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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. If this spider could talk, it would take one look at the above spider and yell "FAAAAAKE!" (That doesn't stop it from being a really, really cool picture though.) And while we're on creepy-crawlies: Dikiyoba.
  2. Originally Posted By: Arancaytar Like this? That appears to be a sinkhole, not a pit. Normally posting games are bad, but Dikiyoba thinks we could use one about now. So fire away!
  3. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan The 'blue' mods are currently coloured 5544EE. I'd prefer a brighter cyan that's more blue-y than the normal users, maybe 00A0FF. If you want more blue and less cyan, up the red and lower the green (maybe 2080FF). Bear in mind I have the design sense of Helen Keller. Originally Posted By: Excalibur That flashing yellow-thingy shows up all the time now. It's apparently been set to "Topics with over 25 replies or 150 views." Y'all might want to change that. Done and done. Dikiyoba.
  4. Originally Posted By: Actaeon (Edit: several of the symbols I originally typed as examples don't show up... thus leading me to conclude that this would be a privilege accorded to the elite.) You can use HTML in PDNs but not in posts (unless you ask a mod really nicely to turn on HTML in an individual post for some valid reason and they agree). No, it doesn't make a great deal of sense. The fact that most special characters use HTML coding is why it becomes relatively easy to exceed the PDN length, as you can see when you quote someone using special characters in their PDNs. Dikiyoba.
  5. Originally Posted By: Harehunter The men would be taught to respect women and to take responsibility for their children and their wife. The women would be taught that they have the right to expect nothing less than that, should they get into a relationship that does not provide that, they don't have to stay in it; they can walk away from it, and if they need assistance for it, well that is what the family is for. But what about same-gender relationships? What about non-binary people who have no role under your "ideal" system? What about women who want to focus on their careers and men who want to stay at home? What about women who have no families, or have families who are abusive, or have families who are too far away or too poor or otherwise unable to provide adequate assistance? What about men who are abused by their wives? If a relationship ends for reasons other than abuse, how is custody of children provided? What if one partner is or becomes disabled and unable to fulfill the role you expect of them? What about single-parent families? What about polyamorous relationships? Because if the system isn't flexible enough to accommodate all these people and relationship types, then it's broken. It'll be an oppressive monster of a system that eats people and destroy relationships. Why would anyone want that? Dikiyoba.
  6. PDN colors and emoticons look fine to me on the coffee theme. For those of you on the dark theme, I made a copy of it in which I think I fixed the PDN colors and emoticons. I may not have picked the best color for the PDNs (but I can fix that if you tell me how the colors need to be adjusted to be easier on the eyes) and some of the emoticons are going to have some noise around the edges, but it's better than it was. So switch over and make sure I haven't broken anything. Dikiyoba's fingerprints are now all over the briefly shiny updated Control Panel. Whee!
  7. Donald Hebb is TM, who is banned except for limited posting abilities in the BoX forums, so no, he doesn't post much. Dikiyoba.
  8. Originally Posted By: Nikki Hey, so something is screwy with PDN changes. Whenever I add a space to my PDN, I get this message: Quote: You can only have alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) in your display name. Special characters are not allowed because this allows users to spoof other display names. You may use the _ character to represent a space. It should be fixed now. Dikiyoba.
  9. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Could we have the option of turning off the right column again? Who's Online, Top Posters, etc. Done. And since Dikiyoba is poking around in that area, Today's Birthdays in the right column, yay or nay?
  10. Originally Posted By: Salmon Because the kid who made those comments (to my untrained eye) hasn't responded in this thread. Trenton only posts sporadically, so his absence in this thread isn't evidence of anything. (But for the record, I apologized, he apologized, everything is cool.) Quote: @Diki - there might be an entire online community who role play the "Who's your daddy" game... But, yeah. I've never played that role here. I've always been more of the 12 year old menace. So you're saying it's okay for you to incorporate major details of your personal life (and your kid's personal life, such as it is) into your online presence, but it's not okay for Dikiyoba to do so? Because that's what is sounds like.
  11. Originally Posted By: Salmon It's odd to me that people register on this site with false names, and ostensibly engage in ROLE playing games, and then spend so much time establishing the bona fides of their true identity. ...you mean you role-played becoming a daddy? Dikiyoba has no words to describe the horror, so that emoticon will have to do.
  12. Originally Posted By: Miramor Out of curiosity, was the board serving up anything malicious at any point? I could be wildly off base here, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. The message Arancaytar got out would have been a lot more panicked if it was. Dikiyoba.
  13. Originally Posted By: Actaeon There is, however, an inherent bias in our entire language that doesn't have an easy fix, largely because we've dehumanized "it". An easy fix would be to adopt singular they or some recently invented GNP. People just don't want to do it. Besides, singular they can be confusing at times; is it one person or a group of people? Imagine how confusing it could be to use "it" for people, inanimate objects, and abstract subjects. Originally Posted By: Sylae English isn't that bad when you compare it to other languages, such as Spanish, where everything has a gender. Since in Spanish most adjectives and nouns end in O or A to indicate whether they are masculine or feminine, I've seen people use @ to end words to make them gender neutral--Latin@, for instance. I've only ever seen it done when the writing is in English and the Spanish term has been borrowed into the English language (whatever the technical term for that is), but it could be done in Spanish, in theory. Dikiyoba also has no idea how you would pronounce a word ending in @, because Dikiyoba has only seen it written down.
