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Everything posted by Dolphin

  1. You need to do the kill Khyryk quest before Master Hoge will speak with you.
  2. I finished GF3 with a Shaper and an Agent. I haven't played with a Guardian, as I am so accustom to shaping creations. My Shaper would always have points in melee, magic and shaping so he could fight for himself. My Agent had points in melee and shaping with an emphasis on magic. Her main attack was magic, but I wanted her to be able to make decent creations as well. Each class comes out more or less equal in level and capability by the end of the game for me.
  3. *fingers the little padlock picture* = There is too much spam and not enough relevant information.
  4. There are two Gazer canisters? Are you sure about that? I remember one, but it's been some time.
  5. A brief test with a level one Shaper and Greta: PC starts with 0 experience. Greta starts with 3100 experience. Killing a low level creature in South End gave a total of 120 experience. PC received 112 experience points for said creature - new total is 112. Greta received 9 experience points for said creature - new total is 3109. PC got roughly 93% and Greta got roughly 7% The same portions are given no matter who killed the creature. Note this is for one creation (in this case Greta) I really hope I didn't screw up the elementary math.
  6. Have you spoken to Khyryk? He will send you to Agetha's mansion to read her notes. Return to him and tell him what you find. Do not free the Shapers before reporting back to Khyryk, as it will complicate things. He will give you the key. This thread will help if you have trouble with Khyryk.
  7. Can give a little more information. Are you a rebel or a loyalist? Have you spoken to everyone? The dock is within Khor's Deeps.
  8. The higher your level, your shaping level, and your level in creating the specific creation are, the stronger the creature will be. The creature will be stronger if you create new one every once in a while. Look at the stats of creations you've had for a while, and save the game. Than absorb them and make new ones, and than look up their stats. The creations made with greater skill will be born at a higher level.
  9. I always preferred Greta to Alwan, as she has both magic and melee attacks. I would have liked it if Alwan had javelins at least.
  10. Playing strictly for Zakary you will not learn level three Gazer. You would need to play for the Takers, or remain unallied until the last minute. You could also join the Takers, gain the skills, and than go join Zakary. Level three Gazer will give you an Eyebeast.
  11. Greta and Alwan are not really necessary. They give opinions at different times in the game, but nothing you need to know. Only one will stay with you, and even the one who chooses to stay may leave if you do certain things. They are good early on if you are dying a lot, as a lackey that reincarnates endlessly can come in handy. If you are doing well on your own you'll advance faster if you don't have to share the experience points.
  12. From what I've seen in your update it looks good. If I knew what I was looking for I could report better, but for now I can't play the first or second island again. Maybe it's just me, but I've always liked using the editors where you would go to a sign or an obelisk to cheat. If someone needed items, skills, spells, experience, money…. they would go through a series of menus to get what they want. That way there is an option to receive level appropriate equipment, rather than the most powerful items in the game after opening the very first door. Though Alwan joining you gives you maxed stats, very nice if you want to play as a God. This makes it so you can't take Alwan with you without heavily cheating. Placing these options in an obelisk or the testing ground would give the option of playing the game without cheating, but still using your scripts. Maybe an option to raise stats by 1,2,4,5,10,30 would make it so one could cheat a little or a lot. I hope I wrote that without being offensive.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Mikkyo: ya but whenever i do that it nothing different happens in the game. Unless I'm mistaken you are saying... You put your scripts folder somewhere else, and than put abbandon's edited scripts folder in the GF3 files folder. When you opened the game after doing that nothing was different?
  14. I don't know where the Shapers are, but each pool has a control panel somewhere near by. They are all very close, as long as your mechanics is up you can turn them off.
  15. No need to get upset. If you release an editor you should expect everyone to tell you everything they find.
  16. 1. You have to help the Shapers to get to the Creator. Remember that servile that was sent to contact you. He said it's okay to help the Shapers, help the people, or kill the rouges if need be. If you don't help both sides you'll never get off the island. 2. The rouges in all areas will stop attacking you once the creator is fixed. It's worth the experience to clear them all out. 3. Spharon will only talk before attempting to kill you. There is no way to make peace, as he is canister crazy and doesn't want you getting praise and rewards he should be getting. I don't have a save file at that point in the game, but I believe he was the one who said that. Either way, he wont spare you.
  17. The first time I tried as an Agent, and the second time as a Shaper. If you have Alwan join the group with the PC at level one the result is 96 in essence.
  18. Aside form not being a Shaper again, it would also be nice to fight something besides Drakons and Ur-Drakons. I would like to see the final battle be with something completely new.
  19. In the Geneforge, Shaping, and Holding. This belongs in Geneforge 2 forum,
  20. Quote: Originally written by Leonard: Why dont we make a Mac vs Windows thread in the general section Please don't.
  21. Bug Report: On Greenwoold Isle in the Lair of the creator I found the following: 1. The first time I entered the mine I did “dbugkill” since I was attacked with nothing near me. What happened was the Spawner had joined me and was being attacked. The creator and all other creatures aside form the Shade and the Spawner died. I was not able to leave the mine until I dismissed the Spawner. 2. I loaded the saved file to see if I could get a different result. This time the Spawner did not join me when I entered the mine, and has not joined me since. I tried the “dbugkill” upon entering again, and the Spawner did not join me. 3. When the Spawner was in my group (the first trial) I clicked the “?” to see its stats. The picture in the stats window looked like colorful TV snow. Edit: On Harmony Island in San Ru When the PC asks Diwaniya to join the group. You are taken to the response of having asked about Diwaniya ever seeing Litalie, but the NPC does not join the group,
  22. You are only able to carry things up to a certain weight, which depends on your strength level. Edit: That is in combat, I've never tried out of combat.
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