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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    And it would be a poor argument.
    Italian is very clearly rooted in Latin. The inhabitants of Italy spoke Latin, which over the course of the last 1400 years, has evolved into Italian. Obviously, they are no longer the same language, but Italian is most definitely a direct descendant of Latin.
    Originally Posted By: JamesMighty
    You know, some of us (probably just me) would consider that offensive.
    I apologize if I have caused offense, but I am unsure how I could have done so.
  2. The argument could be made that Latin is in fact Italian, just a very old version of it. tongue


    On topic, if statistical data can be gleaned from a thread, Slarty will do so and post the results.

  3. satire - noun. A literary technique of writing or art which principally ridicules its subject often as an intended means of provoking or preventing change. Humour is often used to aid this.
  4. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    I can't remember at the moment the African country that was undergoing hyperinflation so that it kept having to print new currency to replace the stacks of old currency. The rebel opposition tried to get the European companies that supplied the paper needed for the currency to stop so that the government would collapse. The inability to print money would effectively cripple the government.
  5. Apparently, WS.Reputation.1 is a feature of Norton that analyzes programs based on "many aspects of a file, including file age, file download source, digital signature, and file prevalence" to determine if it may be suspicious. My guess is that it's flagging A:EftP because it is relatively new and is not something a lot of people run on their computers. It should be completely safe to tell Norton to STFU and run the game.

  6. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    Blackberry was pretty common the last time I was in the Pacific Northwest. It's also sold at the grocery store here in backwoods Colorado, so who knows what that says about its distribution.
    Based on your sample set, it has 100% distribution. tongue
  7. Originally Posted By: Grail Shadowblade
    Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
    not even full HD resolution, although full HD reso monitors and laptops cost quite much if have good panel so .........

    It's a fully HD capable widescreen resolution... Just ask the laptop.
    That's because 720p is considered HD. What Earth Empires means is that it is not 1080p.
  8. I refuse to vote due to the absence of the greatest Spiderweb game. It's disappointing remake is included, but I much prefer the original.



  9. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    The companies push certain selections and when you search through their catalogs you get blocked from what you want.
    They give you suggestions, certainly, but I have yet to use a service that will not show me what I'm searching for if I search for something that isn't on their suggestion list.
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