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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel
    I really don't see how you'd think that porting from MacOS to Linux would be easy?
    OS X and Linux are both Unix-based operating systems. On the surface, this makes porting from one to the other seem rather straight forward. However, OS X uses APIs that Linux does not and vice versa. I many cases, it's no easier to port from OS X to Linux than it is to port from Windows. In fact, in the case of Spiderwebs games, which run quite well using Wine, it's actually simpler to port the Windows versions.
  2. Originally Posted By: Alorael
    It's not trivial getting the Baldur's Gate games to run on a modern Mac, though. I don't think they're Lion-compatible, and I haven't gotten them functional on Snow Leopard, either. You might have better luck with emulated OS 9 or even Windows.

    There also the GemRB project that has re-implemented the engine in a way that can be run on Mac, Windows, and everything else. I can't vouch for its accuracy or stability, but it's there.

    —Alorael, who has had enough trouble getting all the patches for optimal (read: to taste) Baldur's Gate working when not running it through a third-party engine. But that brings up the interesting problem that any remake incompatible with all the dozens and dozens of mods and enhancements would be good but possibly unable to match the earlier version, at least not without some heavy porting working.
    The games run flawlessly in Wine. The easiest way to play them on a modern Mac is to install the Windows versions using an implementation of Wine like Wineskin or CrossOver.
  3. In late 1999 or early 2000, I found the Nethergate demo on a disc that came with PC Gamer magazine. I played it over and over again. In the fall of 2002, I came to Spiderweb's site, finally bought Nethergate, and discovered the recently released Avernum trilogy. Three years later, I was replaying Nethergate and stumbled upon these forums while searching for help with something. The rest is history.

  4. Originally Posted By: BMA
    That was probably only a *filler*; an excuse for spamming through a signature. The links had nothing to do with Spidweb's games tongue

    Yeah, but you get custom resolution setting software on the web, you might want to try those.
    That will only work for resolutions smaller than the resolution of your screen. In this case, the OP's screen is 128 pixels too short.
  5. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Dikiyoba thought adequate vitamin D was fairly easy to come by just because so many diary products (and other foods?) have vitamin D was added to them. Is that wrong? Or a holdover from when people spent more time outside?
    Milk often has vitamin D added to it, but many people do not consume a lot of milk.
  6. Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    Well, I used "photosynthesis" because I lacked better terminology; biology isn't exactly my strong point.

    And the "pass the salt" thing was meant as tongue-in-cheek humor.
    You should know by now that, in this community, if there is an opportunity for pedantry, someone will take advantage of it.
  7. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    I may not agree with the Catholic church on certain issues, but it enrages me when I see legislation that would coerce them into actions that are contrary to their beliefs.
    On the same token, And I'm really not trying to get into a shouting match here, it enrages me that someone might have to pay for medical procedures out of pocket just because their employer belongs to a minority group that objects to those procedures.
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