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Everything posted by Sullust

  1. Even with 3d engines becoming more and more powerful, I don't think 2d games will ever disappear from the market. They have an old-school charm...
  2. While DS homebrew is certainly useful. I'm not sure if the DS can support enough memory(even with the external ram packs) to run it...
  3. It preserves continuity. Can't have you waiting around until Avernum 4 is supposed to occur and then seeing nothing new happen...
  4. I'd love to have them. However I'm a bit cautious about having others email me. I'd prefer if they were hosted online so I could download them on my own time. I know Alec has some of the graphics; however, I don't think his set includes terrain. I'd also like the original Exile I graphics...
  5. Do you have the complete set of original Exile II graphics?
  6. This is probably extremely wishful thinking, but a port to DS via 'homebrew' would be nice...
  7. Related to this, would it be possible to make bows and arts as useful in BoE as they are in the Avernum series?
  8. E1 can be ridiculously easy if you know what you're doing...
  9. Just cast haste and run. It's easier just to avoid the mess. If you're getting killed by the breathing just drop a few antimagic fields down...
  10. Having only 4 of the 5 brooches. This by itself isn't that bad, unless you save after you use them to teleport...
  11. I have it; however, I don't use it. It's more for completion I guess...
  12. Well it was a bit overpowered. Who can stop a mage walking around with 600 sp?
  13. Quote: Originally written by The Mystic: I agree, especially if you're referring to E1. That one can be really tough, even with a full party. Exile I was incredibly easy; spiders didn't shoot webs. Now in Exile 2, there were many occasions where I had to quit the program because I was continually getting webbed...
  14. In Exile II/Avernum 2 you walk on the roof of the lower portion of Ornotha Ziggurat in order to escape...
  15. Why not just set a flag when the party enters the region of terrain they can dig in? Then it's just a matter of checking the flag... EDIT: And giving a party a shovel and then telling them they can only dig at one place is questionable in itself. Why not just have the shovel let them dig anywhere and just make them find nothing if they are elsewhere?
  16. Actually, using an the acid spell you can get the box without any trouble...
  17. If you're loaded on energy potions you could cut a tunnel through the quickfire. Casting antimagic cloud gives a chance of clearing away quickfire. In this case you can cast a fire barrier. Utilizing this technique you can slowly form a tunnel of clear space to walk through. However, I only suggest this method if you are really bored.
  18. There is a random number generator; however, you'd have to use up several nodes to even place a party randomly in a small section of a town.
  19. I wasn't irritated by the lack of replies. Rather it was the fact that people who replied didn't give the answer, but rather just admitted that they don't know the answer.
  20. As it turns out the first one placed is the one that matters, thanks for being unhelpful...
  21. I seem to have forgotten, and I think an answer can be provided faster than I'm willing to test it. If are description Rectangles overlap, which one gets displayed, the one placed first or the one placed last? Also, don't ask why I want to know this.
  22. Perhaps the cave worms spend most of their life in a dormant state in the soil. Every couple of centuries they wake up in mass to breed and then go back under.
  23. You don't need to use that passage way to kill the leader of the evil nephilim. It is possible to travel to him directly, but the pass is guarded by a few archers.
  24. The Experience bonus for choosing a goblin would have to be quite large though. You'd have a level 30 character before finishing the first quarter of the game...
  25. Go to Fort Dranlon. Head southwest until you catch sight of a small building in a swamp. From there head inside and down the stairs. This will lead you into the chitrach tunnels. Head north from this section and you'll be in the appropriate area. Just explore around and you'll find a section cut off by a barrier. The test is past the barrier.
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