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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Originally Posted By: eXtremeJeep
    Do not feel bad, I have been doing the same. Shame there isnt a mailing list I could sign up for wink

    There is a mailing list, but there is often a delay between the release of the game and when the email is sent out. Personally, I just watch the forums. The first forum-goer to see the game will surely post about it here.
    I'm pretty sure he/she was kidding and knows about the mailing list, hence the wink
  2. Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    Temperature rising when the CPU is at load is normal, even with good cooling.
    Speak for yourself on this one. My laptop idles at around 110°F, and used to do that even when it was brand new with no software installed and running other than Windows Vista.
    I'm not quite sure what your point is here. He says his CPU runs at 42º C when idle, which is lower than 110º F.
  3. Originally Posted By: B.J.Earles
    I'm still sad Stargate Universe didn't live up to the standards of the first two series. frown
    I personally feel that SGU got better as the series progressed, and the last half of the second season, which aired after the show had already been canceled was superb. It's very sad, really. I watch the following shows still in production: The Big Bang Theory, Boardwalk Empire, Bones, The Colbert Report, CSI, Californication, Castle, Community, The Daily Show, Doc Martin, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey, Eureka, Fringe, Futurama, Game of Thrones, Harry's Law, House, How I Met Your Mother, Hustle, Leverage, Mad Men, NCIS, Royal Pains, Sherlock, The Simpsons, Sons of Anarchy, Terra Nova, Top Gear, Treme, Venture Brothers, Warehouse 13, and The Walking Dead.
  4. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    I don't know how it works on 64-bit, but I did get a very successful load of Windows 3.1 on DOSBox on a couple of 32-bit winxp's, and all three Exiles copied into into it and they run just fine. Actually, after installing it on one box, I copied the whole shebang onto a flash drive, plugged into another box, and ran directly off the flash.

    The cursor has a bit of an annoying habit of disappearing when you move it, but settles in nicely when you stop. That is the only annoyance I have noticed.

    I have yet to work up the time and ambition for a Win98 load. It might work better, but on the other hand, it might work worse.
    On 32-bit XP, the Exile games run natively if you put them in compatibility mode. Why were you even using DOSBox?
  5. Originally Posted By: Master1
    Wait... Skyrim on PC requires you to install Steam? Well, I'm glad it's not available for Mac, or I'd be getting my money back. Nothing against Steam, but why would it be required by Bethesda?

    DRM to help prevent piracy. Of course it doesn't work. Cracked copies of the game hit torrent sites before it had even been launched, but that's the biggest reason for a developer to require Steam.
  6. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
    Not without violating the license agreement and modifying the virtual machine software. This is a legal gray area if you have actually purchased OS X, but even so, you still have to modify the software to get it to work in the first place.
  7. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    5? can you put MAC OS in a VM?
    You can run the latest version of OS X (10.7) in a VM and the server versions of 10.5 and 10.6 in VMs. I think you can do this only from an OS X host OS though. I haven't tried doing it from another OS.
  8. Originally Posted By: orphans of the american dream
    Originally Posted By: Skwish-E
    I was going to, but I did research and apparently 2k was just ME for businesses. And I thought it was a whole different thing. And pre-ME.
    It was, on both counts.
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