long enough for me to finish the job.
  10. Unbound - I usually have to create a high health creation to attack and have my character stay back and heal. If you have enough health and that means over 600 you might be able to finish the job with spine shield. Essence shackles is a must. Quessa-Uss - After you leave you can't get back into the lab. Loot and transfer what you want to the western guest quarters. The two locked rooms at the north end of the lab open after you see the drakons after the first time that you can get to the lab.
  11. If you have enough leadership you can avoid turning in the Safehouse. I don't remember exactly since I got my spells from the Safehouse after the first game. You might need the Repair Moseh quest to get the lower prices. Try after getting the Betray Safehouse quest to see Duncan's prices.
  12. Did you talk to Alwan? That also reduces the prices.
  13. Training prices with the Shapers is based upon current reputation. Training prices with the Rebels is usually for doing a quest in Illya Safehouse and Rebel Camp Aziraph.
  14. There is an old topic from last year that explains how to allocate points to be able to open extreme difficulty doors. Good luck finding it.
  15. It works fine for me, but I'm using an iBook G4 PowerPC G4, 1.33 GHz, Software OS X 10.3.5. The problem seems to be in the Intel version.
  16. Wingbolts and gazers run out of spell energy for their missle attacks half way through the fight. I wound up having them go into melee and kept blessing them. When they recovered enough in 3 to 4 rounds they would back off and go missle again for the final fight near the drakon.
  17. Nyah, next time make it more. Just because that bandit did it as well and the Vlish in Geneforge 4. It beats the monsters that change form and completely reheal so you have to start over again with a different damage type.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: To be honest, the only thing Dikiyoba wants from A5 at the moment is for it to run on Dikiyoba's computer with minimal hassle. Apply for beta testing since Jeff is really interested in getting the games to run on all the systems before general release.
  19. There are several times where you have to move to certain places to make this section go to the next part. Usually going near a door helps, Pay attention to little prompts that Jeff placed in the text.
  20. You may miss out on some minor quest and rewards, but play the game however you want. Lately there have been several power gaming threads showing how it is possible to play certain characters. And then there are the challenges where after playing the game several times it's now time to play it with restrictions.
  21. I'm not sure, but the key you get for killing her should also unlock that door. You need to be fairly pro-Shaper and have high leadership to get her to unlock that door. Otherwise Matala will attack. Canister is Aura of Cleansing.
  22. If you haven't killed the 3 shades then the final fight with R-I becomes harder. Or if you fail to take the correct dialog option than it can be harder. I don't think it affects the final end. R-I was kind of the loose cannon of the Vahnatai. She pretty much would decide on an action, do it, and then wait for Council approval.
  23. In the end at Northforge Citadel it's possible to recruit drayks and on the Rebel side for the final battle there are drakons. You can't control them. For the Fens you can recruit melee and missle fighters, channelers that really make spell casters powerful (150 damage firebolts, 300 damage essence orbs), and servile technicians to help with mines and traps.
  24. There are 4 minds that will summon creations to defend themselves. Range attacks seem to be better since they are really nasty in melee. Try to take out the minds quickly since the northernmost one summons kyshakks. Acid batons and crystals seem to work well. It's suppose to be possible to kill Shaftoe before the servant minds start summoning.
  25. It's really the out of control shaping that leads to the Unbound. Jeff hammers home the point that this type of self-shaping and the excessive use of canisters leads to an emotionally devoid creation/person with no respect/empathy/caring about others. The Trakovites believe in creation rights and a gradual decrease to no new shaping. They are scared by the extremes of both sides during this Rebellion. It seems part of it is based upon lack of information since Drewey has little knowledge of the Drakons. The few Trakovites that have access to that knowledge, like Shoragass and the nameless assistant to Litalia slain in Western Barrier Zone, haven't been able to talk to others.
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