  14. Originally Posted By: Dantius I am not so sorry this must be done, Nikki. Dikiyoba was originally going to post a variation on Kelandon's meme, but who can resist a sad mango? Just look at that soulful expression!
  15. Yay, Nikki! You filthy, filthy spammer. Dikiyoba.
  16. Originally Posted By: Trenton I have to say, they were quite entertaining... and I am coming to understand the craze that seems to be happening. Yes, but you also like that abomination of literature that is Twilight, so your opinion doesn't count. Dikiyoba.
  17. Goodbye, good luck, and feel free to drop by whenever! Dikiyoba.
  18. Originally Posted By: Kelandon Don't crap on someone who is making a genuinely good-faith effort to talk about a problem and fix it. That's your ally. Allies listen to oppressed people. Allies educate themselves on the problems oppressed people deal with. Allies educate themselves on how to be an ally so they don't inadvertantly let their privilege do harm to oppressed people. Allies are willing to drop an idea they have when oppressed people point out that the idea doesn't make sense. Allies recognize when they mess up and apologize for it. Student of Trinity has done none of those things. Therefore, he is no ally. The fact that you and other people here think he is one is a problem. Dikiyoba.
  19. Hey dudes, this thread started because Student of Trinity decided to be a sexist ass who knew more about sexism than Lilith who is, you know, a woman. Why the hell are you all encouraging him and giving him praise? He's like the textbook example of how not to go about attempting to end sexism. Dikiyoba.
  20. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Originally Posted By: Iconoplasia Originally Posted By: ShieTar Men are raped and abused by women. Women are much more rarely rapists, even more rarely the aggressors in non-statury rape, and I'm unaware of (and unable to find in a couple of minutes) any cases in which women have been accused of the violent rape of men. Coercion and drugs come up. Stranger in a dark alley doesn't. [...] 3) There ARE plenty of reported cases of sexual abuse committed by women (although there are more committed by men). The line between sexual abuse and rape is pretty blurry; certainly, both can be violent. Given these facts, it would seem strange indeed if sexual abuse was committed by both genders but rape mostly by one. The key point in regards to this discussion on sexism is that, on the whole, more men are in a position of authority where they can commit sexual violence while more women are put in situations that expose them to sexual violence. For instance, prostitutes face an incredibly high risk of sexual violence, and there are far more women working as prostitutes than there are men. Women's clothes and appearances are sexualized and fetishized are more often than the clothing and appearances of men (after all, male victims of rape aren't told by society that "they were asking for it" based on what they happened to be wearing). So while men do get raped by women, that's not an issue of sexism, reverse or otherwise. Those are issues of other axes of privilege and oppression. And those are important issues that need to be focused on, but trying to claim that women raping men is reverse sexism doesn't help solve those issues. It only distracts from real cases of sexism and real cases of other oppression and so hurts all victims of sexual violence. Dikiyoba.
  21. Quote: Privilege or no privilege, we judge the likelihood of people's future behavior based on their past behavior. It's not 100% accurate, but it's all we've got. True. But I think on the whole her statement stands. Sometimes you misjudge someone. Sometimes your privilege blinds you and makes you do something really stupid and hurtful. But most importantly, most of the interactions between the privileged and the oppressed aren't about individuals. Usually it's two strangers interacting, and so minority person A can't rely on the past behavior of privileged person B to know whether B is trustworthy or not. All A can rely on is what the previous behavior of whatever privileged group B comes from as a whole. And since bigotry is systemic and institutionalized, B's group almost certainly has a bad record of past behavior. So A has to be suspicious of and careful around B even before B has interacted with A at all. Edit: Dikiyoba missed your edit, so take this post with a grain of salt, Miramor.
  22. Originally Posted By: ShieTar Originally Posted By: Lilith I think sometimes it can be useful to shock people awake a bit. Yeah, of course it sucks to be seen as a potential rapist or abuser. You know what sucks even more? That no matter how good your intentions, your previous behaviour or your relationship with a woman is, the state of our world is such that it's rational for her to consider you as a potential threat. Wow. Really, just wow. That right there is a prime example of sexism at work. Go ahead, just adapt your statement slightly and think about what you have just stated: Quote: If you are a black person, no matter how good your intentions or your previous behaviour towards white people were, the state of our world is such that it's rational for a white person to consider you as a potential murderer. Surely you will not agree with this statement? That's backwards. Men have privilege over other genders in Western society. Black people do not have racial privileges; white people are the ones with all the privilege. Your statement should read: Quote: If you are a white person, no matter how good your intentions or your previous behaviour towards black people were, the state of our world is such that it's rational for a black person to consider you as a potential murderer. And you know what? It's not wrong. Dikiyoba.
  23. Originally Posted By: Miramor and hopefully not a prime example of mansplaining. It's tone policing, not mansplaining. And Lilith did start off by being polite and reasonable, but Harehunter pointedly and deliberately dodged her questions and then started giving her a bunch of condescending crap about her relationship status, so at this point he deserves no mercy. Dikiyoba.
  24. ^Seconding that. Lilith, why can't Dikiyoba explain things half as well as you do?
  25. Originally Posted By: Slarty What's the issue? Because you acted all authoritative on a subject (the later seasons of Bones) it turned out you knew little about. The questions you asked implied that you were skeptical of the things I (and then Kreador (and then Lilith)) was talking about which seems to mean you automatically assumed I was wrong about them. You did not ask me to clarify what I was talking about and, based on the early questions you asked, you apparently didn't even do a cursory Google/Wiki search. So yeah, I was snarky. Dikiyoba.
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