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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. The Core Miranda fight is such a stupid, stupid fight. There are way too many things going on at once. (Also, Superba, once you complete the fight, you don't need to worry about stairs or trapdoors. Just head straight south. The terrain changes so there is a narrow path of smooth ground all the way to the exit. The stone sentinel dialog box should describe it happening.) Dikiyoba.
  2. Fluffy turtles all the way down! Dikiyoba is sure the fluffy turtles are very, very sane. You are what you eat, after all.
  3. Weird. That gate was open when Dikiyoba did the Chabon quest. It could be a bug. Talk to Eye Mamora again to see if anything changes.
  4. That's actually Spiderweb's usual price, long before they got on Steam and GoG. So it's more like the discount is pretty extreme. And ew, Dikiyoba hates Starbucks.
  5. Mod Wars Holiday Special! Dikiyoba has done nothing. Nothing, Dikiyoba tells you. This isn't the thread title you're looking for. *waves hand* Move along.
  6. Dikiyoba's wish is to never, ever have to see or hear anything related to Christmas before December 1st at the very earliest.
  7. The old one is a little bit cartoony, but it works. The new one is just oddly proportioned and weird. Dikiyoba.
  8. This. Avadon's monsters are just so underdeveloped and boring. At least bats and spiders make sense in Avernum, and the giant lizards are developed. All of the monsters in Geneforge were creations with unique histories (well, except for the increasing number of freaking worms. No more worms ever, please). But with the exception of the Wyldrylm wolves and the non-spider Corruption monsters, Avadon's monsters are just bland trash mobs. Even the humanoids are generic and bland; we learn a bit about wretch culture, but that's it. Dikiyoba wouldn't mind trash mobs so much if they added to the story instead of delaying the progress of it.
  9. Ooh, it comes with a rough guide to hidden switches too. Nifty! Dikiyoba.
  10. It's Craftmaster Nicodemus, creator of useless junk (in Avadon 1) and malfunctioning turrets. Of course that's what they would do. And then every Eye, Hand, and servant in Avadon would hoist you on their shoulders and parade you around. Dikiyoba.
  11. Dikiyoba doesn't know what's more disturbing, that Aran is apparently hundreds of plants, animals, fungi, and things too weird to mention simultaneously, or that he once ate meat from an sentient, talking cartoon character. She had friends, Aran, who miss her every day, and you ate her! You may not have eaten any monsters, but you are a monster nonetheless.
  12. Eh, dryak and rouge are old and boring. Redbread is definitely a typo to keep, though. Dikiyoba's party will have to call Redbeard Redbread a few times before this playthrough is over, Dikiyoba thinks.
  13. It's always hard to lose someone you care about, especially when it's sudden. Dikiyoba's condolences.
  14. Dikiyoba


    Yay, congrats Nikki! And here you are, all safe and sound: Dikiyoba has never seen a crumpet in the US before.
  15. No. Do garter snakes count as sea serpents? They tend to be aquatic, they're cool, they're serpentine, and the common garter snake can eat the super-poisonous rough-skinned newt (plus the pufferfish, should the two species ever cross paths). Dikiyoba.
  16. Coral reef snakes are pretty cool. Dikiyoba can't really argue with that.
  17. Dooo it. Make this big argument something that Dikiyoba can participate in. Someone has to show off the highest level post titles.
  18. I also think that your graphics are normal, and not a bug. Khalida and the other PCs are pink and purple in my game too--they just have a palette swap on them to make them stand out. It's pretty obvious after seeing similar things in other SW games. Previous games have had palette swapped NPCs to make them stand out, and allowed you to change the color of your PCs. It's not pretty, but palette swaps aren't a refined tool. (There's probably a way to turn the characters back to normal, but Dikiyoba doesn't know how offhand.)
  19. Yeah, Dikiyoba is also on Windows and has the same problem.
  20. Interesting. Dikiyoba hasn't had a themed title for a very long time. (Also, did we figure out a way for everyone to see the list of titles, or does a mod need to paste the list in this thread?)
  21. Updates are rare, though. Usually there will be one or two updates to fix major bugs, but that's it. So if you aren't having problems with your version, don't worry about it. Dikiyoba.
  22. You used it anyway. (You can probably get away with it, if you use it sparingly, but it also might end up getting edited out.) Nerd basically means "smart and obsessive" and is a somewhat positive word in English at this point, so definitely not nerd. Creep is probably closer to the word you are looking for. Dikiyoba.
  23. One of the advantages of buying directly from SW is the guarantee that it's yours forever, so that you can e-mail SW and get a new copy of the game if you lose yours somehow or you need to switch platforms (this is, admittedly, less important now that it's on Steam, but Steam can be a hassle in its own right). Still, if that $12 is important to you (and it can be, when money is tight, there's no shame in that), Spiderweb does have a refund policy. E-mail them at spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com, explain your situation, and get your money back. (You have a full year, so no rush.) Dikiyoba.
  24. So far my first impressions of Avadon 2 are much better than my first impressions for Avadon 1 were. Pros: -Tinkermages! -Male and female character classes. -Children! (Only wretch children so far, but hopefully human ones will appear later.) -Not starting out in the middle of an unimportant desert location (now, all we have to do is avoid haunted mines...) -More graphics (I could do without them, but it does help the immersion to have things like outhouses and farming implements). -The ability to close doors again (okay, that's a flaw from Avernum: EftP, not Avadon 1). Cons: -Romance in SW games? I'm worried. If only heterosexual options are available, I will be angry and ticked off (I trust that the romance can be turned down and ignored, but if that turns out not to be the case, there will be no end to my anger and ticked offed-ness). -Items on the ground are hard to see. -The interface isn't as smooth as it could be. Having to manually walk up to mines to disarm them is annoying. Lots of minor issues from previous games remain: occasional messed-up pathfinding, game deciding I can't see to attack enemies that are near but not around a corner, longer delays between character turns in combat than there really should be. That's all Dikiyoba has right now.
  25. Well, it was released just this morning. It should be on Steam soon. (If you really can't wait, just buy it from Spiderweb Software directly.) Dikiyoba.
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