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Posts posted by Tyranicus

  1. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    So you can't boot off CDs? That's stupid. Surely you could boot off another hard drive, though...?
    Lion does not come on a disc. You can purchase a USB installer or make your own with a thumb drive and the downloadable installer.
  2. Originally Posted By: Master1
    For starters, [user]/library is hidden by default. Really, though, I suppose it's not that bad. I think my bigger issue was not being able to downgrade the OS if I chose.
    It's hidden, but its easy to access for anyone who actually wants to do anything in the library. At the end of the day, the average Mac user neither knows nor cares about the library. Windows has been hiding system files for years.
  3. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Goat heads are evil, evil little weeds.
    I'm so glad you mentioned they were weeds. I had never heard of them before, and thought maybe Excalibur lived in an area strewn with the heads of slaughtered goats. tongue
  4. Originally Posted By: U883r 1337 !7r3n70n
    God dammit Tyran. I just lost the game.

    You just HAD to do it, didn't you -.-
    Yes, I did. Not informing you of my loss would be cheating. tongue
  5. Originally Posted By: Homage
    in related news has anyone heard anything about the arrested development movie or am I still more likely to have a jetpack.
    The last I heard, it was coming back as a show exclusively on Netflix.
  6. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ĐªŔŦĦ ËRNIË</div><div class="ubbcode-body">when i read the final scene with jon snow i actually screamed. he was practically the final original character left.

    I'm not convinced he's completely dead. Remember that Jon is a warg, and the prologue to that book was all about how skin changers can flee into another body when they die. Of the characters who had chapters in the first book, quite a few of them are still alive. Eddard and Jon are dead, and Catelyn is semi-dead, but Sansa, Arya, Bran, Tyrion, and Daenerys are all still alive.If you add characters who were present in the first book, but did not get chapters until later in the series, the ratio of alive/dead is even higher. Theon, Sam, Cersei, and Barristan are all alive. Jaime is currently being lead to his death, but I would not count him out just yet either.

  7. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    I was referring mainly to GRRM's decision to split the fourth book in half by location and put the best characters in the second half, then taking eternity to publish it. A Feast for Crows rivals Crossroads of Twilight for disappointing entries into otherwise decent series.
    Not only that, but A Dance with Dragons does this with the characters that do appear in that book. Davos inexplicably disappears halfway throughout the book, for instance.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    The VPN is down, so since I can't get much work done anyway, it's time to continue with the WoT Recap!

    I haven't been paying attention for exploitable quotes, so have some fanart instead. Check out the 'stages of' ones, or just Mat putting his foot in his mouth.

    Fun fact: it will be a year since I started these recaps in two days. I'm gonna start making them shorter, 'cause I've been putting off recaps, to the point where I'm reading faster than recapping.

    Click to reveal.. (Book Seven)

    Book Seven opens with the dust still settling after Dumai's Wells. We see that Rand hasn't really taken his captivity well. Most of it is from Perrin's POV. We switch over to Egwene, who's solidifying her position as Amyrlin, getting oaths of fealty, sometimes though blackmail. Good stuff so far. Then we switch Ebou Dari.

    For the few of you who don't know, this book has one of the male main characters being pursued by a cougar, who also happens to be a queen. Alright, nothing wrong with that being in a book. And then the queen starts trapping him in the palace, and later pulls a knife on him.

    Let me make one thing clear. I am not against rape being depicted in literature, as long as the topic is given the weight it deserves (and yes, rape; lack of consent -> rape). And this bit? Played for laughs. And it's not like Jordan can't deal with the topic of rape. Faile almost gets raped in Book Ten, and it's dealt with... adequately (I won't say well). Morgase gets raped by Valda in this book (off-screen), as well as Rahvin earlier, and there's a good chance her relationship with Elayne's father wasn't that great either. But apparently things are different when the victim is male.

