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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. There is also the fact that the underlying reason many people are against abortion has little to do with the life of the conceptus itself and a lot to do with imposing their own view of morality on others.



  2. The entire problem could be circumvented by requiring a federal ID card for every citizen. Ironically enough, a lot of the same people who are big proponents of requiring ID to vote are vehemently opposed to the idea of federal ID cards.

  3. Originally Posted By: Nutrient Paste Ochre
    Don't want low-population states ruled by high-population states? That's what state government is for. That's what the House of Representatives is for.
    I think you mean the Senate. By definition, the House gives more votes to states with higher populations.
  4. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    I know there are a lot of opinions regarding the electoral college. This was another one of those great compromises during the writing of the Constitution. This feature of our system ensures that every state will have at three votes in the presidential race, regardless of population. While that may not seem much considering the 55 votes apportioned to California, but without this buffer, Vermont, Montana, both Dakotas, etc might have no representation at all.
    If the electoral college were to be abolished entirely and the presidents chosen simply based on the results of the popular vote, then a citizen in Vermont would have exactly as much say as a citizen in California.
  5. Originally Posted By: Master1

    I stopped listening to Gingrich after the first debate, when he warned against EMP attacks.
    I am definitely not a big fan of Newt Gingrich, but EMP attacks actually are a real threat. It would only take a few large payload nuclear devices detonated in the atmosphere over the US to completely wipe out al electronic devices. If you think we are even slightly prepared for that, you're wrong.
  6. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    How do you go about hooking up a record player to a computer, and what does that accomplish? I usually go the opposite route, hooking my computer into my stereo system when I'm bored of my vinyl and the radio's less than stellar.
    My record player actually has a USB port on it and can be hooked up to my computer as an audio input device. If you have an older record player, you can certainly use adapters that would turn the output from RCA to standard minijack, which you can plug into most any computer.
  7. Originally Posted By: Fringy MacGee
    Now, the real question. Who's going to win in 2016? Chris Christie with a side of Tim Pawlenty?
    I wouldn't discount Hillary Clinton quite so quickly.
  8. They will automatically backup daily if you plug your iPad in to charge. If it is always plugged in, it will do it once every 24 hours, if it is not always plugged in, it will back up automatically if you plug it in more than 24 hours after the last backup. You can backup manually by pressing that backup now button.

  9. Originally Posted By: Master1
    This is the second best use of Wineskin I've seen. The best is the wrapper I have for Skyrim, once I buy the game.
    I found that performance was very poor using the Skyrim wrapper. After trying it out, I went back to booting into Windows to play.
  10. Spiderweb Software has released the v1.0.1 update of Avernum: Escape From the Pit for the Macintosh. This upgrade contains a wide variety of bug fixes and balance changes and is highly recommended. You can get the newest version here. Just download and install it. Your saved games and registration won't be affected.


    Release Notes

    • Problem that could cause Avernum to crash on system restart has been fixed.
    • Several encounters in the early game are now much easier.
    • Slain foes now give a little more experience.
    • Pressing Return in a special encounter dialog box with one item now closes it.
    • Strength and Dexterity tooltips corrected.
    • Gymnastics now affects chance to be hit correctly.
    • Divine Retribution now does magical damage.
    • Attacking neutral foes is no longer a crime.
    • It is now possible to take the tome in the Crypt of Drath after reading it.
    • The Flawless Shot discipline is now more effective.
  11. Originally Posted By: Kinsume
    Quartz Extreme and Core Image graphics

    I was just told over on the VMware forums that workstation 7 and 8 do not provide this feature. I'm not entirely sure what it is but does Avernum require it in order to run? Also do you know if other workstation's like 5 or 6 or something have it?
    Avernum requires Quartz Extreme. Earlier versions of VMware Workstation do not support it either.
  12. Originally Posted By: Excalibur
    I've tried Paintbrush but find it does not have the same functionality and ease of use as Paint, mostly because it's impossible to properly copy and paste things into a Paintbrush canvas (or crop them).
    Thanks to the power of Wineskin, you can have MS Paint in OS X.
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