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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Originally Posted By: Skwish-E
    Abbadon isn't a place, it's a person (or entity).
    In Christian scripture, it is a person or entity. In Hebrew scripture, it is a place.

    Originally Posted By: Skwish-E
    Since Win 98 (OK, but not different enough from 95 to be considered a real version in my opinion)
    98 had considerably more support for networking than 95. It also used a different filesystem, much better USB support, and was the first version of Windows to support DVD drives. The UI was very similar to 95, but the differences under the hood were greater than the differences between Vista, which really wasn't that bad, and 7.
  2. Originally Posted By: Niemand
    In fact, the security systems present in Snow Leopard (which I'm still using) are already enough to cause annoyance in some cases. For instance, Apple made iTunes really ugly (uglier, anyway). I can fix it by replacing the icon and various graphics resources, but if I do, its checksum no longer matches, and every time I run it I get pestered about whether I really want to trust it with access to the network.
    For what it's worth, that will only happen if the Apple firewall is turned on, and it is turned off by default. As to how this affects game modding, I don't see how it does. Modding a game involves editing the game's files themselves, which means the sandboxing wouldn't matter in the slightest.
  3. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha
    Certainly in the Middle Earth campaign system by Iron Crown Enterprises, the only serious spellcasters are Animists (Priests) and Mages. Though this may just be a lame rip-off of Dungeons and Dragons.
    Rangers and Bards have a few spells. Fighters and Scouts have none.
    Yeah, they certainly didn't get that from Tolkien's books.
  4. Originally Posted By: In Half Now
    I'm not Halloweening. I will be busy instead.

    *goes away, leaving a trail of excited nano nano nano nano nano nano*
    Strictly speaking, you can't do anything for that until Halloween is over. tongue
  5. Originally Posted By: Kelandon
    Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    Originally Posted By: Kelandon
    I assume that's the fastest my Mac Mini can process data, not the fastest that my network can send/receive it.
    Even the original Mac Mini supports 54Mbps wireless and 100Mbps wired. Current models support 150Mbps wireless and 1Gbps wired, so that is not it.

    Is this not in any way limited by resources available (processor speed, memory, etc.)? Those are theoretical upper limits on one part of the machine, yes, but aren't there other internal things that keep it from reaching that theoretical upper limit?
    You might have problems reaching the 1Gbps speed, but all of the others should be attainable.
  6. Originally Posted By: Kelandon
    I assume that's the fastest my Mac Mini can process data, not the fastest that my network can send/receive it.
    Even the original Mac Mini supports 54Mbps wireless and 100Mbps wired. Current models support 150Mbps wireless and 1Gbps wired, so that is not it.
  7. 1558581564.png

    I finally remembered to run a test when I wasn't using bandwidth-hungry work apps. It's interesting that it still detects my ISP as Embarq. It's been over two years since CenturyTel and Embarq merged to become CenturyLink.


    Aran is absolutely right about ADSL. If downstream and upstream were equal, the best you could get out of a single phone line is about 6-7Mbps, and that is in perfect conditions. Most consumers do not need high upstream bandwidth, so it makes more since to provision customers at something like 10Mbps down and 1Mbps up. They're doing fancy things with DSL these days though. Bonded ADSL (like my connection) uses two phone lines for twice the bandwidth. VDSL (also known as fiber to the node) is the future though. Data is sent via fiber to the terminal in the neighborhood and then sent via copper wire to the unit. Using this, you can theoretically get 100Mbps up and down. No ISP that I know of actually offers those kinds of speeds though.

  8. Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    Yeah, I'm getting somewhat different results, too. I did some playing around, and here's what I got on some of the tests:
    Click to reveal..
    Speaking as someone who works in consumer technical support for a major ISP, I can definitely say that these speeds are not really varying all that much. You can see variances like this even with the same server.
  9. Originally Posted By: Trenton the dragon lord
    The avernites let them build a colony in their land after what happened in the third and fourth game? What is wrong with them? If I was in control, I would start a war with them, and somehow pull the empire in it >.> Im sure they would love to get back at them for destroying their land.
    Rentar-Ihrno : Vahnatai :: Osama bin Laden : Muslims.
  10. Originally Posted By: VCH
    So has anyone here attempted to drink 4 litres of milk in one sitting?

    Here in the US, where we still don't use the metric system, that's known as the "gallon challenge." When I was in high school, a kid tried to do it in the cafeteria one day. It did not end well.
  11. Originally Posted By: Mod.
    Not sure about ATI and Nvidia, but I for some reason favor ATI.

    As for AMD and Intel, I like AMD much better. I have two PCs with the same specs specs, besides the processors, and both have integrated graphics chips. The Intel one is supposed to be better and is brand new, while the AMD has been sitting around for a while getting cluttered. The AMD gets a steady FPS of at least 125 (where I cap it) on my favorite FPS on almost every map. The Intel often drops to around 40 FPS, despite having the graphics settings on the PC to max performance.
    You say they both have integrated graphics chips, but are they the same integrated graphics chips?
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