    What makes me more upset is how some of the other characters view this as justified comeuppance. Mat's all about casual sex, but (correct me if I'm wrong) he never pursued anyone who didn't express interest, and he certainly never forced himself on anyone.

    But what really boggles my mind is Mat's thoughts on things. It seems that Jordan was trying to depict Mat as just being baffled by Tylin; he just wasn't used to women pursuing men, that's all. I respond to that with one word: Melindhra. Mat seemed pretty fine with assertive women then.

    (And while we're on the subject of Melindhra, I'm going to answer a common rebuttal: no, Mat wasn't going to "do more" to defend himself, not when he will do anything before letting another woman be harmed by his hands.)

    Anyway, yeah. I consider this to be the nadir of the series, for this part alone. How on earth did this get past the editor... oh, right. The editor was the author's wife.

    I don't want to know.

    There's not too much to talk about with the Ebou Dari subplot. The Kin is discovered, and they end up finding the MacGuffin they were looking for. Oh, and Mat saves their ungrateful asses again, but that's sort of a thing for him.

    Oh, almost forgot! Moggy ends up killing two of Nynaeve's bodyguards. And Nyn tries to hide this from Mat. I understand that Nynaeve is supposed to be a flawed character, like every other character in the series, but hiding soldiers' deaths from their commanding officer is a whole new level of horribleness. I could maybe see this from other characters, but from someone who used to be in a position of civic authority?

    Let's switch back to Rand, hopefully we don't get anyone annoying in this subplo- oh, hello, Cadsuane!

    Actually, Cads doesn't bother me as much as she used to. I was never sure if Jordan meant for her domineering arrogance to be a good thing, or if she was just another flawed character. But Book Twelve made it clear it was the latter. Again, I don't mind flawed, 'annoying' characters, so long as there's some redemptive arc involved.

    After Rand gets his moping done, the rest of his subplot reads like a to-do list. He parleys with the Sea Folk, then he checks out the Cairhienin and Tairen rebels. During which he get his ass handed to him by Padan Fain (who apparently can summon Mashadar wherever now). Once he recovers, he blitzes Illian, and kills Sammael.

    I had a recent discussion with a friend, and he said that the series went downhill once teleportation was discovered. He said that Jordan started packing all his action into the last few chapters of each book, and I can see his point -- perhaps not for every book in the series, but at least for this one.

    I consider this book, along with Books Five and Ten, to be the three bad ones (and the prequel, of course). But while Books Five and Ten are bad because of their pace, Book Seven is mostly bad because of those flies in the Shiraz that I was talking about.

    Don't lose hope though, things do look up with Book Eight (which, ironically, is a book all about losing hope).

    Achievements for Team Light: The Bowl of Winds is retrieved, the rebel claimants are dispersed, Sammael is toast.

    Forsaken count: Two rezzed, total of one dead, two erased.

    Seals count: Total of four destroyed, three intact.

    Okay, not that much shorter at all.
    Click to reveal..
    I forget; does the wall fall on Mat at the end of this book, or is that in the next book?
  9. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    I have a browser extension that converts Comic Sans to Helvetica. It makes the internet much more bearable.

    Do they have it for Chrome*? If so, kindly direct me to it.

    * Perhaps a browser poll is an order one of these days.
    I have no idea if there is a similar Chrome extension. I use Safari.
  10. Originally Posted By: !NsFw = NOT SAFE FOR WOONA D:
    I just noticed a poll option...


    (I only picked it because it sounded funny at the time -.-)
    I think it's probably fair to say that Rowan was not in his right mind when creating this poll. Whether or not he is ever in his right mind is up for debate. tongue
  11. Originally Posted By: ĐªŔŦĦ ËRNIË
    i use both AVG free and MSE i find that they work well in concert and often one will catch what the other doesn't.

    on the resource question i just upped the ram to 6 gig and that seems to have it covered
    It is a very bad idea to run two active-scan antivirus programs on your computer at once. It can cause serious issues.
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