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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. This has been discussed before. There was a Linux port of Exile 3 that did not sell well at all. All Spiderweb games run just fine using Wine. The number of Linux users who game and do not use Wine is very small indeed.

  2. The file can be located here:

    Home (Your Home Folder)/Library/Preferences/Avernum 6 Prefs


    Note, on OS X 10.7, which is presumably what your new Mac is running, the user library folder is hidden by default. The easiest way to access it is to click on the Go menu in Finder, then hold down the option key, you should see Library as one of the options.

  3. Originally Posted By: GingerGlaahk
    Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S

    What would have been much better: A "Quick Travel" feature as seen in Eschalon 2. You can zip along to various locations you've already visited, saving "sandwich time" spent walking across the world map.

    I actually think that this would ruin the game experience, because you are supposed to wander around, and not "zip" all over the place. The entire point is that you walk around, getting special encounters. Having a "Quick Travel" feature would greatly reduce game time and pretty much bore the player out.
    I didn't find this feature boring in Skyrim or Fallout New Vegas.
  4. Originally Posted By: MissSea
    I genuinely felt bad when I paid only $10 for this game (having received the aforementioned Avernum discount). Looking back, I shouldn't have said I had other games -- $20 is a STEAL for a game this involved and intense.

    And considering the fact that I guilted my in-laws into getting my husband a new laptop with the thinly held belief that he needs it for school and "why don't you get him a MacBook because Macs are SO much better" JUST so I could play this game now, instead of three to six months down the road, I should really be giving Jeff twice as much. In the interest of giving back ... and swinging the karma meter back my way. wink

    MissSea laugh
    I'm sure if you email Jeff asking if you may give him money, he will say yes. tongue
  5. Originally Posted By: Triumph
    Was Drakefyre an administrator prone to dispensing whimsical titles?
    Originally Posted By: Triumph
    As a simple matter of curiosity, who revises the forum titles each time a new game comes out (i.e. changing G5 titles to Avadon titles to Avernum titles)?
  6. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    I might give Tintin a go: The Secret of the Unicorn is probably my favourite Tintin book. Though I'm a bit apprehensive: have the characters been 'Hollywoodized'?
    I haven't seen the movie, but my problem with the trailer is that Tintin's nose is shaped like a normal nose.
  7. Originally Posted By: Android
    I can't find the title list. How much do I need to post to day to become a Triad Mage before the titles are changed again? Or was Triad Mage a custom title, I can't remember.

    A noble undertaking it will be either way.
    The can be found in the FAQ. Triad Mage was always a custom title.
    0 New Arrival
    50 Cave Denizen
    100 Trader
    150 Warrior
    200 Spelunker
    300 Expeditioner
    500 Adventurer
    1000 Ward of Avernum
    2000 Captain of Avernum
    3500 Commander of Avernum
    6000 Protector of Avernum
    10000 Hero
    20000 Legend
    40000 Postmaster General
    80000 Your Postliness
    1000000 Postaroni, Pizzabella!
  8. Originally Posted By: Erasmus
    Originally Posted By: Paint Quality Monitor
    —Alorael, who is most impressed that Terry Brooks is still getting published in a market saturated with bad fantasy and not too devoid of good fantasy.

    They even made a Shannara computer game smile
    Do you recommend reading the series?
    Yes, but stop after the Heritage of Shannara series and don't read any further unless you really want to.
  9. Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie
    it's not too mysterious.
    as far as i know there aren't more than five or six people who can do that
    Sixteen actually, unless I'm forgetting someone. It was not me, though, so that narrows it down to fifteen.
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