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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. 1. Which distro do you use? (Most of the time, if applicable, etc.)

    Over the years, I've experimented with Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, and Mandriva


    2. What keeps you using Linux?

    Nothing. I don't like it/


    3. What do you think is Linux's best point as an OS?

    It is free and can be infinitely configured.


    4. What do you think is Linux's most frustrating point?

    Everything. I run OS X, and I'm not afraid to use the terminal from time to time, but it seems that Linux users tend to live in the terminal, and I much prefer a functional GUI. Every time I have used Linux, I've had trouble with various things. Often it's a driver issue, or I have trouble installing something, etc. I do tech support for a living, have built and configured my own computers for over 10 years, and my primary desktop is a hackintosh, so I know my way around a computer. Of the three major OS choices, I find Linux to be the most frustrating.


    5. If Linux did not exist, what would you be using on your desktop?

    I use OS X, and will continue to use OS X.

  2. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Thanks for the changes. Emoticons seem to work; it's only the uncommon ones with the noise, so I wouldn't worry about that.
    The emoticons with noise are actually the emoticons that came with UBB Threads, ironically enough. After the upgrade, I copied over smile , frown , tongue , and rolleyes from the old UBB.
  3. Originally Posted By: The Ratt
    I've noticed that the mod flags that used to appear directly next to a mod's name now appear below it. Save some space by moving them back?
    Honestly, we could probably do without the flags at all. The blue and green text shows who are moderators well enough.
  4. Scenarios are platform-independent, so yes, you could play BoA scenarios with this (though I thought BoA was already a Universal app, wasn't it?). But you'd need the Windows graphics format, of course.


    Saved games are perhaps a slightly bigger issue. I don't suppose there's any chance of someone creating a saved-game converter? I guess it's not really that important, but it'd be nice not to lose progress. (Though, I can boot back to Snow Leopard to play them as well, so even without a converter I don't need to lose progress.)

    BoA is in fact Universal, so it's not an issue.
  5. Originally Posted By: MM*
    Lest you forget, I am but a simple-minded naive compared to the massive intellect of the collective of this board.
    The word you are looking for is knave. I don't believe for one minute that you are naive. tongue
  6. Originally Posted By: Aʀᴀɴ
    Originally Posted By: Iffy
    You'll crush a spider a few months from now

    Wow, that's exactly how I came back! tongue
    You were able to get near enough to a spider to crush it? tongue
  7. I have no issues with people choosing whatever sexual and gender orientations they feel the most comfortable with. It is their life, and they should live it whatever way they choose. It saddens me deeply (and fills me with rage at times) that other people are close-minded enough to feel differently. I have never understood how it matters in the slightest to anyone else how someone personally chooses to identify themselves.

  8. Since you were given a registration key without having to provide a demo code, I'm guessing the game you are referring to is either Avadon or Avernum: Escape from the Pit. You can download the demos of all Spiderweb games here. When you launch the demo, you will see a menu option to register. Click on this and enter the registration key you were given. You will now have the full game.

  9. Originally Posted By: ShieTar
    I never heard a comment about my shaven legs somehow being a female quality.
    Perhaps it's not in Germany, but it certainly is here in the US. I am an avid cyclist myself, and I can guarantee that if I were to shave my legs, my friends would joke about it. It would be good natured joking to be sure, but there would be jokes all the same. Your point about no one having any way to know if a woman wears pants is valid though.
  10. Originally Posted By: ShieTar
    Are you suggesting that I base my conception of the american society on Bush's behaviour? I would rather not do that. I am already hard at work trying to balance the rubish I see in american media with the good experiences I have with personel experiences with americans. I am sure I will be shocked for the rest of my life by the fact that a person without any recognisable skills and an apparent IQ of 70 could survive the supposedly democratical process of a vote, but please don't tell me that I should consider him as a typical example of the american male.
    I do not have a very fond opinion of George W. Bush, but he is hardly an imbecile. His policies were antithetical to most of my beliefs, but that does not mean has was an idiot. The man is intelligent. Others are smarter to be sure, but an IQ of 70 would put him firmly in the mentally disabled category, and that is completely false.

    Also, if one were to rely entirely on intelligence quotient as a measure of how smart someone is, (not a practice I would endorse) that would mean I am almost exactly twice as smart as he is. I consider myself to be intelligent, but that's a bit preposterous. tongue
  11. Originally Posted By: Oov3Zuaf
    On desura itself there's quite a few posts about emailing spiderweb directly and asking politely about this, but I think this forum would be a much better place, as you can reach many people with just one post.
    You're reaching more people, but you're not reaching more people that can actually do anything about it. You're reaching the Spiderweb community. We play the games and can answer questions, but we have no control over business decisions of the company. Emailing Spiderweb sends your message to Jeff, Mariann, and Linda, who are the only people who can actually do anything about this.
  12. Originally Posted By: Oov3Zuaf
    On desura itself there's quite a few posts about emailing spiderweb directly and asking politely about this, but I think this forum would be a much better place, as you can reach many people with just one post.
    You're reaching more people, but you're not reaching more people that can actually do anything about it. You're reaching the Spiderweb community. We play the games and can answer questions, but we have no control over business decisions of the company. Emailing Spiderweb sends your message to Jeff, Mariann, and Linda, who are the only people who can actually do anything about this.
  13. Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit
    Calvinball: Create your own tutorial.
    Nico has mentioned that the school she went to in Massachusetts actually had Calvinball as an activity.
  14. Originally Posted By: Sylae
    Kind of sad, really, that that typo will live on for all eternity tongue
    Yes. I make typos like that all the time. Halfway through a sentence, I decide to word it differently and don't change what I have already typed. I suspect my brain may be faulty. tongue
  15. When I announced the closure of nethergate.net, Niemand graciously offered to absorb it into his webspace. Since the SV forum was basically dead at that point, we decided to make an archive of the data rather than go through the effort of transferring the forum itself. All the other pages on my site are still up at their original URLs.

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